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I almost bought this today but before I do I was wanting some feedback is the game fun and worth the 50 bucks :P also I heard the subsciption is different from other games how does it work?
I tried it for a few minutes, just not my thing. Personally, if I were you i wouldn't buy it without trying it first.
Do they have a trial?
I don't know if I played the trial or an open beta... heh I'm sure somebody here will pipe up soon with some information that will actuall help
Looked everywhere on their site. Didn't see a trial. The character customization in this game looks sick! Every mmo should have something like that by now... but how's the gameplay in APB? Looks like something different. Worth the money anyone?
No trial atm. The games a lot of fun but it isn't for everyone.
It's PvP centric. You will not go up against NPC's. Every opponent you face is a player.
It's more of a sandbox style game that does have missions. This ones hard to explain lol. The districts are pretty big and very interactive. You hop over fences, kick open doors and run through buildings, climb ladders and get up on to roofs, as well as steal cars, drive through the city and have shoot outs against other players (If your on a mission against them).
It can be played solo or with a group. Most people find it more fun to play with a group. But pickup groups are very easy to find with the grouping system they have. When you join a mission if your solo a lot of times you will be able to call for backup or sometimes you will join a mission that already has others doing it.
Action is easy to find and fairly constant. When you do have times where you don't wish to do missions there are some other things you can do.
Enforcer - You can witness crimes by targeting a criminal with a handcuff symbol next to there name (This indicates they've committed a crime). Witnessing a crime gives you a little cash and standing. Also witnessing a crime creates a mission for either you, or someone else in the game as an APB can be called out on the criminal.
You can also confiscate cars from NPC's and turn them in at a garage that marked with a grey marker after you get in it. Doing this gets you cash and standing as well.
Criminal - These guys have a lot they can do outside of missions. They can ram raid stores and steal the items that fall out. Break into some doors some other things to get some cash and standing. They can steal cars and turn them in for cash etc. They can mug NPC's.
Committing crimes builds up notoriety though. The higher it gets the more likely you are to have APB's called out on you (An APB means another player was dispatched to deal with you).
Missions come in various types.
Escape - You can receive escape missions, which have the criminals try to out run the police. You are trying to avoid capture and make your escape. Breaking the law, such as running over civies, getting into wrecks, shooting enforcers, and getting caught give you a time penalty to your escape. If the timer ticks down before your escape bar fills you lose if your the criminal. The enforcers job is to try and run the criminal off the road and either kill or arrest them.
VIP missions - VIP missions mean someone on one of the teams is a target. The VIP's team is to protect the VIP, while the other teams job is to kill the VIP. The VIP will have one of 2 objectives. Stay alive or deliver an item to a specific locations.
Capture the flag style missions - Enforcers will be given an objective to guard, a criminal's job is to destroy it or w/e the mission tells you to do lol. Sometimes it's spray paint grafiti, some times set a car on fire, etc.
Vs. type missions - Some missions will simply have you try and kill a criminal. The criminal will be trying to kill you in the process.
There's more but I'm getting tired.
Games fun, but it isn't for everyone. If it helps you decide when you purchase the game it comes with 50 hours of action district time and unlimited social district time. The social district is where ALL of the customizations are done and the customization system is beyond awsome. It's the best I've ever seen in an MMO and pretty much any game.
You can customize your car, clothes, you, theme music, music, tatoos, symbols for your clothes, and etc.
The market place is also in the social district and if you make some nice stuff or find some nice stuff you have the option of selling it for APB$ which is in game currency or for RTW points which is the currency you use to buy game time.
The fee to play is unique. After buying the game the social district is completely free and can be accessed without eve paying another dime. The action district is a bit different.
$10 gets you 30 days of unlimited action district time.
$7 gets you 20 hours of action district time.
Game isn't perfect it does need some polish and some things need work like the matchmaking system (only a problem for me if I'm in a group when I accept a mission). But all in all the game is stable, not any noticable bugs that I've come across. It's one of the best MMO launches I've experienced.
But as I said, to me it's a blast. Haven't had this much fun playing an MMO since my UO days.
Oh... also............ vet does not = pwn newb. There is progression and better weapons and etc. but it isn't the be all end all decider. Aiming plays a part in winning but the biggest part comes from strategy and tactics as well as how well you can simply think on your feet.
A well placed car ram can change the tide of battle in your favor. A missed turn can tip the scales against you.
Thanks gray that helped alot I might go pick this up
Yep thank you, excellent post. Think I'll check this out. Sounds like a good game for rage relief
I'd wait for the next patch. Then buy it. IMO...
Patch? I haven't seen a single bug in the game yet.. lol Not client/server crashes. Is that sarcasm or are you serious?
Bugs , no not really lag is a bit of a problem . to many on same dis and lag your butt into everything. I would say worst is balance i have played both sides and you can forget crime you are going to have a bad time leveling your rating because everything you do will get you in trouble to start.
1. hit a pole reported
2 hit someone reported
3 steal reported etc. , etc and etc
then you get APB on you this is when being a crim hurts you are always out matched
in all but maybe 3 times i have been out rated by more the 75 points me 31 them up too 175
and don't listen to people say this does not matter higher rating gets you health reg added damage reduction and much better weapons and better autos that they can change weapons on the fly and reload where lower level you get nothing but skill and you can shoot a tank with super skill and a bb gun all you want not going to happen unless your lucky.
now most are going to the enforcer side and the balance is changing cops are becoming asses i have read and twice had happen they try and make you ram people to cause your apb to rise and just become a problem. they just have nothing to really do since i have now switched to cops you can stun the crims and when the timer hits 99% head shot this must be a bug and should be a big killer to the rating killing your prisoner but nope .
so yes they need to patch a lot to make it worth being bad on the server so play a cop unles you just like getting ganged rape 9 out of 10 mission.
ps if someone here say diff they play a cop and hope you will play a bad toon they need something to do.
Its ok...
Generally though you'll get bored or aggravated over some of its problems within half an hour to an hour.
As to whether or not its "worth it".
..imo not really but then you have to make up your own mind.