I just left WOW for the last time. Yes i did leave and try everything, WAR, AOC, Aion, whatever, AOC is the only one that remotely interest me. But this last time, me and my RL friends were like, lets try end game, ICC. Well we have geared toons, got into a guild started running ICC, and ran ICC again and again and again...WOW is a great game but come on, blizzard can do much better than this. Maybe it's because I've played WOW for over 4 years and just burnt. I wish everyone well and hope blizzard makes some changes. Just can't run ICC all the time but it's all there is to do.
How about achievements? Hard modes? How about collecting pets? How about playing the auction house? How about exploration? How about seeing what you can run solo? How building reputation with vanilla/BC factions? How about collecting the various mounts available WoW?
Fun is where you find it. I'd be bored too if all I did was run dungeouns. There are more choices in WoW than just about any MMO out there. If you can't find something to do, you're not looking very hard.
See you in Cataclysm.
What achiements? You mean all the ones that are dungeon or raid related.. (which are probably more then 1/2 of them)
Hard Modes? Again.. Why? Once you run the same dungeon 500 times with the same graphics and same mechanics, it gets old.. just because you up the mobs health 20% doesn't change much.. If that was the case.. Lets just cancel ALL of Cataclysm and instead just have "hard" mode on WoW.. and when you're done with that.. have "nightmare" mode too.. Sound familar?
Pets? most pets are easily collected same with mounts.. it doesnt' take that long to grind (ooops did I say grind) out faction..
Playing the Auction House? You're kidding me, right!.. If I wanted to devote that much time and work into something like that.. I'd go work for a golf spamming company.. or better yet, work WALL STREET where the real money is..
Exploration? Can we have a show of hands how many level 80's have NOT done the exploration achievement.. .. LOL
90% of all well geared lvl 80 toons have already done solo dungeons and rep grind for achievements.. You are grabbing at straws on things that only take days to do.. IF that.. Then what? Solo more low level dungeons again? ZZzzzzzz
BTW.. I loathe WoW's raid mechanics.. I don't find their mode or raiding fun at all....... remove that aspects from the game and WoW is DEAD..... that is spelled D ..... E.......A......D..... DEAD
You won't see me in Cataclysm Have a great day
Oh, and I forgot about the naked gnome race from Dun Morogh to Booty bay....that one's boatloads of fun.
I've been playing WoW longer than you and have take my fair share of breaks, believe me. You don't have to bash WoW to take a break from it.
The first time I left, I'm like "Finally, I'm so bored with WoW! I got into the Warhammer general chat and participated in all the "omg WoW sux! chat." Yeah, that lasted all but 3 months.
The second time I left I said, "Aion's gonna pwn wow!" I actually still resub to Aion from time to time.
I now realize that for the time being, I play WoW and usually 1 other game.
I'm not addicted to WoW. I play almost every day, but I can quit anytime I want *twitch-twitch* ... really I could quit anytime...(checks servers...GAH! still down for maintenence)
I dunno, in the end although the name of the dungeon instance changes, all there ever is to do is run the same instance over and over and over, which hasn't changed since I realized this and left before BC launched.
Lets face it. The longest dungeon that one can play without feeling taxing would be what? 3 hours, 5 hours?
The shortest duration to build a quality dungeon for that play length would be what? 6 months? 10 months?
With the superman players out in the market, the normal mode of any dungeon would not last more than a month. So after a month, the top players would feel bored.
I think that the players are part to be blamed for this, playing 24/7, rushing a contain and trying to be the first. Naturally, they will end up burnt out.
I never feel burnt out playing with my sister's baby, or BBQ with my best friends. That is cos I only got to do that once a week or month, at best.
I could take all the changes Blizzard brought to this game that I really don't like but at the end of the day the one thing I could'nt take anymore was the community .
I dunno, in the end although the name of the dungeon instance changes, all there ever is to do is run the same instance over and over and over, which hasn't changed since I realized this and left before BC launched.
Lets face it. The longest dungeon that one can play without feeling taxing would be what? 3 hours, 5 hours?
The shortest duration to build a quality dungeon for that play length would be what? 6 months? 10 months?
With the superman players out in the market, the normal mode of any dungeon would not last more than a month. So after a month, the top players would feel bored.
I think that the players are part to be blamed for this, playing 24/7, rushing a contain and trying to be the first. Naturally, they will end up burnt out.
I never feel burnt out playing with my sister's baby, or BBQ with my best friends. That is cos I only got to do that once a week or month, at best.
Yes, let's blame the players.
It's not like Blizzard has completely neglected randomized dungeon encounters or anything. it's certainly not something that's existed for quite some time in other MMOs. </sarcasm>
Maybe you didnt try Hard mode and heroic modes of Toc and Ulduar, because they arent easy at all. Also you should realise that they gave a bonus to ICC because they wanted people to complete it, not because it was fun to make. It is easy only because you do normal stuff or you dont like challenge but either way you have not completed the game.
Lets put it this way.. The OP was saying he's tired of jumping over the same bar , day after day after day after day.. I agree.. What you're saying is that we should raise the bar 6 inches on hard mode and jump some more.. or raise it 12 inches on heroic mode.. Yes.. it makes jumping over that SAME DAMN STUPID bar harder.. but that wasnt' the problem.. I"m tired of jumping over that bar over and over again.. reguardless what height you set it at....... IF that was the case, why even bother coming out with Cataclsym at all, just raise the bar in ICC another 2 feet.. then 3 feet, then 5 feet.. so on, and so on... Because there becomes a point that reduntancy at any level is just boring as hell.. Just that some of us have different standards and demand more for our money.. How many MONTHS has been been since ICC came out? How many more months are you stuck with ICC?
