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Why is there a heavy NDA?
Why dont you want me to see youtube videos?
Why do you show me only what you want me to see?
Why should i buy a game when i dunno if its any good? Do you buy a car without test driving it?
Why arent any of you other people asking why?
I hear the driving sucks, the hitboxes are whacked, the zones are small, its boring and repetitive is that why you dont want me to see anything or hear anything?
Why are people getting herded like sheep into buying crap over and over and still there are only fanboys defending and others bitching?
Why arent people asking why, ive played video games when atari came out, played most major MMos since 97, have had every console including the vetrex machine most of you never heard of and yet here i am asking why are most of you guys defending it without playing it and argueing with those that had and nobody knows or can say anything and yet your still buying it? i say moo now get branded
NDA´s is usually used to hinder people from discussing the beta client since things can always change.
Why they show only what they want you to see? Heard of marketing?
Trials are usually used abit further into a games life cycle. After they have taken in some suggestions and optimized the game abit more.
If you feel unsure of a game or mmo in specific, either wait for trials to start or head over to a friend and try it there.
All statements I make is from my point of view unless stated otherwise.
Apart from all the "why" asking, I think those that wanted to actually try APB don't have to try very hard to get into the beta. I've gotten a NA and EU beta key, and they give them away for free all the time. Perhaps theres a lot less asking "why" and more people making their decisions on their own based on what they've played or seen of beta. Just my take on it.
Quoted so people can actually read the reply.
I have to agree with the OP somewhat I mean I am more than likely buying the game without even trying it because I want a change, from the grind and so forth. I'm an i'm an action video game junkie and more so when I don't know what's going to happen and I'm giving the developers some faith on my end. Anyways why I agree with him is that getting a beta key atleast for me has proven to be well difficult I caught onto the game a few weeks ago and closed beta is ending soon or even today I believe. I do feel that having an open beta would benefit the game more so than harm it after all word of mouth is the best form of advertising it's free and effective.
Well I´ll say this. Trials from the get go is a really bad idea since a bad launch can hurt a game massively. If you were to have a trial from day 1 alot of people would be hammering to get in at once and it´s usually bad enough with the regular 1st day buyers. Adding even more people spells problems and those problems are hard to sweep under the rug for a forseeable time, sometimes even years if ever.
On the point about marketing: You have a product so you want everybody to see the best things about that product. That´s pretty much the basics of marketing right?
The thought why I don´t ask why? I´m pretty sure I would do the same thing if I were in their shoes and I know they´re doing it.
All this is easy to skip though. Don´t buy the game day one if you cannot handle the issues that we all know is going to be there. Wait a while and let it zimmer abit, check reviews from reviewers you feel you can trust and talk to friends about it.
EDIT: Oh and why do I trust the developers? I don´t. I´ve played enough and seen enough to read between the lines. If I decide to preorder an mmo it´s to support the developers because I like their idea, concept and can see myself playing it. I do not expekt a product that´s even remotely close to being polished, finished. Sad words I know, but this is how launches look time and time again so we adapt to it.
All statements I make is from my point of view unless stated otherwise.
Make a judgement and buy whatever you see fit. But do not use your previous bad judgement to tarnish for others what has never in most cases been the case.
Whine all you want but the developers owe you nothing. They produce a bad product they die, but they owe you nothing it is their choice how they deliver.
Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel
1. There is a heavy NDA because people are stupid. They will sensationalize a bug or problem that will be fixed before release. Soon as rumors start about a possible game problem then the release takes a huge hit. So the best way to battle false information is to not allow any information to get out.
2. Because things are under NDA? A bad quality youtube video can give people the impression that the game looks bad or has stuttering/etc. Remember once again that People are stupid.
3. They show you what they want you to see because they know that part is done/polished.
4. Then wait for reviews. No one has a gun to your head saying buy the game before it releases or you'll be killed. A lot of people wait for a month or two after release to buy. Also this is $50 not $15,000. Even if you only get 10 hours out of the game you've gotten the same value as a 2 hour movie.
5. Why would I be asking why when most of the answers are obvious? There are plenty of videos, stories, etc that have given more than enough information to piece things together.
6. I hear they are working on fixing vehicle physics, hitboxes don't have headshots and can be effected by lag...just like any online game, there are more districts on the way, and simply because the fans of the game like it and the others don't like it so they bitch.
7. We defend because there are people like you, see #1, that only pick at the negative aspects instead of looking at both the positives and negatives.
Has there been an MMO to date that has released with ZERO issues? No. Do I expect some issues? Absolutely. Will there be things that need tweaked in a new patch? Sure. Will the game grow bigger and add more content? Yep.
The funniest part is that if you really wanted to you can buy the game, not use all 50 hours, then wait for the next big patch to try it again.
Now I'm going to ask you a question, why are you so worried about $50? Are you so hard up on cash that you cannot spare $50? I'd say that if you can't afford to lose $50 you shouldn't be buying games. Even if APB isn't what I think it is I'm happy to pay $50 since it is supporting the more indie MMO's. Since the major companies seem to take the safe route we need to support the indie game market so we get revolutionary designs instead of copy+paste cookie cutter games.
It's got nothing to do with keeping you from making a good purchase decision. Long before you have the chance to spend money on the product, the NDA will have been lifted and information will be available to you.
The truth of the matter is, you want the information NOW because you're curious, not because you need to decide *today* whether you'll buy this game when it's released.
If the publisher is smart, they'll keep a tight NDA in place until they have something solid to show the gaming media. They want to do everything they can to make sure the first round of "sneak preview" articles or blog posts are as positive as possible. Since every game has flaws, they keep a lid on youtube posts, etc so they can paint a rosy picture for the magazines/bloggers. The more "rough" the game looks in beta, the more hardcore they'll be about NDA violations.
I can also roleplay the tower in a chess game and shout "is that a peasant at the horizon I see? I will smash it I will! Oh damn I broke one of my merlons!". -- maji