So I have been kicking around with the endless trail, and it's fun, lots of folks playing decent community, but I keep hearing in game that the latest producer (Carrie whatshername) has basically gutted everything except for the PVP aspects of the game, which means no crafting, PQs Dead and all of the PVE quest have been ether eliminated or just nerfed to easy mode stupidity, and that all PVE elements to end game sieges have also been removed. I was wanting to know if this was essentially true or an exaggeration, when I did play at launch one thing I loved was the diverse player base you had PVPers PVEers , crafters the folks say its just mostly folks who are bored with CS and BC2.
I didn’t post this to get PVPers to slam PVE players or vice versa just looking for some honest opinions from folks who actually subscribe.
This sword here at my side dont act the way it should
Keeps calling me its master, but I feel like its slave
Hauling me faster and faster to an early, early grave
And it howls! it howls like hell!
It's all true the producer dujor has cut the PVE communities throat and left it to bleed out in a dark alley., and oh look they are merging servers yet again and oh look international versions are closing left and right and oh look the Mythic store is closed and Oh look GW is suing third part sites in preperation to take their game name back. Meanwhile Mark Jacobs is laughing his ass off.
All however is not lost.
WAR is dead and will close within the year, and Carrie will be asking if you want fries with that the week after, but THQ is working on the WH 40K mmo, and rumor has it may bring us a WHFB (Based on the WH PnP RPG ) MMO shortly after. So let your heart not be troubled in a couple years this will all be a bad memory.
No offense Jotull... but that sounds...a bit over the top, I'm not saying you're wrong , I just don't see how it can be that bad.
This sword here at my side dont act the way it should
Keeps calling me its master, but I feel like its slave
Hauling me faster and faster to an early, early grave
And it howls! it howls like hell!
Storm....let me guess, you are a fan of the TT game, you play DoW and DoWII like there is no tommorow, you don't want all the horrible things you have been hearing about this MMo to be true, that it is the Diakatana of MMO's, that EA has stopped all new content and as basically put it on auto fail until the subs dip again and they shut off the lights. The truth is I sorta sugar coat things, this game is in fire and doing a nose dive at a 120 mph...and the ground is coming up fast.
Just consider me the cold pimp slap of truth.
On my server PVE is not very popular but it is far from dead.
Yes in most of the zones from the about level 10 onwards the community and most part of the player based is concentrated in the ORVR lakes.
However once you hit tier 4 there is alot of pvp action going on in the Land of the Dead. The PQ's are fantastic and everytime I have gone to the zone I have found almost a full warband of people running through them. I have no experience of the zone further than the PQ's but I see people making groups for the dungeons ect alot of the time, many guilds run these too. I have also noticed PVE grind groups are regular users of the zone.
The pve in the game is ok, and the setting is really nice, but no one, from my experience really bothers with it until the Land of the Dead, but it is quite alot of fun.
You do understand that LOD is being gutted to remove the PVE elements right? That is why TOtVL is closed now. The reason that everyone is concintrating on the ORvR is they are killing anything that isn't ORvR. And you can't despute what I'm saying .....where is the new content for WAR? Exapnsion pack talk? (free or otherwise?)
Face it dude the game is on life support.
Thanks peace that's sorta what I thought...I just can't see EA completely killing these dungeons off...But I will agree with Jotull on one and only one point, I don't have much hope for new dungeons.
And Jotulll we get it the game is doooooomed, you opinion is noted but I would like others.
This sword here at my side dont act the way it should
Keeps calling me its master, but I feel like its slave
Hauling me faster and faster to an early, early grave
And it howls! it howls like hell!
I wonder why they have taken this direction. I enjoyed the classes but just wasn't enough PvE for me. And I always thought I might one day go back if they spruced up the PvE side of the game.
Ah well, that's a shame to hear they are diminishing even more the PvE elements. But if they have enough of an RvR subscriber base, I guess they want to put all their focus in that direction.
Well I think it's a mistake too...even EvE the most cut throat PVP game out there got that some folks don't wanna PVP, but hey they Gotz de monyes too. After reading the latest interveiw with the producer...I hate to say my confidence isn't blostered for the game, she is in over her head and dosen't have a clue about the Warhammer IP.
It's kinda like putting Lani Blazer in charge of Aion...oh wait.
This sword here at my side dont act the way it should
Keeps calling me its master, but I feel like its slave
Hauling me faster and faster to an early, early grave
And it howls! it howls like hell!
