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Just gonna use rough template of one of the stickies to help convey what im looking for.
PvP - I dont really mind for pvp, preferably things like battlegrounds with ocassional open world pvp. Im not a fan of losing items to PvP though.
Solo or group oriented
Solo whilst leveling, with occasional grouping. Then mainly group endgame.
Graphic style - I hoenstly dont mind about graphics as long as the ui is bearable and the game doesnt look 10 years old.
View - 2.5D, or 3D
Leveling preference - Questing mainly, dungeons whilst leveling would be nice but not needed.
Free to play (F2P) or pay to play (P2P)
Im fine with both, whichever seems to provide a more fitting game.
World - Open world with dungeons, im not a fan of the Guild Wars type style dungeon/world
Controls - WASD or point and click doesnt really bother me (although im more inclined to WASD)
Theme - Preferably a fantasy based game
MMO Type - RPG or Stratergy based.
Game Difficulty
Id like it if leveling was easy but not too easy. End game (if there is endgame, hopefully there is) would have a range from easy to very hard.
In depth character customizations - I dont mind about character customization i dont care if there are only 3 hairstyles or whatever... It needs to have classes though, i dont like the idea of being able to do everything and just branching into a skill type
Other things that might help:
-Ive played WoW its good i just need a break
-Ive played a LOT of f2p mmos but WoW is only p2p ive played
-I enjoy weapon/armour glows from upgrading systems
-I hate games where killing a single monster takes longer than 15-20 seconds (obviously not including bosses i dont care how long boss fights are)
-Not to fused if there a proffesions or not
-I dont like games where leveling takes ages
Thats all i can think of for now, any help would be greatly appreciated, ill keep active on this thread and tell you if you suggest anything ive already tried (which you may likely do since ive played alot of MMO's)
it's really hard to stay away from wow. there are plenty of people in your position including me who don't want to play wow anymore but love the polish and flow of content. truth be told there is nowhere for you to go, AoC is the best bet and it's really dodgy on if you'll like it or not. ffxi is a whole other game where combat is way too awkwardly paced for someone who likse wow combat.
you'll have to wait until tera/swtor/rift/ffxiv come out to see what can really stand up to wow because truthfully, nothing can.
Have you tried Rappelz?
Sounds like it matchs pretty much everything you're looking for.
Yea ive tried Rappelz, i dont mind a game that gets grindy but it gets grindy a bit to early into the game... Thanks for the reply though keep em coming
Check out EvE online. Has a trial (:
Steep learning curve, harsh and all. But from what I've heard, its rewarding. It gets really fun ( I my self just ordered it, since I tried everything, and nothing I liked except eve)
Lord of the Rings Online sounds exactly like what you are looking for, it has pretty much all of the above mentioned features and its Lord of the Rings - cant go wrong.
I believe that has trail accounts available too.
I would also recommend Age of Conan, for being an epically fun game, one of its pve servers would suit you alright.
If Vanguard had a population than I would recommend that because it is very fun. EQ2 is a good game too if you do not mind the WOW-style of combat (I do now adays).
AOC would feel very different than WOW, and I definitely like it more . .. but . .. I cannot see it being funner than Vanguard or EQ2 when it comes to the PVE content but then again I did not make it to the end so I am not sure what the end game is like. I've been thinking of resubbing to Vanguard for a month once again before it is taken off of the shelves, but actually there is going to be a server merge that should make the game a hell of a lot funner! I just really like the no instances and the classes and the massive size of the world without being forced down quest chains.
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K thanks guys, im gonna give Lotr, Eve , Vanguard and maybe AoC a try using there trials and hopefully one of them will end up being the game for me... appreciate all the quick replies thanks