they are cards that gives you a certain amount of time you can play the mmorpg. For example you can buy 1, 2, 3 month time cards (depending on the game)
They sorta act like "title-specific" mmorpg Visa cards that are one time only uses. If you have an EB near ya they may have em (or any gamestore...I just don't know how prevalent they are in Europe)
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
so you can buy for WoW a 1 month, 3 month and a 6 month card. But wat do you do with the cards, is there a code on them that you have to give to blizzards or something like that? And does it cost as much as the real subscriptions or do the shop owners let you pay more?
Originally posted by rpgmasterjay so you can buy for WoW a 1 month, 3 month and a 6 month card. But wat do you do with the cards, is there a code on them that you have to give to blizzards or something like that? And does it cost as much as the real subscriptions or do the shop owners let you pay more?
you scratch off the silver gunk on the back of the card, displaying a string of numbers. Then go to your account settings and they'll have a game card option. Simply go there and enter the string of numbers from your card in the slot provided.
Wallah. Your account is set up
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Originally posted by rpgmasterjay so you can buy for WoW a 1 month, 3 month and a 6 month card. But wat do you do with the cards, is there a code on them that you have to give to blizzards or something like that? And does it cost as much as the real subscriptions or do the shop owners let you pay more?
you scratch off the silver gunk on the back of the card, displaying a string of numbers. Then go to your account settings and they'll have a game card option. Simply go there and enter the string of numbers from your card in the slot provided.
they are cards that gives you a certain amount of time you can play the mmorpg. For example you can buy 1, 2, 3 month time cards (depending on the game)
They sorta act like "title-specific" mmorpg Visa cards that are one time only uses. If you have an EB near ya they may have em (or any gamestore...I just don't know how prevalent they are in Europe)
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
you scratch off the silver gunk on the back of the card, displaying a string of numbers. Then go to your account settings and they'll have a game card option. Simply go there and enter the string of numbers from your card in the slot provided.
Wallah. Your account is set up
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
you scratch off the silver gunk on the back of the card, displaying a string of numbers. Then go to your account settings and they'll have a game card option. Simply go there and enter the string of numbers from your card in the slot provided.
Wallah. Your account is set up
Do you mean "voila"?
wallah is more like the arabic valla, which is kind of like "I swear"
he meant voila
....must .....WoW