Half correct but still you got the point.
Heroic mode is not just bigger boss which hits harder. I admire the content designers of WoW. They put in lots of gimmicks in different hard modes (some encounters got many hard modes you can try), and each option of hardmode does play out to be totally different, at times, even though the big boss looks similar.
Still running around in the same instance for 6 months does make one feel bored. There is just so much novelty before it start getting old.
I dunno, in the end although the name of the dungeon instance changes, all there ever is to do is run the same instance over and over and over, which hasn't changed since I realized this and left before BC launched.
Lets face it. The longest dungeon that one can play without feeling taxing would be what? 3 hours, 5 hours?
The shortest duration to build a quality dungeon for that play length would be what? 6 months? 10 months?
With the superman players out in the market, the normal mode of any dungeon would not last more than a month. So after a month, the top players would feel bored.
I think that the players are part to be blamed for this, playing 24/7, rushing a contain and trying to be the first. Naturally, they will end up burnt out.
I never feel burnt out playing with my sister's baby, or BBQ with my best friends. That is cos I only got to do that once a week or month, at best.
Yes, let's blame the players.
It's not like Blizzard has completely neglected randomized dungeon encounters or anything. it's certainly not something that's existed for quite some time in other MMOs.
I do not follow what you are trying to say.
If a player plays 24/7 he is bound to burn thru content faster than the best development team can put them up. My roommate plays wow 3 hours a week, he is still working on the early stages of wotlk, he never feel burnt out.
As for random dungeons, yes that is a good design, but that does not negate the fact that we are still doing the same bunch of dungeons, just a random pick out of them.
I remember a very very old PC solo game called arena. It generates a random dungeon every time. Now at least the map of each dungeon is slightly different, as well as the mobs. And that is a games 20 years ago. I was hoping that our well paid game designers start delivering something unique, something different, and fun for me. And I am ready to pay for that.
I just left WOW for the last time. Yes i did leave and try everything, WAR, AOC, Aion, whatever, AOC is the only one that remotely interest me. But this last time, me and my RL friends were like, lets try end game, ICC. Well we have geared toons, got into a guild started running ICC, and ran ICC again and again and again...WOW is a great game but come on, blizzard can do much better than this. Maybe it's because I've played WOW for over 4 years and just burnt. I wish everyone well and hope blizzard makes some changes. Just can't run ICC all the time but it's all there is to do.
You are not alone my friend, I killed Arthas in 25 man and quit the game and I m not planning on going back either, I mean I know after you kill Arthas in 25 you can do the Heroics but I don't really like Heroics, I would rather have the whole thing in Heroic mode from the beginning, I am the kind of player that when I finish a game in normal I don't go finish the game in Very Hard, unless it has a different ending and I even go to the hardest level of the game if it is accessible, I just don't like facing the same bosses again even if they have different mechanic to me they're still the same bosses and is just no fun to me anymore, maybe if they had the raid concept they had in BC where you could only be in 1 mode, I would still be wiping in ICC because I wanted to kill the lich king in Hard, Heroic, Normal mode whatever you want to call it, but to kill him twice does not appeal me, I m not really trying to proof anything to myself or anyone, at least not in a video game.
PvP in WoW is just horrible made it to 2000 in a 2v2 with my friend not by been good just by playing alot.
I did try to play WAR but game is just too ugly and is still a zerg fest, I have yet to try AoC and Aion AGAIN, I am currently playing Quake Live.
Some players play a game to see it to an end. Some keep replaying to try out different options, like a different class, a different talent spec, or a different raid set up, or a different hard mode.
That is why we have people leaving and others rejoining.
I agree, killing LK 100 times is boring if the hard modes offer nothing essentially different. Luckily, I am not logging onto WoW that much these days, I have yet to get to that stage.
I had 7 70s and then gave up when I saw that WOTLK wasn't offering me anything I wanted. I loved Wow for a time, and as a soloer I loved that you could solo to the top level. And then Wow is simply Raid or give up. Bah. If Wow ever offers me a non-grouping method to obtain the gear I want (even if it's a long and lengthy process), I'll consider rejoining.
Ah this reminds me of why I start playing WoW.
WoW is a game in which there is really a whole game for soloist, during the launch days. A soloist got a lot of things to do, and is equally entertained, as are the groupists. That was in great contrast to EQ, in which you can only solo something 20 levels lower than you, and if you do not have the ability to snare it, it will come back with friends. Yes I can kite, but its not fun kiting every mob for 10 minutes.
However, once you hit the cap, soloing options are largely gone from WoW.
How about achievements? Hard modes? How about collecting pets? How about playing the auction house? How about exploration? How about seeing what you can run solo? How building reputation with vanilla/BC factions? How about collecting the various mounts available WoW?
Fun is where you find it. I'd be bored too if all I did was run dungeouns. There are more choices in WoW than just about any MMO out there. If you can't find something to do, you're not looking very hard.
See you in Cataclysm.
And here is the answer of a WOW player compared to the non playing trolls above (not talking about the OP).
