Test Targets: the top 3 browsers with the biggest market share, namely, IE, Firefox and Chrome
Test Procedures:
1. Test the loading speed of each game’s official site: before testing, we cleared all the history, caches and cookies of three browsers and kept all settings of them basically the same.
Test Tool:
www.webwait.com (it’s the most popular website loading speed test site)
Test Method: loaded the pages for consecutive five times every five seconds
2. Resource usage of each browser during gameplay
Dragon's Call:
1) Resource usage of each browser during gameplay
2. Resource usage while auto-fighting and browsing other sites (official site, facebook, twitter and google) simultaneously
Tested Runescape and Evony in the same way.
In Summary:
Firefox is fit for the PHP-based Dragon’s Call since its CPU and RAM usage in Firefox is smaller than IE and Chrome, especially during auto-fighting.
IE is fit for the Java-based Runescape.
Chrome is fit for the Flash-based Evony.
lol Evony
You should have included Opera as well.
Auto-fighting is a good idea for a browser game. I will give Sragon's Call a go.
There are so many bad things that go along with Evony, I don't even care enough to start listing them here........ and that's before you get to the fact that the game sucks and is not an MMO by any definition.
Just take my advice, google Evony and check for Evony on youtube....... or at least check the Evony forums here before you start playing.
Good little testing thread though. Not exactly sure what the point of it is, but well done none-the-less.
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namoroka 64(firefox 64 basicly)+java 64 is better for runescape gameplay!and when you stream video on firefox they are faster for some weird reason i have yet to find.not faster read but it take less time to upload to your system then google or ie
google seems faster in static test but on real world test its very hard to find it fast enough to be worth the trouble espacially when we see how invasive they have become (they are on par with ie in term of invasiveness.one big reason i support
firefox and their html5 solution(since it garanty free stream for decades to comes!
FF is kinda heavy.
lol Evony. Whatever, thanks for your advice.
well i like pet forest ^_^
I prefer Firefox simply because you get more protection with it... once you've loaded a few add-ons anyway, with so many websites having dodgy links etc, it may not be as fast .. but.. its safer than IE.. just about everything is safer than IE...