Can you say where you heard this? I was initially hoping that WAR would actually be very much like the old WFRP game. I would be very excited to hear that someone would be doing something like this. If done properly it could truly wipe the stain that was Mythics attempt from the landscape.
What kind of crack are you smoking? LoTD ToVL is pure PVE and with 1.3.5 it is a perfect purge system. People can now purge your instance and once the defenders win the purge it boot's out the attackers and puts a lockout timer on your instance. All they did to LoTD is make encounters 7&8 easymode compared to how hardcore they were before because those two encounters were only able to be done by the elitests guilds (Like mine). The PVE PQ's are still in LoTD and the PVE that works with the lair system still works. People are also doings LoTD PQs on every server all the time because it's the fastest way to level up 100 fold.
The sad part is your just a little 12 yr old that lost $100 and it butthurt about the situation. The game has been pretty stablized population wise for about 5-6 months sitting around 100k. Tywain market failed 2 months after it was released a year ago and they are transfering them over to make the US servers to build 24/7 action. There was a minor speedbump because of the billing problem but a lot of players are WISHING they were overbilled because how well these people were comenstated.
New content is comming and EA's MMORPG director has stated this with his own words. Could be a game breaking expansion it could be just a new Live Expansion. The City revamp is amazing and forts might be comming back with major ORVR changes in 1.3.6. Game is actually starting to look decent for a players standpoint ( The only thing that is bugging players is the play both sides feature in 1.3.6 and that most likely make it into the patch due to the negitive feedback.)
I started the endless trial just over a month ago and have about finished my free month from the box. I'm currently planning to subscribe afterwards. Just got my character to 40 this weekend.
So PvE wise, it really has been put second to the pvp. Although theres plently of PQ's to do through all the teirs, which are all quite fun. However it's not like teir 1 where all the quests are active most of the time. If you want to do some PQ's you need to open a public party of your own, and ask in region for more people, however upon doing this its not really hard to get some people together. Theres also only a few instances to do as you level up, but the few I did were pretty good. Nice zones, interesting boss fights etc. Once you hit 25 and can go to the Land of the Dead its like teir 1 again. Loads of PQ are active all the time and finding a group is really easy. The tombs there are like little instances which you unlock through doing nearby PQ's and prove to me pretty fun from my experiences. So overall again imo PvE has much less of a focus to the PvP but what there is of it I found to be good, also as I like PvP more then PvE it suits me quite well.
As for the state of the game it's really in pretty good shape imo. I have just done a little run of MMO's playing for a month each, going from Aion then LoTRO, Age of Conan and now WAR and WAR is as good or better as any of them. I stopped playing all of them after one month, appart from WAR which I plan to now carry on playing, put it that why. Theres plently of people, pvp seems fairly balanced, it's easy to play for short amounts of time, the new patches look good, good progression, these are a few of the good things I have found about the game. The only bad points are really that the lag can be quite bad sometimes (although nothing compared to what I got from AoC) and hitting level 32 and entering teir 4 can be very harsh on new players who will get owned by people leagues ahead of them in gear and level.
Anyway make what you will of how I have found the game as a new player and hopefully you can make up your mind. Really however I find it hard to see how the game is anywhere close to some of the doom proclaimers around
I'm not commenting on what you quoted since that was clearly over the top but there are some comments in there that make me wonder.
You say the purge system is perfect now. Does that mean they fixed the ghost purges? People coming in just for the purpose of triggering the purge yet no intent to fight meaning you often had to sit there squatting till the purge timer ran out?
And for gods sake. "There was a minor speedbump because of the billing problem but a lot of players are WISHING they were overbilled because how well these people were comenstated."
Two wrongs don't make a right. A lot of people are wishing for the compensation because those rewards were handled wrong. Bottomless dye basicaly was a shotgun shot to the dye market and the 70% mount that half the server suddenly runs around on is suddenly not something special to RAF anymore and worse better than most people can get in game. Players wouldn't complain if it just some uniquely skinned rewards that gave no advantage whatsoever. But that is not the case. These are rewards that suddenly gave an advantage in game.
The city revamp on the other hand is looking interesting. It's time we saw some more RvR, even if it's only in a scenario. I do abhor their moving the trainers to the city though. It's going to be a complete waste of time travelling around to train now and they even put them in the middle and the south! Why are they suddenly pushing travel in this game?