Here is an answer from someone that is having fun doing the same crap over and over. Hey if your having fun, and are happy with Wow's shallow grind related content , good for him/her. A few people enjoy mining in EvE, some like counting marbles in a jar. But marble counting is user created content and doesnt cost $15 a month. Wow is a huge linear hamster wheel, and a HUGE amount of people stll seem to pay for it. I tried to come back, through weeks of my buds telling me how much better the game is now after BC and Lich, how its so easy to get good stuff and all these neat things they added. I came back, got a toon to 80 from lvl 1, did end game 5 mans, raids, pvp, rep, achievments, etc. Im gone for good this time....its crap. Its the same shit, with a few different zones, and added grind layers disguized as new "content". This game is a hamster wheel, carrot on a stick for gear. thats it. GearScore defines your worth, you must do the same content 1000 times over to get your gear to the item level required to run the next gear grind. All the "uber" gear made high gear toons able to one shot everyone and made pvp even more of a joke with contant insta gibs. Yay lets add another grind layer = resiliance. Now you cannot compete in pvp until you get your pvp resiliance gear. How do you do that? get insta gibbed while running hundreds of battlegrounds to Grind enough honor to buy enough pvp gear to be even with other grinders. You can grind Arena and get one shotted until you have enouygh arena points to buy gear for arena...lol. But dude, you can buy gear with badges and tokens! How do i get badges and tokens? Grind Wintergrasp 1 million times, where half the team is afk or sitting around, or grinding acheivments for their epeen. you can run 5 mans a million times, then do them a million times more on heroic, then you might be able to grind ICC if your gear score is high enough. Crap, but millions seem to enjoy and pay for it. Like my buddy told me, " I cant quit wow, I have so much invested in this game" Dude you have NOTHING invested, just time spent. You have nothing special but an account with a toon that has purple names as descriptions which will all be but useless when the next patch arrives.
You abosultely ignored his point. Your comments and description of palying WOW sounds like someone who is frustrated and burned-out. You mention the grind over and over and if you are truly enjoying the game and having fun, you are not grinding. As the poster said, fun IS where you find it. For example, I have not run a 5 man in months just because I have been doing other things. I have been running old dungeons and leveling crafting professions. I have not used guides and I have not done it for speed, I just leveled them for fun. I created an Undead for the first time just to do the quests in the starter areas that I have never done.
Ever heard of a bucket list? That is what I am doing...the things I want to do before Cataclysm comes.
The point is the game is fun for people who find it fun and its a grind for those who approach it as a grind. It is up to the player to dictate how they play because, in the end, we all define what is fun for ourselves.
How the heck did I get a warning for trolling? What a joke...its quite obvious my "opinion" is incorrect. I guess the mods like wow alot. I was just stating my opinion. yawn.
I just left WOW for the last time. Yes i did leave and try everything, WAR, AOC, Aion, whatever, AOC is the only one that remotely interest me. But this last time, me and my RL friends were like, lets try end game, ICC. Well we have geared toons, got into a guild started running ICC, and ran ICC again and again and again...WOW is a great game but come on, blizzard can do much better than this. Maybe it's because I've played WOW for over 4 years and just burnt. I wish everyone well and hope blizzard makes some changes. Just can't run ICC all the time but it's all there is to do.
How about achievements? Hard modes? How about collecting pets? How about playing the auction house? How about exploration? How about seeing what you can run solo? How building reputation with vanilla/BC factions? How about collecting the various mounts available WoW?
Fun is where you find it. I'd be bored too if all I did was run dungeouns. There are more choices in WoW than just about any MMO out there. If you can't find something to do, you're not looking very hard.
See you in Cataclysm.
And here is the answer of a WOW player compared to the non playing trolls above (not talking about the OP).
I am working on my first Conqueror at the moment. Plan is to get revered at Warsong around Sep and hitting 80 by then. It will be a close call to get exalted by the time Cata will hit. Engineer of course for the cute toys in PvP.
Fingers crossed. Battlemaster on the main is still a long way off though- 14 achievements. Perhaps in the next few months too. 2 characters at a time is all I can handle really.
And in a thread titled "Why I left WoW forever" you expected only present WoW players to post? And if someone is not currently playing WoW they're a troll right? You've stated your views on that a time or two, so I think I understand that this is your opinion on the matter.
So uhm.....who exactly was supposed to respond to a thread with the title above?
That makes absolutely ZERO sense........
I left WoW forever because I did not like the direction the game was headed. I didn't like the changes they were incorporating and the community was getting progressively more rude. Without going into minute detail.....that about sums it up for me.
Have to agree with some of what others have said here... 1 end game raid at a time is boring as hell.
There should be 3-4 end game raids at all times. All of which offer the highest level gear, rep, etc.,...
Building up to 1 single end game dungeon... it's a big gamble, as well. What if the players actually 'hate' that end game dungeon/raid? I mean, sure, they HAVE to run it... it's the only one that drops gear that's worth a damn.
Oh, wait... I guess we do have 4 end game raids.
ICC 10
ICC 10 Heroic
ICC 25
ICC 25 Heroic
Oh, nvmd... sure, the bosses are 'harder' to fight.... but, they are the same damned bosses in the same locations. WTF!?!
I dunno... I do like WoW, but the lack 'choice' in the game really does suck. This issue spreads to multiple branches of the game, but the primary focus here is 'end game'.
And, as far as end game goes... @ 80, WoW = World of Waitcraft. Stand and do almost nothing for 10-15 minutes at a time while waiting for things to happen. Bad, bad move. It's the waiting and boredom that ensue's that causes trade channel/trash channel vomit to become the what it has become.
And what Blizz is doing with the 10/25 man raid lockout timers in the expansion... wtf does that do to help the situation?
So... yeah... sure, Blizz is the king of the world and all... but sure wish they'd do more for their slaves.
