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It looks like Square Enix will be doing a ton of showing off for Final Fantasy XIV at E3.
(images resized to fit thread)
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The Official Benchmark for FFXIV has been released, download it here:
It has not full features (you can choose between low and high res, but can not change settings like AA yet).
Full E3 trailer is up! Check it out at
amazing, thanks hyanmen, looking forward to that
u think they're gonna announce the release date?
It would be nice to hear something about it
I'm really curious to see if they will be surprising us with something or just showing a new trailer.
More photos of the SE FFXIV booth here...
Hopefully we will be hearing something tomorrow from SE (:
I can say with 99% certainty that they won't announce the release date. Closed beta date is another thing altogether though.
Anyway, at 10pm GMT today SE will reveal their new, 3 minutes long FFXIV trailer with a mix of in-game and CGI footage just like with the other two trailers. 10pm GMT will be in roughly 6 hours, although if we get lucky they might reveal it in the Sony's E3 conference a bit earlier.
I'll make sure to post it here as soon as it's up, if I'm awake that is (1am for me...).
Its getting closer, I'm all giddy now like I was last year when it was hinted that project rapture was going to be revealed. =D
The Official Benchmark has actually already leaked to the interwebs, but I won't post it until it gets officially announced. It's featuring the first few cutscenes from the alpha but with a lot better optimization and polish. The character models are simply incredible, it is gorgeous.
Not long to go!
Eh, to hell with NDA, it's from the NVIDIA official site so it's legit.
DL link is on the 2nd post in this thread, get it there.
Thanks for the link, after you posted that I checked eorzeapedia and they had it up aswell, downloading now. (:
Really impressed from the graphics. Sharp and clean so yeah big plus for me. My computer seemed to handle it well. Now we have to wait for gameplay updates.
I will eat my hat if XIV doesn't use 3D.
So what scores are everyone getting!?
My PC scores:
High: 2861
Low: 3865
Just need to find out what these scores mean now, since they obviously don't follow the old FFXI Benchmark scoring.
Awesome, thanks for Posting!
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone
-3d Artist & Compositor
-Professional Amature
I think they do actually. But we won't know before SE updates their site with official info about what the scores mean.
We assume that your computer can run FINAL FANTASY XI for Windows enjoyably with the default settings. If your video card exceeds the recommended system requirements, we recommend that you increase the resolution of FINAL FANTASY XI for Windows. FINAL FANTASY XI might run just as smoothly as in low resolution mode.
I dunno about that, now I don't have the best-of-the-best hardware out there, but I do have a PC that I've spent well over $4000 on the past 3 years. For my score on High with the benchmark that would equal default settings, but I had no issue running this with no slowdown or skipping...its was flawless. I suspect there will be a new scoring system released.
Is the benchmark still using the alpha graphics or beta?
Weird my computer scored higher on high settings but lower on the low setting O_o;
2200 on high with 40 fps average for me w7 64bit, gtx 260, core2duo, 4 gb ram
Best looking mmorpg for now. Got tired of all these cartoonish bs we've been seeing lately.
Beta optimized. It's smoother than the alpha when I tried it. Much smoother. Characters look better too.
edit: typos, watching sony's conference cough >_>
Awesome, thanks for the link. Can't wait to get home and try this out!
hmm laptop benchmarks at 340 lol, fairly new laptop even
looks like the ps3 for me
"All expectation leads to suffering" Buhhda
Full E3 trailer is up at the official website! go there and see for yourself!
Great! I watched all the characters in the benchmark
Also a new trailer on official FFXIV site! E3 2010 trailer
Ah I am to slow!
Can't wait till this MMORPG comes out!
yay, watching it now... so excited^^
I thought they'd do that. That is actually exactly what I predicted. And I'm loving it.