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Can somone post a screen shot of a list of the instances with player counts of the most active area for both sides? i guessing for klingons it will be they homeworld and for starfleet they starting station or the starting region though if theys a more active area then post them
i belive the most active time is on sunday for most mmos around 7-9pm gmt
Good luck with that: Most people here seem to be former players, and the current players we do tend to see generally (with a few notable exceptions) tend to be rabid Cryptic defenders. I highly doubt any of those would post anything (undoctored) that would give you an accurate idea of STO's typical level of players. The most accurate count your going to be able to get is going into the game and gathering that data yourself. You will have to decide for yourself if the information you are seeking is worth paying for a month.
"Oh my, how horrible, someone is criticizing a MMO. Oh yeah, that is what a forum is about, looking at both sides. You rather have to be critical of anything in this genre as of late because the track record of these major studios has just been appalling." -Ozmodan
I have a LTS and I'm not opposed to stat-gathering
I'm just not sure HOW I would go about it
I am currently wonder why bother. I mean other than an attempt to prove how many people are active at a certain point and then saying how this makes the game a success or a failure why? BTW doing this does not give any kind of real data. This is like taking a few blood sugar tests over a few days and then saying if or if not you are diabetic. You need a test that covers a more complete long term measurement like an A1C to get accurate numbers.
I figure this is one ofd two attempts here. Either it is a fan boy trying to prove that STO has massive numbers or it is a hater trying to prove they do not. The problem is neither will work as both will just show some moron trying to show hate or fanatisism.
If you love the game then super go play it and talk on the forums about thing you like about the game. Heck even talk about things you would like to see fixed. If you hate the game thats cool, move on with your life and find something you enjoy other than grieifng others.
I have a soap box and I am not afraid to use it.
QFT , If you have to check the population on a game to invest... You have many options:
1) Pay the box and play it for a month.
2) if you can't afford it, wait for a free weekend and check it by yourself.
3) Move on and forget about the game
You do realize that the comic is about defending crappy games online, not bashing them, right? Do you seriously think that people get paid to bash STO in forums?
As someone who is subbed to the game and thinks it is utter crap, when I was online it didn't seem like there were very many people. Lots of people would just log in for two hours or so a day and do their "dailies" and not do any other content, and the community seems very set against grouping or even talking to each other.
Yes, it must all be some vicious plot on the part of the OP to bash STO, as if someone needed to go to that much trouble when there are a lot of legitimate complaints that can already be easily made. Or perhaps the OP is being paid to talk bad about STO, which is not only one of the silliest suggestions I have ever heard but would make whatever competitor paying someone to do so become quite possibly the dumbest game company on the planet; there are already many people giving the game poor reviews or pointing out the flaws for free.
Then again, the OP could be just curious about what the game's numbers really are (although even getting screenshots of all the zone player numbers during prime time wouldn't give a truly accurate count)? Perhaps they were toying with the idea of trying the game, but don't wish to invest money in a game that has been bleeding players to the point that they might not find enjoyment in it (barren zones in AoC and WAR come to mind)?
"Oh my, how horrible, someone is criticizing a MMO. Oh yeah, that is what a forum is about, looking at both sides. You rather have to be critical of anything in this genre as of late because the track record of these major studios has just been appalling." -Ozmodan
Im glad you know the reasons and motivations of all of us on earth. Since you have stated the reasons.. which apparently there is only 2 possible... i can rest easy knowing that most people only want to bash cryptic for lack of something better to do. Yes thats it.... has to be. No other reasons are possible at all.. such as one would bother searching for info on the game out of ... i dunno... genuine interest... they want to know whats going on... naw... thats not a viable reason.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Cryptic defenders. Why use reason and sensibility when wild, baseless accusations will do the trick?
"Oh my, how horrible, someone is criticizing a MMO. Oh yeah, that is what a forum is about, looking at both sides. You rather have to be critical of anything in this genre as of late because the track record of these major studios has just been appalling." -Ozmodan
the cryptic defenders are almost as comical as cryptic itself. look at the posting history of some of them and go thru what they have said, it really is funny (assuming you find someone stating things a 5 year old would say to defend there argumanets amusing)
I could say that was why I was interested or curious, and then you could say I was full of crap, and you would be correct.
From the official forums. Someone logged on after a few weeks break and wondered where everyone went. Of course then fanbois jump in and spam how there are so many players in the game and how the last few weeks has seen a big growth of players. LOL
Yeah forgot about cold gin, he used to come down on the cryptic side of things until marketing started their shenanigans then he disappeared. The "there are tons of people on, you just can't see them because of the instancing" is getting a little tired. I think a lot of the lts are having buyers remorse. There were a few who Im pretty sure sold their accounts. They used to be the biggest critics of sto/cryptic then a few weeks later they were all sunshine and rainbows. One in particular seemed to have no knowledge of his past bannings/ forum history. Either selective memory or a different person, Im not sure which.
Just for giggles I logged on and checked a few areas. I did this at 9:30pm eastern time and here is what was reported in the instance selection screen:
SOL = 62
Alpha Centari = 114
Regulus = 34
Eta Eridani = 17
Even considering these are low level sectors it is scary to see this level of population given that Cryptic has been pushing players to refer friends in exchange for a new custom ship and the trial is being pushed by many gaming sites. These numbers include all pilots logged in and in the sector, even if they are on planets doing missions in instances.
I need to edit this - I was looking last night and SOL only shows you the people in space around the starbase, there is a separate instance for starbases. When I went inside starbase one I realized it had separate instances and there were over 300 people there. The other zones are off a bit as well, I didnt realize that each square in a zone had its own instance and that all three squares in a zone were NOT the same instance. I will have to do a more complete measurement when I get a chance.
Those numbers aren't good at all. Are those total numbers from all instances?
Yes, totals are from all instances of the zone. Biggest instance in all zones recorded was 24. Sol had 4 instances with each being in the teens.
I think I am gonna put a fraps together and do a tour of STO and show people the real story of the server population. I would estimate that the total game has less than 2000 players logged on this evening.
I need to edit this - I was looking last night and SOL only shows you the people in space around the starbase, there is a separate instance for starbases. When I went inside starbase one I realized it had separate instances and there were over 300 people there. The other zones are off a bit as well, I didnt realize that each square in a zone had its own instance and that all three squares in a zone were NOT the same instance. I will have to do a more complete measurement when I get a chance.
Wow. I knew it was doing bad, i just didn't think it was doing that bad. Heck that's worse than some EQ (the original) server populations.
"Oh my, how horrible, someone is criticizing a MMO. Oh yeah, that is what a forum is about, looking at both sides. You rather have to be critical of anything in this genre as of late because the track record of these major studios has just been appalling." -Ozmodan