I dunno, in the end although the name of the dungeon instance changes, all there ever is to do is run the same instance over and over and over, which hasn't changed since I realized this and left before BC launched.
Lets face it. The longest dungeon that one can play without feeling taxing would be what? 3 hours, 5 hours?
The shortest duration to build a quality dungeon for that play length would be what? 6 months? 10 months?
With the superman players out in the market, the normal mode of any dungeon would not last more than a month. So after a month, the top players would feel bored.
I think that the players are part to be blamed for this, playing 24/7, rushing a contain and trying to be the first. Naturally, they will end up burnt out.
I never feel burnt out playing with my sister's baby, or BBQ with my best friends. That is cos I only got to do that once a week or month, at best.
Yes, let's blame the players.
It's not like Blizzard has completely neglected randomized dungeon encounters or anything. it's certainly not something that's existed for quite some time in other MMOs.
I do not follow what you are trying to say.
If a player plays 24/7 he is bound to burn thru content faster than the best development team can put them up. My roommate plays wow 3 hours a week, he is still working on the early stages of wotlk, he never feel burnt out.
As for random dungeons, yes that is a good design, but that does not negate the fact that we are still doing the same bunch of dungeons, just a random pick out of them.
I remember a very very old PC solo game called arena. It generates a random dungeon every time. Now at least the map of each dungeon is slightly different, as well as the mobs. And that is a games 20 years ago. I was hoping that our well paid game designers start delivering something unique, something different, and fun for me. And I am ready to pay for that.
Random as in randomly generated layout and content. meaning the odds of running a dungeon that is built the exact same, with the exact same mobs and locations/patrols, loot, etc, is all random.
The 'blocks' of the dungeons portions, textures, monster models and general valeus would need to be developed, but the assembly of the dungeons would be different every time.
Other MMOs have this. It's not new. Heck the original EQ has had this for years.
Such a system would actually require players to slow down and think about how to approach pulls, rather than have the dungeon strategies burned into their memories so they could practually go through it blind folded. Though, such a system might require too much thinking for most of WoW's playerbase.
Agreed Cer.. There used to be a purpose for crowd control and marking mobs before each pull.. Now it's just a simple predictable AOEfest I don't see that changing any time soon..
Agreed Cer.. There used to be a purpose for crowd control and marking mobs before each pull.. Now it's just a simple predictable AOEfest I don't see that changing any time soon..
Supposedly they're changing the game from an AOEfest to more controlled pulls come Cataclysm. They aren't completely removing the AOE pulls, but it's not going to be the sole form of trash pulls.
I'd go back to WoW if they opened 'heroic realms' where every single mob and dungeon would be a harder version of their 'normal realm' counterparts.
Only if this ment a change in AI and not mobs having more health or more damage... Because let's face it, even then they wouldn't be a challenge. It would just take longer and make it more gruesomely slow...
If I recall correctly, Blizzard said they're bringing back in more need for crowd control into Cata, which isn't a bad thing in my opinion.
These threads always make me smile, people harp on about how things are boring and the same, and yet not many people can actually give examples of what should change and how it should change. Instead they use words like "something different" or "something innovative". Come on guys, if you're bored use some grey matter and give the industry some ideas.
I wonder how todays player base would deal with dungeons like pre nerf Heroic Shattered Halls or Heroic Magisters Terrace. With the LFD feature I'm guessing there would be a lot of people quiting that type of dungeon. People aren't going to tolerate that kind of difficulty (not really hard but certainly more challenging than wotlk's dungeons) in the LFD pugs anymore.
Agreed Cer.. There used to be a purpose for crowd control and marking mobs before each pull.. Now it's just a simple predictable AOEfest I don't see that changing any time soon..
Supposedly they're changing the game from an AOEfest to more controlled pulls come Cataclysm. They aren't completely removing the AOE pulls, but it's not going to be the sole form of trash pulls.
Maybe so, but I'm done with the end game mechanics of "raid" grind.. When Blizz can add more sandbox featrues into their game like instance guild halls and housing and new crafting profs to itemize your private home like EQ2 and other games.. Add more to end game then just raid one fixed dungeon over and over.. I might give WoW another looks, until them my six 80's are retired Sandbox FTW
I just left WOW for the last time. Yes i did leave and try everything, WAR, AOC, Aion, whatever, AOC is the only one that remotely interest me. But this last time, me and my RL friends were like, lets try end game, ICC. Well we have geared toons, got into a guild started running ICC, and ran ICC again and again and again...WOW is a great game but come on, blizzard can do much better than this. Maybe it's because I've played WOW for over 4 years and just burnt. I wish everyone well and hope blizzard makes some changes. Just can't run ICC all the time but it's all there is to do.
How about achievements? Hard modes? How about collecting pets? How about playing the auction house? How about exploration? How about seeing what you can run solo? How building reputation with vanilla/BC factions? How about collecting the various mounts available WoW?
Fun is where you find it. I'd be bored too if all I did was run dungeouns. There are more choices in WoW than just about any MMO out there. If you can't find something to do, you're not looking very hard.
See you in Cataclysm.
What achiements? You mean all the ones that are dungeon or raid related.. (which are probably more then 1/2 of them)
Hard Modes? Again.. Why? Once you run the same dungeon 500 times with the same graphics and same mechanics, it gets old.. just because you up the mobs health 20% doesn't change much.. If that was the case.. Lets just cancel ALL of Cataclysm and instead just have "hard" mode on WoW.. and when you're done with that.. have "nightmare" mode too.. Sound familar?
