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TASC Welcomes You!

KeilanaKeilana Member Posts: 6

Welcome to Vanguard.  This game is the game that all MMORPG's wish they were.  There is so much to do in this game, it may seem overwhelming at first, but have no fear, you will come to understand and enjoy it just as we all have.

If you are new to the Xeth server and have questions and can't seem to get an answer in regional chat, feel free to talk to anyone in TASC.  TASC members will be more than glad to help you with your question.


TASC is an active casual and friendly guild that partakes in all spheres of Vanguard and our calendar is full of events for TASC and alliance members based on their feedback and needs.

Be sure to check TASC out at also if you have questions.  We have a lot of information in the public section of the forums that we hope will make the learning curve easier. 


Also feel free to visit us on facebook: >>> TASC Facebook! <<<

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