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i5 430
ATI 5470
4gb DDR3 1066
500gb 7200rpm
The GFX isn't super powerful, but for $960, I couldn't pass it up. I was looking for a laptop anyway and only planned on $700 MAX and was looking for anything with a 17" and a dedicated card. But this baby has a big screen, thin size, and has awesome specs for $960. I've bought much much worse for more before.
17,3" is big?
Where did you find that becouse for that money you could have got a better laptop or even better pc.
I gave a link.
My PC beats the hell out of it and it's a year and a half old.
And no, I couldn't find a better laptop for that price. lol. Unless I wanted to downgrade to that Acer a few threads down, but I'd rather buy something I know isn't going to fall apart in a week.
Also, check the weight and dimensions of it. It's comparible to a MacBook. I didn't want a portable desktop.
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Sweet laptop, Altec Lansing speakers, led backlit screen, core i5, 6.9 pounds for 17 inches is rather light...Id be pissed not having BT to be honest though. Heres what I want, click it to see the website. Iv always loved laptops, I have an alienware im typing on right now cept its been half way down for awhile, my harddrive went out on me, stupid hitachi... Asus is a great brand though, lots of good products from asus. I get excited when some one posts about geting a new laptop or anything to do with laptops in general cause they dont get much attension in the gaming aspect of things, and are always put down.
That looks pretty, but if you notice when you go to customize, they give you the lowest of the low parts.
I didn't even know they made 800mhz DDR3.....
But, the GFX does beat the hell out of the 5470. I honestly didn't care about GFX as much as I did the processor. The games that I usually run on a laptop, are pretty low quality and the 5470 will play everything out right now. I was mainly looking for something with a dedicated GFX and a good processor on a machine with a big screen that was light. What I found was perfect for that :-D
There is a really good deal on newegg for an ASUS with a GTS 360 (beats yours) an i7 and the rest of the specs the same as mine for $1100.................... except 15.6". Considering one of the main things I do with a laptop is watch movies on the road, I couldn't deal with 15.6". There's only 2", but there is a big difference..... not to mention the extended keyboard. But, it's alot better than 11.6" on yours. lol
That machine whoops yours up and down and is about the same price, after you upgrade that Alienware to proper specs for a laptop.
Have you ever seen a 11.6" screen? That's the size of a netbook. It'll make it a little bit more portable, but a 15.6" isn't a whole lot bigger. (15.6 - 17 viewing is a big diff.... 11.6 - 15.6 portability isn't a big diff) It adds like 3lbs, but meh. 4.6lbs on a 11.6" is like carry around a brick.
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Your system is already pwned. For just another price category up.
I don't like MSI either, tbh. They are iffy, some of their stuff is high quality, some of it's extremely low and it's kind of a roll of the dice to which one you get. I personally haven't had good experience with their PC parts, but I know people who've never had a problem...... kind of the same deal with Tiger Direct.
HOWEVER........ I think I got boned though. lol. This laptop discontinued the very next day...... that's never a good sign! lol I'm still happy with it. Super light and super big, with enough power to push what I need it to push.
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A dell studio would have been another good choice for what type of laptop your looking into. The m11x has great battery life is one of the main reasons of why its impressive, you can game on it for 3 hours without it being pluged in, and can multitask with it for 6-8 hours. Plus you can fit it into a large lined coat if you wanted to or in your cars middle counsel or in one of those elastic holders on the seats or in your passenger drawer...ITs made for mobility, with the horsepower of a regular non mobile laptop.
As for the asus and msi, those are two premium laptops with some of the best price ratio to performace you can get. Although the asus g51j's have had a tendancy to blue error constanly, and the msi has a TFT screen, no bluethooth and costs 400 more then the m11x.