Pets? most pets are easily collected same with mounts.. it doesnt' take that long to grind (ooops did I say grind) out faction..
Playing the Auction House? You're kidding me, right!.. If I wanted to devote that much time and work into something like that.. I'd go work for a golf spamming company.. or better yet, work WALL STREET where the real money is..
Exploration? Can we have a show of hands how many level 80's have NOT done the exploration achievement.. .. LOL
90% of all well geared lvl 80 toons have already done solo dungeons and rep grind for achievements.. You are grabbing at straws on things that only take days to do.. IF that.. Then what? Solo more low level dungeons again? ZZzzzzzz
BTW.. I loathe WoW's raid mechanics.. I don't find their mode or raiding fun at all....... remove that aspects from the game and WoW is DEAD..... that is spelled D ..... E.......A......D..... DEAD
You won't see me in Cataclysm Have a great day
Oh, and I forgot about the naked gnome race from Dun Morogh to Booty bay....that one's boatloads of fun.
I've been playing WoW longer than you and have take my fair share of breaks, believe me. You don't have to bash WoW to take a break from it.
The first time I left, I'm like "Finally, I'm so bored with WoW! I got into the Warhammer general chat and participated in all the "omg WoW sux! chat." Yeah, that lasted all but 3 months.
The second time I left I said, "Aion's gonna pwn wow!" I actually still resub to Aion from time to time.
I now realize that for the time being, I play WoW and usually 1 other game.
I'm not addicted to WoW. I play almost every day, but I can quit anytime I want *twitch-twitch* ... really I could quit anytime...(checks servers...GAH! still down for maintenence)
Totally agree with your points. I "officially" left WoW about 12 times in the last 4 years. Ya, that's a lot of breaks, to play other games that were going to be WoW killers. That never happened and I always came back to WoW, because it's the only MMORPG out there that I can stand to play for more than a week. To be honest; I never understood why people make it a point to come on forums to let everyone know they are bored with a game. Is there someone out there that honestly gives a crap about someone being bored with a game they are playing? Seriously, please point me to that person. Maybe all the bored players can create a survivors group to help them cope with their feelings...
They come on here and vent when they had a bad day, then like always the come back as soon as a new release pops up.
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
Agreed Cer.. There used to be a purpose for crowd control and marking mobs before each pull.. Now it's just a simple predictable AOEfest I don't see that changing any time soon..
Supposedly they're changing the game from an AOEfest to more controlled pulls come Cataclysm. They aren't completely removing the AOE pulls, but it's not going to be the sole form of trash pulls.
Maybe so, but I'm done with the end game mechanics of "raid" grind.. When Blizz can add more sandbox featrues into their game like instance guild halls and housing and new crafting profs to itemize your private home like EQ2 and other games.. Add more to end game then just raid one fixed dungeon over and over.. I might give WoW another looks, until them my six 80's are retired Sandbox FTW
Agreed. (Well....except for the six 80s....I only have five. heh)
I just left WOW for the last time. Yes i did leave and try everything, WAR, AOC, Aion, whatever, AOC is the only one that remotely interest me. But this last time, me and my RL friends were like, lets try end game, ICC. Well we have geared toons, got into a guild started running ICC, and ran ICC again and again and again...WOW is a great game but come on, blizzard can do much better than this. Maybe it's because I've played WOW for over 4 years and just burnt. I wish everyone well and hope blizzard makes some changes. Just can't run ICC all the time but it's all there is to do.
By focusing more and more on instanced content it seems like Blizzard shot themselves in the foot, then again this helped many players who would not have seen certain dungeons/raids to be able to actually get into them.
For my part, I can see exactly where you are coming from and this was a problem for me. That said, it wasn't the major problem. The sheer volume of bugs in the game, in conjunction with the vast financial resources Blizzard receives due to this game, was the biggest problem for me because I enjoy questing. It was impossible to reach my personal goals in respect to questing without becomming incredibly frustrated due to the what seems to be the Quality Assurance stance at Blizzard: 'if people will tolerate it we won't worry about it.' I can understand that in a game that is meant to appeal to the masses Blizzard would have a stance similar to this but, really, when we look at the quality of the content that has been coming out for WoW it seems to me that we're really hard pressed to ignore that elephant in the room.
In a whole host of ways, david361107, you are absolutely correct: Blizzard can do much better than this. World of Warcraft is an incredibly fun game with great lore and game mechanics that are largely fun, but the devil is in the details and in this case those details are execution and quality assurance.
(1)TL:DR must be your way of saying that thinking hurts. Then again, this may explain why it looks like you responded to the post without using your brain. (2) It's not about community, is it? You just have nothing better to do.
Oh, and I forgot about the naked gnome race from Dun Morogh to Booty bay....that one's boatloads of fun.
I've been playing WoW longer than you and have take my fair share of breaks, believe me. You don't have to bash WoW to take a break from it.
The first time I left, I'm like "Finally, I'm so bored with WoW! I got into the Warhammer general chat and participated in all the "omg WoW sux! chat." Yeah, that lasted all but 3 months.
The second time I left I said, "Aion's gonna pwn wow!" I actually still resub to Aion from time to time.
I now realize that for the time being, I play WoW and usually 1 other game.
