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I was going to be a priest and that was my character in the OB. But it just seems to me that the support spells and other buffs are not enough to compensate for the fact that you cannot wear anything other than cloth early on and the overall fact that they are weak.
I know that they are supposed to be really kick butt on higher lvls and would like to hear why.
I almost feel like choosing a hunter instead but I like being a support character.
Please change my mind b/c I really liked the idea of being the Undead Priest!
Dancing with the ladies!!
Dancing with the ladies!!
I will be playing an Undead Priest as 1 of my 3 characters total. I had one up to lvl 15 in OB and really enjoyed it, there very versatile, and are great for groups and good to solo with because of self healing.
I wouldnt worry about what other people play, and because WoW is relatively easy to lvl, you can always reroll a month down the track...The power of classes come and go as adjustments and balancing take place, its a matter of what you like now is all that counts.
If you don't want to be a primary healer you can always just focus on the shadow and discipline talents. When you've spent 30 talent points in shadow talents, you'll receive shadow form in which you do 15% enchanced shadow damage with your priest shadow nukes, but 15% less physical damage with weapons (something traditional priests don't really need anyways) and won't be able to cast holy spells, that is you won't really be able to heal. There is a shadow ability, which you learn with talents as well, that'll have you healing your group with 15% of the damage that you do. Priest is always a wanted class, even as a shadow nuker. A word of warning though: Shadow nukers are monster magnets so you'll want someone with good taunts to party with you.
Heard shadow spec priests are badass in pvp.
Destroy Yourself , See Who Gives A FUC|{
In last ST/OB I got my Human priest up to lvl 29 and most of it at the beginning was me healing group members. However once I started to get higher level I found myself being able to solo and damage in a group a lot easier. If you discapline/shadow spec you will be set. Just a warning though, groups will want you for your healing abilites so if you dont want to be a primary healer most of the time don't play a priest. No matter what anyone says you CAN heal and do good dmg as long as your talents are spec'd right. Priests are pretty damn good PvPers from experience. I only lost to 1 person and he was a shaman 3 levels above me. Other than that I PvP'd a 31 orc warrior, 34 orc warrior(who really sucked) and a 30 tauren druid easily(all at lvl 29). I also dueled a crap load of alliance guys and only lost to a few people that were 3+levels
So to basically sum up if you are worried about not being able to do damage dont be worried its there. I love healing people too... IT makes me feel like a hero. <---- dont make fun of me ><
:: Botan ::
:: Botan ::
I played a dwarf priest up to 15th level and I though he was great. With the dwarf racial ability of Stoneskin I had no probem soloing creatures a level higher than my own. The mix of healing and offensive spell casting made for short down time as well.
Heck yeah! Priests are great... I love being a support class too and had fun leveling my Priest to lvl 19 in the first stress test. I'm gonna have 3 main characters: a NE Priest, a NE Druid, and a human Warlock. I played a Warlock in the OB and had a lot of fun but I missed my buffs and heals.
Priests overall are VERY fun b/c when you are grouped, you can easily establish yourself as a leader and most anyone will want you in their group for the sole fact that you have their lives in your hands. There's never a shortage of desire for Priests and making friends is very easy. At high levels you can have fun mind controlling people and I'm sure it takes a while for that to get old. Let's just say that a Priest should never lose a duel when close to a bubbling pool of lava. Plus, if you spec shadow, you can pack a pretty decent punch while still being able to heal effectively. I'll be speccing holy b/c there's just nothing like smiting down enemies with forms of holy punishment. Plus, I wanna be a great healer and have lots of support capabilities.