Speaking from the point of view from an adult "thirtysomething" gamer...no, a video game should not be made to feel like "work". I work for a living in real life and don't want to come home to what feels like another part time job gaming. Yes, I do want trivial, repetitive tasks handed to me on a silver platter. No, I don't need to spend more than half of the time on a quest finding the original person who gave it to me. Yes, a little hand holding though mundane parts of a quest is nice. Yes it's nice to have a "create all" button when crafting 10 potions instead of clicking on 100 different items and making 3000 mouse clicks just to make one of them. Call me crazy, weird, and way off base, but a video game should NOT be all that hard, just challenging and enjoyable.
Youre not crazy, weird, or off base. Its just EQ and EQ2 are not for you, nor are they intended to be.
You (and others) have to realize than EQ freaks seek precisely what you dont like. We want things to be long, tedious, and time-consuming. We want things to be hard to find. We want the game to last for years.
These are heavily social games. Ive been in the same guild for over five years now, and made many wonderful friends. We now have annual RL get-togethers. And when we gather at the local pub we dont sit and chat about how fast we leveled, how easy the game was, or how convenient the "combine all" key is. We talk about all those horrible CRs, losing corpses, how long it took to reach the next max level, taking many hours and multiple tries to beat some boss mob, etc. There is a great sense of accomplishment in overcoming great difficulty ... to US. THATS what we like.
I want to sweat blood to get there. I want my beds of coals to walk over. And when I get to the other side, in my own little snotty elitist way, I take great pleasure in knowing there are no Shobus there.
As far as I am concerned, they should have made EQ2 more time-consuming, more tedious, and more painful
First of all Shobu, please STFU. You don't play the game, you don't like the game, yeah yeah we get it. No-one here want to listen to the same tired old shyte.
To the original poster:
1) Guild up, this will immensely improve your grouping opportunities.
2) You might consider a more group friendly class, healer, chanter, shammy, tank. All are needed by every group.
3) ANY guard in ANY zone will point you to ANY npc if you right click the guard. EVERY quest gives you the name of the required npc and usually the zone. No offense but I am soooo sick of the "I can never find the righ npc" BS. If you can't get through simple quests, this aint for you.
4) The map system is flawless, use it. You should never get lost in the cities, use the map, use the mariner bells, tp'ing in this game has been made extremely simple.
5) Crafting - yes its slightly broke, name one mmorpg that didnt start with broken crafting, except maybe Betabane. If you are bent on that part of it, come back in 6 months.
Youre not crazy, weird, or off base. Its just EQ and EQ2 are not for you, nor are they intended to be.
You (and others) have to realize than EQ freaks seek precisely what you dont like. We want things to be long, tedious, and time-consuming. We want things to be hard to find. We want the game to last for years.
These are heavily social games. Ive been in the same guild for over five years now, and made many wonderful friends. We now have annual RL get-togethers. And when we gather at the local pub we dont sit and chat about how fast we leveled, how easy the game was, or how convenient the "combine all" key is. We talk about all those horrible CRs, losing corpses, how long it took to reach the next max level, taking many hours and multiple tries to beat some boss mob, etc. There is a great sense of accomplishment in overcoming great difficulty ... to US. THATS what we like.
I want to sweat blood to get there. I want my beds of coals to walk over. And when I get to the other side, in my own little snotty elitist way, I take great pleasure in knowing there are no Shobus there.
As far as I am concerned, they should have made EQ2 more time-consuming, more tedious, and more painful
First of all Shobu, please STFU. You don't play the game, you don't like the game, yeah yeah we get it. No-one here want to listen to the same tired old shyte.
To the original poster:
1) Guild up, this will immensely improve your grouping opportunities.
2) You might consider a more group friendly class, healer, chanter, shammy, tank. All are needed by every group.
3) ANY guard in ANY zone will point you to ANY npc if you right click the guard. EVERY quest gives you the name of the required npc and usually the zone. No offense but I am soooo sick of the "I can never find the righ npc" BS. If you can't get through simple quests, this aint for you.
4) The map system is flawless, use it. You should never get lost in the cities, use the map, use the mariner bells, tp'ing in this game has been made extremely simple.
5) Crafting - yes its slightly broke, name one mmorpg that didnt start with broken crafting, except maybe Betabane. If you are bent on that part of it, come back in 6 months.
Requiiem, Coercer
Requiiem, Templar