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I was in beta almost a year ago and didnt like how your character snapped to a target to display the flashy combat animation. It felt too robotic. I know a major patch was just deployed and want to know have they made things feel more fluid. Is this a good game to play to wait for SWTOR/
The core battle mechanics is still the same as first closed/open beta day. Aion batteling system has not changed with new patch. A lot of people are still waitiing for Aion battle system to be fixed.
What do you mean by "snapped" and "robotic" exactly? Personally I feel combat is really fluid and smooth especially when chaining combos one after another, sheath/un-sheath weapon, auto-attack etc. it really feels natural.
The combat system doesn't need a wholesale change at all and isn't broken to be "fixed". It's one of the high-points of the game, but If your problem is the flashy combat animations then I fear that's just an opinionated matter. I'm pretty sure that's never going to change.
I picked it up for 20 bucks, worth it to me. Mind you I rarely last a month when it comes to MMos now days, think I may be burnt out. I am enjoying the begining levels of this game though.
I also bought the $20 Steam special. I'd say , yes , definitely worth it. I mean you get your 30 days and all too. Enjoying it so far, whether i last past 30 days, i don't care, if i get 40-60 hours out of this game = same as a single player game = got my money's worth.
Compare this to Age of Conan where i paid $30 for the -expansion- which have less content than Aion and more grind [in the first 30 days of play] . It's a no brainer tbh.
yes it is worth 20$. you can definately have a good month or two of fun out of that. after that (once you'v reached the last 10 levels or so) it might start to feel just a bit too grindy and shalow but that is only a matter of personal opinion. some people after all like a good grind. definately a really pretty and flashy game.
$5 for game
$15 for the included first month
Go Azphel, one of the better servers out there, but i suggest that u not go asmo...
Asmos suck ass
bah fuk this weeaboo shiz