I'm not addicted to WoW. I play almost every day, but I can quit anytime I want *twitch-twitch* ... really I could quit anytime...(checks servers...GAH! still down for maintenence)
Totally agree with your points. I "officially" left WoW about 12 times in the last 4 years. Ya, that's a lot of breaks, to play other games that were going to be WoW killers. That never happened and I always came back to WoW, because it's the only MMORPG out there that I can stand to play for more than a week. To be honest; I never understood why people make it a point to come on forums to let everyone know they are bored with a game. Is there someone out there that honestly gives a crap about someone being bored with a game they are playing? Seriously, please point me to that person. Maybe all the bored players can create a survivors group to help them cope with their feelings...
They come on here and vent when they had a bad day, then like always the come back as soon as a new release pops up.
It shows an extreme immature mentality. In fact these people are possessed by WoW more than any active player of the game. The number of posts by some 'I have quit it and I hate it now" even exceeds most posts by the "lovers".
I don't feel the need to post on PotBS, I am hardly interested in the few I tried and played. Besides I couldn't discuss them on topic anyway as I am sure some mechanics were changed.
But here you see people constantly popping up some weird kind of alternative playing emo and picking out the same boring old song of why they'd quit.
I think it is like a kind of cure process for them.
To me it only shows one thing: they are still haunted by WoW and by posting about it, they write off some weird frustration. How good a game must be to actually arrive at this mental state.
Generally, you're likely to be correct in your assessment, but there is a legitimate reason for people to post about leaving and their disappointment in coming back: they are trying to warn other players or potential players.
It's sort of like a political campaign, when done incorrectly, where someone is going on and on about how terrible their opponent is and why you shouldn't vote for them. When it's done correctly it's a helpful point-of-view that will give people on the fence about a game something more to think about before spending the money on the box and/or subscription cost. As I've said initially, you are correct in your assessment when it's applied generally but I simply don't see the OP fitting that description.
(1)TL:DR must be your way of saying that thinking hurts. Then again, this may explain why it looks like you responded to the post without using your brain. (2) It's not about community, is it? You just have nothing better to do.
How about achievements? Hard modes? How about collecting pets? How about playing the auction house? How about exploration? How about seeing what you can run solo? How building reputation with vanilla/BC factions? How about collecting the various mounts available WoW?
Fun is where you find it. I'd be bored too if all I did was run dungeouns. There are more choices in WoW than just about any MMO out there. If you can't find something to do, you're not looking very hard.
See you in Cataclysm.
Most people think of wow only as a gear grinder dungeon/arena/bg running game. I agree that it's the main attraction of this game to get the best gear, but there is so much to do aside from this.
Take your time and run around outlands or northrend.. try fishing for fun, or do some fun achievements.. I guess most of the people playing wow just miss those parts.
I remember doing base jumping from the floating islands in nagrand just for fun.
I pretty much agree with the OP. I left WoW for similar reasons.
Also, I get annoyed with the fact that if I want to do meaningful content, I need 9 other people. I can't do anything non-pvp that is rewarded with 3 or 4 of my friends. This is compounded by the fact there is only one raid at a time, hence one thing to do over and over and over again. One thing where the mobs do the same thing and everything is pretty routine. Hard modes add some challenge, but it is still essentially "memorize the encounter, then do the encounter every week until your eyes bleed."
I'd like there to be more times of end-game activities. I'd like combat to be more about quick-thinking and how you REACT rather than how well you've memorized the encounter. I'd like raids to be have more random elements so it wasn't the same thing every time. I'd like there to be challenging content for small groups (scaling for groups of 2-5) that followed similar principles to what I laid out above. I'd like there to be meaningful story decisions, quests with branching arcs, etc. I'd like there to be more types of PvE end-game content, such as BG-like things. I'd like there to be more random and gm-generated game world events and encounters where it would matter how players react and there'd be real consequences for failure. I'd like the Devs to realize how they make a game and what the game mechanics are affect how the community behaves -- I'd like the Devs to program mechanics with that in mind so the community would be better.
If WoW even did half of that I'd be a lot more interested in it (not to say my ideal game wouldn't have more than just that). Cataclysm doesn't look like it is getting ANY of those things. Yeah, they are retuning skill trees so they work better, but overall the game is largely going to be the exact same thing it is now (I am not saying the changes aren't good, just that they aren't sufficient to keep my interest). Maybe they'll do more when some real competition hits the market over the next couple years, but I think that might be too little too late. Right now they are clearly enjoying raking in the cash for relatively little effort (they OVER 20 times the subs of any other game, but they don't even come out with twice the content of competitors, let alone 10+ times).
Oh, and I forgot about the naked gnome race from Dun Morogh to Booty bay....that one's boatloads of fun.
I've been playing WoW longer than you and have take my fair share of breaks, believe me. You don't have to bash WoW to take a break from it.
The first time I left, I'm like "Finally, I'm so bored with WoW! I got into the Warhammer general chat and participated in all the "omg WoW sux! chat." Yeah, that lasted all but 3 months.
The second time I left I said, "Aion's gonna pwn wow!" I actually still resub to Aion from time to time.
I now realize that for the time being, I play WoW and usually 1 other game.
I'm not addicted to WoW. I play almost every day, but I can quit anytime I want *twitch-twitch* ... really I could quit anytime...(checks servers...GAH! still down for maintenence)
I always leave WoW for the last time.
Lets face it. The longest dungeon that one can play without feeling taxing would be what? 3 hours, 5 hours?
The shortest duration to build a quality dungeon for that play length would be what? 6 months? 10 months?
With the superman players out in the market, the normal mode of any dungeon would not last more than a month. So after a month, the top players would feel bored.
