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Feedback. and Pointers welcome "new MMO concept"

So i been playing MMOs for along time. since 2001. My biggest intrest is sci-fi MMOs but imo its a lacking concept in the MMO industry. Anarchy Online i played a few years but flawed and outdated. Im writing this topic cause i got alot of ideas in my head and i decided to write em down for a new MMO i know there is "ALOT" of work making a MMO but i was just curious to see how my own concept would fare among the masses and critics. So here goes.


I just write some of the classes i got in mind and factions history etc.


The story and setting will place around 2950. Earth has been decimated by nuclear war between 2 factions. the earth goverment itself and the martian colonists and its surrounding planets. Take note they are humans aswell.

In the aftermath the martians and the rest of the colonists took refugee in ships and started a long journey into the stars with a destination unknown in search for a new home. Basicly all those that left no longer call themself humans but instead something else "insert new race name". the war was around 2060. I wanna introduce a third faction named "the exiles" pretty much a neutral faction with 3 classes that dont wanna be part of anything of the old days. Basicly a space faring nomad people.

The exile classes would look something like this:

Ghosts of Eearth: ranged dps with cloak capability and also can use melee weapons.

Ancient keepers: Melee oriented hybrid with the ability to use Hots on people.

Black sun:   a ranged dps class with the ability to alter the matter around them and their enemy.

These 3 classes of the exiles can at any point decide wether to assist or attack any of the 2 other factions.


Now onward to the 2 main factions. First we got the humans. In 2950 society has been rebuilt with alot of side effects. Everything is now controlled by a feudal goverment (these are the badguys of the game). gonna put down some of the classes i got in mind.


Ranger: Ranged dps with the ability to cloak and also use melee weapons.

shock trooper: ranged dps with the ability to tank.

Homeland guard: A melee oriented warrior with the ability to tank aswell. A ranged dps class.

Combat medic: The backbone of the earth army with powerfull healing capabilities.

Fusionist: When atomic energy got forbidden science developed into the fusion power, water serves as the new main power supply for the human race. And the fusionist is a powerfull ranged class able to dish out powerfull water and heat based attacks melting anything in its path. a ranged dps class.

Atomgenemodifiers: These are the remnats of the old world. 5 generations after the war people that lived the wasteland found a way to alter matter on a atomic level. The new goverment saw potential in anything hazardous and these serve as the imperial ranged shocktroppers. A known example is how a atomist can change his enemys atomic structure and alter their enemies dna to match the appropriate terrain making em solid to the ground. 1 with the object.

So that was the earth forces.


The humans that fled into the galaxy took on the name of "insert". I havent really come up with a suitable name for these people yet. just that they reject humanity and want no part with being human anymore. more to come on their story...

classes for em:

Rimmers: Ranged dps with the ability to cloak and also use melee weapons. Mostly got their name for spending alot of time along our known space and beyond it.

 The legion: Consist of the finest soldiers this new empire can offer and can tank aswell. ranged dps.

Priests/clerics: The fleeing humanity took on alot of the old ways of humans when seeking refugee among the stars very spiritual these people of the new humanity can heal a persons both bodily and spiritual wounds.

Transcendants: Along the way to their new home people were put in a hyper sleep stasis dreaming for centuries some say. These people are not human nor of the new race they are both physical and not corporeal and have developed their physic abilities tremendously such a telepathy and telekinesis. a ranged dps class.

 elysium defender: I choose the name elysium cause of my first thought of their new home to be elysium but this can also change. fierce melee warriors with the ability to tank aswell.

Nano-mattermodifier: When reaching their new home this new race abandoned all atomic power from their ships and delved deep into the nano world. scarred with the old wounds of the horror atomic power can do But even more terrified what nano power would prove to be. But their self righteousness makes the believe they are the right people to harness such awesome power. The nanite class is a ranged dps class able to literally make a pool of goo from a living person just with the thought of it using their enhanced PK visors that is connected to their brain allowing constant surges of brain waves able to alter matter into its desired shape.


So here is my thoughts about a new MMO into the sci-fi genre i know its alot of work and alot of changes need to be made.

Im using dps just so people can understand better it might aswell be "damage" and im not sure what is best skill tree/skill based system or anything else. It can all change along the road.

Basicly i wanna try and steal different components from sucessfull mmorpg`s and incorporate them into my own system.

for example 3 factions like with Anarchy online i really enjoyed the RP involved and community it built around it.

both pve/pvp based it would be with the additional swing vote faction to decide victory or defeat for 1 of the sides.


But please everyone put in your feedback how u feel this all sounds.


Best regards: one that long for a good sci-fi!!!

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