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Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures is an upcoming game from Sony Online Entertainment based on the Free Realms engine. Recently,'s Alan Smithee had the chance to check out Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures even though he doesn't quite fit the 10-year-old boy demographic. Check out his impressions.
What are SOE doing next with their Free Realms engine? The answer is Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures, which I got to play at E3. SW:CWA is aimed directly at the 10-year-old boy demographic, and features lots of minigames, microtransactions, and little else.
Hmm..Why not make the game like Free Realms odd really..
Ohh Well thanks for the article, I have atleast one 10 year old + relative that plays club pinguin and is a Star Wars fan that must like this game atleast..
I dount SOE bothered investing too heavily in this as ToR is going to destroy it without a trace. I can't see anyone playing this once Bioware release The Old Republic.
No I can see why SOE have gone the route they have though it does seem a step back and unlikely to make best use of the IP or the legions of Clone Wars fans.
I think you missed the point of this game... it is for the Cartoon Network clubbers... Kids... Children... People with the attention span of a wet fart... A quick cash injection.
It was never meant to rival BW's behemoth.
This have been a good conversation
Attention span of a wet fart? ROFLMAO! That's a new one....*writes down*
where is the difference to the look & style of bioware' s SWTOR?
The biggest thing they learnt from Free Realms and therefore did in Clone Wars, was that perisistent worlds are a waste of time!!! So they just got rid of it completely in the Clone Wars Adventures.
Wouldn't a wet fart "linger" with you?
So long attention span?
Hm could have been morw with little effort. /pass
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
In a world where children control their parents with ever need, want, or slightest desire this could make some profits >_>
The good people at Lucas Arts are face palming all over this one when compared to SWTOR
This is distinctly dissapointing. I had hoped this would be a "lite" RPG/action game that would allow a few minutes of fun now and then but still allow character progression. Although my 30-odd years doens't fall into the target demographic, I've appreciated the gameplay of Wizard 101 periodically and have enjoyed spending time in that game as well (it fulfills a very different gaming experience). I'll play around with it at launch, but can't see any reason to invest even a dollar into the game as the socialization is useless to me without a multiplayer experience.
Or maybe in a world where parents sometimes buy things for their children this could make some profits. I don't see the problem with buying your child a toy or game that is not only not dangerous but also is relatively cheap and keeps them from doing stupid stuff. Clearly, you as an experienced parent know all about the right way to raise children, and which desires to give in to and which ones to ignore, correct?
As for the game itself, it's probably going to suck for people like us and be good for the kids. As expected. The game would literally have not been allowed to be made if it, in even a slight way, competed with SW:TOR. Didn't everyone know that already?
I think its disgusting how hard some people try to push videogames on children for money. Shouldn't they be you know, running outside with friends like adults wish they could do now? Instead of depriving their life sitting inside playing videogames all day? Pathetic really.
With MMOs being so easy I suspect they are playing WoW, EQ2, LOTRO, rather than some lame game like Clone Wars.
And what exactly are you doing right now, buddy? Commenting on an MMO forum? This must be the most ironic post of all time. People have time to do two things in a day, they don't spend all night playing outside. They can spend time at night playing online and the daytime playing sports.
Yeah so I exaggerate a bit on how spoiled some parents make their kids because I'm in the public. :P
I say that because it is a poor use of the Star Wars IP. Lobby with minigames... and not even Star Wars games. Come on...
ah a bit of a shame. wasnt expecting much but also not this little.
scratch this off my list.
I think it is 50/50 with a wet fart or a dry all has to do with the sound and smell factor.
I'd hardly call the Clone Wars cartoon part of the Star Wars IP, at least it is certainly not part of the IP that anyone cares about. I view this as simply something that doesn't interest me but children will probably have a blast with it. Good for them. Nobody but children would associate Star Wars with that cartoon anyway, people who are older think of Obi Wan and Han Solo, and Jabba the Hut. The clone wars cartoon would probably be the last thing that I would think of.
Wait, so... Justin *doesn't* meet the 10 year old boy demographic!?!?
I could see this replacing SWG when TOR is released..
It’s a selection of minigames accessed from a lobby area.
Sounds like WoW.
Sounds like you haven't played WoW.
Sounds like you haven't played since the Random Dungeon Finder was put in.
Yes, you make a good point with the RDF, but I'm no raider, so it doesn't really effect players like myself who prefer exploration, community, lore, and economy (although admittedly, those who are really into lore need to be into raiding as well).
Not likely the case with SOE's new turd.
It will be a great place to separate the Real Star Wars Fans from the SOE Station Sub holder.
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