I think that the players are part to be blamed for this, playing 24/7, rushing a contain and trying to be the first. Naturally, they will end up burnt out.
I never feel burnt out playing with my sister's baby, or BBQ with my best friends. That is cos I only got to do that once a week or month, at best.
I could take all the changes Blizzard brought to this game that I really don't like but at the end of the day the one thing I could'nt take anymore was the community .
Well, not even blizz can build content fast enough.
The trick is not to get suck into burning yourself out. I only gear up ONE L80 toon and leave all the other alts to do other stuff.
FOr example, i collect pets. I will do some achievement when i want to.
Level some when i feel like it.
ANd when i feel really burnt out .. stop for a while. WOW is not the only game.
Its dungeons/raids are well designed and i will definitely go thru them a few times when CATA is released.
Yes, let's blame the players.
It's not like Blizzard has completely neglected randomized dungeon encounters or anything. it's certainly not something that's existed for quite some time in other MMOs. </sarcasm>
Half correct but still you got the point.
Heroic mode is not just bigger boss which hits harder. I admire the content designers of WoW. They put in lots of gimmicks in different hard modes (some encounters got many hard modes you can try), and each option of hardmode does play out to be totally different, at times, even though the big boss looks similar.
Still running around in the same instance for 6 months does make one feel bored. There is just so much novelty before it start getting old.
I do not follow what you are trying to say.
If a player plays 24/7 he is bound to burn thru content faster than the best development team can put them up. My roommate plays wow 3 hours a week, he is still working on the early stages of wotlk, he never feel burnt out.
As for random dungeons, yes that is a good design, but that does not negate the fact that we are still doing the same bunch of dungeons, just a random pick out of them.
I remember a very very old PC solo game called arena. It generates a random dungeon every time. Now at least the map of each dungeon is slightly different, as well as the mobs. And that is a games 20 years ago. I was hoping that our well paid game designers start delivering something unique, something different, and fun for me. And I am ready to pay for that.
Some players play a game to see it to an end. Some keep replaying to try out different options, like a different class, a different talent spec, or a different raid set up, or a different hard mode.
That is why we have people leaving and others rejoining.
I agree, killing LK 100 times is boring if the hard modes offer nothing essentially different. Luckily, I am not logging onto WoW that much these days, I have yet to get to that stage.
Ah this reminds me of why I start playing WoW.
WoW is a game in which there is really a whole game for soloist, during the launch days. A soloist got a lot of things to do, and is equally entertained, as are the groupists. That was in great contrast to EQ, in which you can only solo something 20 levels lower than you, and if you do not have the ability to snare it, it will come back with friends. Yes I can kite, but its not fun kiting every mob for 10 minutes.
However, once you hit the cap, soloing options are largely gone from WoW.
How the heck did I get a warning for trolling? What a joke...its quite obvious my "opinion" is incorrect. I guess the mods like wow alot. I was just stating my opinion. yawn.
And in a thread titled "Why I left WoW forever" you expected only present WoW players to post? And if someone is not currently playing WoW they're a troll right? You've stated your views on that a time or two, so I think I understand that this is your opinion on the matter.
So uhm.....who exactly was supposed to respond to a thread with the title above?
That makes absolutely ZERO sense........
I left WoW forever because I did not like the direction the game was headed. I didn't like the changes they were incorporating and the community was getting progressively more rude. Without going into minute detail.....that about sums it up for me.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
Have to agree with some of what others have said here... 1 end game raid at a time is boring as hell.
There should be 3-4 end game raids at all times. All of which offer the highest level gear, rep, etc.,...
Building up to 1 single end game dungeon... it's a big gamble, as well. What if the players actually 'hate' that end game dungeon/raid? I mean, sure, they HAVE to run it... it's the only one that drops gear that's worth a damn.
Oh, wait... I guess we do have 4 end game raids.
ICC 10
ICC 10 Heroic
ICC 25
ICC 25 Heroic
Oh, nvmd... sure, the bosses are 'harder' to fight.... but, they are the same damned bosses in the same locations. WTF!?!
I dunno... I do like WoW, but the lack 'choice' in the game really does suck. This issue spreads to multiple branches of the game, but the primary focus here is 'end game'.
And, as far as end game goes... @ 80, WoW = World of Waitcraft. Stand and do almost nothing for 10-15 minutes at a time while waiting for things to happen. Bad, bad move. It's the waiting and boredom that ensue's that causes trade channel/trash channel vomit to become the what it has become.
And what Blizz is doing with the 10/25 man raid lockout timers in the expansion... wtf does that do to help the situation?
So... yeah... sure, Blizz is the king of the world and all... but sure wish they'd do more for their slaves.
WoW is the best MMO.
A Old Friend Once told me " I'll Make ya Famous"
Random as in randomly generated layout and content. meaning the odds of running a dungeon that is built the exact same, with the exact same mobs and locations/patrols, loot, etc, is all random.
The 'blocks' of the dungeons portions, textures, monster models and general valeus would need to be developed, but the assembly of the dungeons would be different every time.
Other MMOs have this. It's not new. Heck the original EQ has had this for years.
Such a system would actually require players to slow down and think about how to approach pulls, rather than have the dungeon strategies burned into their memories so they could practually go through it blind folded. Though, such a system might require too much thinking for most of WoW's playerbase.
Agreed Cer.. There used to be a purpose for crowd control and marking mobs before each pull.. Now it's just a simple predictable AOEfest I don't see that changing any time soon..
