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The game is completely unplayable. I know much has been said about this on these forums but I found several posts saying the game was fun just after launch. Foolishly I ignored the hundreds of negative reviews I've read and handed Star Vault my $50.00. After 5 days of downloading/patching, I could not even log in. Finally the servers are up and I can only play the game for a minute due to a memory leak error which kills the game. Many others have the same issue, and I assure you, my hardware/drivers are perfectly fine.
I'm all in favor of supporting indie developers, which is partly why I forked over the cash, but this game is truely unplayable. I just requested a charge back from my credit card company which is looking to be successful. This post is simply to warn people who are on the fence about buying this game. DO NOT, at lease not now.
...and please spare me the "blah blah it's only a week into launch blah blah give it some time blah blah WoW launched poorly blah blah..."
You have been warned, you are welcome. Now, somebody please give me an old school EQ/UO stlye of game that is PLAYABLE.
about the memory leak: this is because MO defaults to max graphics settings, which is too much for a lot of computers. Try setting your graphics to minimum, then increase it til performance suffers... though I get the feeling I'm wasting my time
It's a sham for you, not for the people playing and enjoying the game.
Look forward to Link Realms mate, still developing but promises old style fun
There is no knowledge that is no power.
If this is your only complaint, I would suggest doing this before throwing in the towel.
It is a well documented programming issue, nothing to do my my graphics settings. I play far more graphically intensive game with my gaming rig. I believe the issue is predominately with Vista.
Turning off shadows and turning down the graphical settings will fix your problem.
I have a computer that's 2 years old and I haven't had a single issue. Not that you haven't.. I don't know what to tell you dude.
The game is fun for me. All I can say is maybe you need some upgradez? I'm running vista 64 by the way.
The issue IS partially related to vista, since vista uses more ram itself than win 7 (which then leads to less ram available for MO, which causes spillover to virtual memory, which is quickly tapped out at max settings). If it helps, the game looks really nice even on the 512-1024 texture range... shadows can cause problems, but usually the texture sizes are the cause in my experience.
as a side note, SV should really set the default textures to minimum.
If you ask me, the game is just plainly poorly programmed.. I had this out of memory error within the first 2 minutes of playing. And honestly the game should auto detect the best settings for your hardware instead of making you do some trial and error BS.
I also read that the error was due to the fact that they generate a unique texture for every players armor, which is just a flat out bad idea.
They are indie developers though, with who knows what previous experience, so I guess this sort of stuff is to be expected, and it's kind of amazing they were able to produce any semi working MMO.
If I understand correctly, it's not that it applies a unique texture . As I understand it, it applies the texture for the appropriate material to the item. This puts a little more strain on the graphics processor, but means that your computer only maintains permanent files for the forms and textures instead of maintaining files for all the potential combinations (142 million possible weapons once you account for all the potential combinations of materials, handles and blades)
Ossis, have u:
* downloaded the latest drivers for sound and graphic card,
* download the latest physX (if you have NVIDIA download here ...
* Download and install latest .NET from microsoft update
* decrease graphics in option, start with 256
* Set shadows OFF (or low) and blur OFF.
* increase your virtual memory to 2-2.5 times your RAM on your comp. You have to have at least 3GB RAM , preferably 4GB, maybe it work with 2GB.
* Graphcard probably need at least 512MB. Maybe it works with 256MB.
I have a 3,5 year old comp with 0.5 GB RAM, 4GB RAM, set to low graphics (256) and I can play. Well I might crash 3-4 times a day but it's very playable. The game gets more and more stable actually.
I really like MO and I have really fun playing it.
I am amazed at what people put up with to get a mediocre game running properly.
If anything, the installer should check your .NET version, set your graphics settings to something reasonable (or do a self-test), install patches properly and more.
The MO installer doesn't do any of this. It's up to the player to go find out how to fix the problem, with little help from the SV staff. Why would a normal person put themselves through this kind of pain just to install a game that has a lot of problems to begin with? Most people won't bother, they will say it doesn't work, give up, and quit. The rumblings around are that people are cancelling subs left and right, though I don't know how true it is. We will see, of course.
I don't think so. My gaming rig runs crysis in medium~high quality with good FPS but still when I try to play MO on default quality the game keeps crashing. Yes it's SV fault, but it can be avoided if u turn down the graphics. It worked for me and everyone on beta, and beta was totally fucked up with a lot of other problems, it should work now too.
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The game looks mediocre on the highest settings. It just looks awful when it's turned down to low.
He who keeps his cool best wins.
Each person each own taste. Also we don't have highest res textures yet, ingame. I play at lowest gfx and I think it looks good. I know lots of people playing MO that like the graphics too.
Link realms...very cool game.....but the development seemed to just HALT completely and the content has been adding way too slowly. It's a very small team and there isn't a big enough world yet to have the mass come into the game. I will say though from what I did play I had a blast.
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Did you install all the necessary components to run the game? I know it's annoying that they may not all be automatic, but it should eventually work. Typically, with enough effort, you should be able to get the game to only crash when the server goes down (which is a totally seperate issue all together)
Disclaimer: This is not a troll post and is not here to promote any negative energy. Although this may be a criticism, it is not meant to offend anyone. If a moderator feels the post is inappropriate, please remove it immediately before it is subject to consideration for a warning. Thank you.
I agree - I think the graphics in MO are more than acceptable, even on the lower settings.
Tastes definitely vary.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
Thanks for this. It worked for me and I've been playing all day today except when the server drops out. Used to get the VM crash frequently.
I also turned off blur.
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full frontal nudity!!! whats the problem?
There is a screenshot floating around of a GM answering a page last week. He showed up with his schlong hanging out. Kind of funny as the picture showed what appeared to be a horse twisting it's head around for a better look...
Whatever floats your boat I guess...
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
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The GM didn't have his schlong out, the guy he was helping did. The horse WAS staring and looked somewhat hungry though.
If it's too hard for you to change graphics settings, what the hell are you doing on a PC? Go get a console instead....
Yeah, that's the solution!
That is the solution...