Supposedly they're changing the game from an AOEfest to more controlled pulls come Cataclysm. They aren't completely removing the AOE pulls, but it's not going to be the sole form of trash pulls.
I wonder how todays player base would deal with dungeons like pre nerf Heroic Shattered Halls or Heroic Magisters Terrace. With the LFD feature I'm guessing there would be a lot of people quiting that type of dungeon. People aren't going to tolerate that kind of difficulty (not really hard but certainly more challenging than wotlk's dungeons) in the LFD pugs anymore.
Maybe so, but I'm done with the end game mechanics of "raid" grind.. When Blizz can add more sandbox featrues into their game like instance guild halls and housing and new crafting profs to itemize your private home like EQ2 and other games.. Add more to end game then just raid one fixed dungeon over and over.. I might give WoW another looks, until them my six 80's are retired Sandbox FTW
Totally agree with your points. I "officially" left WoW about 12 times in the last 4 years. Ya, that's a lot of breaks, to play other games that were going to be WoW killers. That never happened and I always came back to WoW, because it's the only MMORPG out there that I can stand to play for more than a week. To be honest; I never understood why people make it a point to come on forums to let everyone know they are bored with a game. Is there someone out there that honestly gives a crap about someone being bored with a game they are playing? Seriously, please point me to that person. Maybe all the bored players can create a survivors group to help them cope with their feelings...
They come on here and vent when they had a bad day, then like always the come back as soon as a new release pops up.
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
Agreed. (Well....except for the six 80s....I only have five. heh)
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
By focusing more and more on instanced content it seems like Blizzard shot themselves in the foot, then again this helped many players who would not have seen certain dungeons/raids to be able to actually get into them.
For my part, I can see exactly where you are coming from and this was a problem for me. That said, it wasn't the major problem. The sheer volume of bugs in the game, in conjunction with the vast financial resources Blizzard receives due to this game, was the biggest problem for me because I enjoy questing. It was impossible to reach my personal goals in respect to questing without becomming incredibly frustrated due to the what seems to be the Quality Assurance stance at Blizzard: 'if people will tolerate it we won't worry about it.' I can understand that in a game that is meant to appeal to the masses Blizzard would have a stance similar to this but, really, when we look at the quality of the content that has been coming out for WoW it seems to me that we're really hard pressed to ignore that elephant in the room.
In a whole host of ways, david361107, you are absolutely correct: Blizzard can do much better than this. World of Warcraft is an incredibly fun game with great lore and game mechanics that are largely fun, but the devil is in the details and in this case those details are execution and quality assurance.
(1)TL:DR must be your way of saying that thinking hurts. Then again, this may explain why it looks like you responded to the post without using your brain.
(2) It's not about community, is it? You just have nothing better to do.
Generally, you're likely to be correct in your assessment, but there is a legitimate reason for people to post about leaving and their disappointment in coming back: they are trying to warn other players or potential players.
It's sort of like a political campaign, when done incorrectly, where someone is going on and on about how terrible their opponent is and why you shouldn't vote for them. When it's done correctly it's a helpful point-of-view that will give people on the fence about a game something more to think about before spending the money on the box and/or subscription cost. As I've said initially, you are correct in your assessment when it's applied generally but I simply don't see the OP fitting that description.
(1)TL:DR must be your way of saying that thinking hurts. Then again, this may explain why it looks like you responded to the post without using your brain.
(2) It's not about community, is it? You just have nothing better to do.
Most people think of wow only as a gear grinder dungeon/arena/bg running game. I agree that it's the main attraction of this game to get the best gear, but there is so much to do aside from this.
Take your time and run around outlands or northrend.. try fishing for fun, or do some fun achievements.. I guess most of the people playing wow just miss those parts.
I remember doing base jumping from the floating islands in nagrand just for fun.
I pretty much agree with the OP. I left WoW for similar reasons.
Also, I get annoyed with the fact that if I want to do meaningful content, I need 9 other people. I can't do anything non-pvp that is rewarded with 3 or 4 of my friends. This is compounded by the fact there is only one raid at a time, hence one thing to do over and over and over again. One thing where the mobs do the same thing and everything is pretty routine. Hard modes add some challenge, but it is still essentially "memorize the encounter, then do the encounter every week until your eyes bleed."
I'd like there to be more times of end-game activities. I'd like combat to be more about quick-thinking and how you REACT rather than how well you've memorized the encounter. I'd like raids to be have more random elements so it wasn't the same thing every time. I'd like there to be challenging content for small groups (scaling for groups of 2-5) that followed similar principles to what I laid out above. I'd like there to be meaningful story decisions, quests with branching arcs, etc. I'd like there to be more types of PvE end-game content, such as BG-like things. I'd like there to be more random and gm-generated game world events and encounters where it would matter how players react and there'd be real consequences for failure. I'd like the Devs to realize how they make a game and what the game mechanics are affect how the community behaves -- I'd like the Devs to program mechanics with that in mind so the community would be better.
If WoW even did half of that I'd be a lot more interested in it (not to say my ideal game wouldn't have more than just that). Cataclysm doesn't look like it is getting ANY of those things. Yeah, they are retuning skill trees so they work better, but overall the game is largely going to be the exact same thing it is now (I am not saying the changes aren't good, just that they aren't sufficient to keep my interest). Maybe they'll do more when some real competition hits the market over the next couple years, but I think that might be too little too late. Right now they are clearly enjoying raking in the cash for relatively little effort (they OVER 20 times the subs of any other game, but they don't even come out with twice the content of competitors, let alone 10+ times).