I wish you could just use the keyboard without the mouse i find it a conctant problem moving the mouse around. Keyboard was so simple once you got used to it in FFXI
hopefully they wil have that as well. But idk i mean you would think this late in the game that they would have these things working well, makes me question if this is important to them, cause if its not high on there list we wont be seeing it. I really wish i knew what it was going to be like at launch....but just gonna have to wait and see.
hopefully they wil have that as well. But idk i mean you would think this late in the game that they would have these things working well, makes me question if this is important to them, cause if its not high on there list we wont be seeing it. I really wish i knew what it was going to be like at launch....but just gonna have to wait and see.
I don't think it's that big of a concern for them, really.
But it can be if it's big enough of a concern for us. They'll look into it.
Also, full keyboard controls work just as well as in XI.
Using LOL is like saying "my argument sucks but I still want to disagree".
I dont think its a big concern for them either, and i have no doubt that the keyboard control works great but i like to play with my mouse as well for clicking on my abilities. Im not sure i could ever get used to no mouse.
From what I read all versions of this game (console+PC) run on the same servers. Now I read somewhere else 500 years ago, that the current consoles (360, PS3) are not good at MMOs, because they have limited RAM (512MB). The only MMO-like game I played on these consoles was Phantasy Star Universe on xbox360, which was heavily instanced (and hacker´s paradise, but that´s another story). If I remember correctly, this game also was multiplatform on the same servers.
Now you write, that in FF14 are mostly zones, and they are huge. Since I don´t know FF11: how did it work in FF11? Were the zones there also huge and barely instanced? I hope, it is not like PSU, because the game experience there for me was entirely crap.
Now you write, that in FF14 are mostly zones, and they are huge. Since I don´t know FF11: how did it work in FF11? Were the zones there also huge and barely instanced?
I hope, it is not like PSU, because the game experience there for me was entirely crap.
FFXI talking about the world in general is made up entirely of huge and some smallish zones, including underground caves and dungeon type environments, but nothing was instanced. Then there were many types of BCNM type battles and events and other end-game activities that were instanced just for your 6-man PT, 18-man Alliance, or up to 64-man raid. The bulk of FFXI is entirely open to everyone and as many PTs or solo players could fit in there, there is no limit, nor does it ever instance itself like for example EQII.
As an exmple in zone size, La Theine Plateau which any adventurer of Vana'diel can attest to running back and forth across hundreds of times to and from the Valkurm Dunes, on foot if you went straight across and encountered no resistences would take about 8min, on chocobo it can be done in about 3-4min. It would take even longer if you were lower level 10-20ish as you would still aggro mobs and have to avoid them as well.
Now you write, that in FF14 are mostly zones, and they are huge. Since I don´t know FF11: how did it work in FF11? Were the zones there also huge and barely instanced?
I hope, it is not like PSU, because the game experience there for me was entirely crap.
Alright lemme explain.
FFXI had "regions" just like XIV. But these regions were divided to smaller "zones". Each region consisted of maybe 6+ "zones" or more. The PS2 was not capable of handling any bigger areas than this.
But in XIV the "regions" itself are zoneless. Meaning that when in XI they would have been divided to 6 smaller "zones", in XIV they're just one huge zone.
It's absolutely nothing like PSU, and if the devs have stated that instancing is "necessary" for console MMO they were fooling you hard.
But yes, there were barely any instances in XI. Only when congestion was a problem with more popular "raids" and stuff, they added few instances to compensate for that. The world itself is all open.
Oh yeah, Khrymson explained it above.. more the merrier I guess.
Using LOL is like saying "my argument sucks but I still want to disagree".
FFXI had "regions" just like XIV. But these regions were divided to smaller "zones". Each region consisted of maybe 6+ "zones" or more. The PS2 was not capable of handling any bigger areas than this.
But in XIV the "regions" itself are zoneless. Meaning that when in XI they would have been divided to 6 smaller "zones", in XIV they're just one huge zone.
I think I'm somewhat gonna miss the kick of rushing to a zoning border with half of the zone's Goblin population on your trail...and making it with 2% of you HP left.
Thanks for the info, it was very informative. I do have one question, what is MPs used for. I saw you quickly describe TP and Stamina, and mention MPs only replenish from a sources and from Aetherytes. I imagine it is for some attacks, but is it only for spells for Disciple of Magics or orther "classes" use them too, and how does it differ from the TP and Stamina gauges?
Aside from that, I hope they do add more mouse support in the game. I am a big mouse user, it is not a deal breaker but it will be awkward for me if they don't. I have been eager for this game, I been looking for a MMO that encourages strong dynamic group play but lets you solo for an hour or so on those late nights you only have a bit of time to get online.
Though I never got into FFXI that much, but some of my most fond memories involving other players is from FFXI.
Regarding the "crafting" classes, I see that you can try out all of them by switching tools (?) but is it going to be possible to max all of them? Not quite sure if you're going to be limited by a points system, or whether it's going to be just a case of how much time you put into levelling each class.
Regarding the "crafting" classes, I see that you can try out all of them by switching tools (?) but is it going to be possible to max all of them? Not quite sure if you're going to be limited by a points system, or whether it's going to be just a case of how much time you put into levelling each class.
Inventory space, namely the lack thereof, will likely handle that aspect.
Writer / Musician / Game Designer
Now Playing: Skyrim, Wurm Online, Tropico 4 Waiting On: GW2, TSW, Archeage, The Rapture
Thanks for the info, it was very informative. I do have one question, what is MPs used for. I saw you quickly describe TP and Stamina, and mention MPs only replenish from a sources and from Aetherytes. I imagine it is for some attacks, but is it only for spells for Disciple of Magics or orther "classes" use them too, and how does it differ from the TP and Stamina gauges?
Spells for magic classes, some abilities for melee classes.
But no worries, since mages have a "normal" attack type skill that gives them TP too and costs no MP, so they're not inferior to melee in this aspect. TP can also be used to cast some spells iirc.
Using LOL is like saying "my argument sucks but I still want to disagree".
Regarding the "crafting" classes, I see that you can try out all of them by switching tools (?) but is it going to be possible to max all of them? Not quite sure if you're going to be limited by a points system, or whether it's going to be just a case of how much time you put into levelling each class.
It has been said that right now you can level all crafting classes to max without limitations, but they are considering limiting this aspect due to economy issues, but nothing conclusive regarding that has been mentioned anywhere.
In comparison, in XI you could level all crafts to 60, and after that you had 40 levels to divide between all the crafts. Meaning you could take one craft to 100 (cap), or two to 80 (20+20) and so on. I wouldn't be surprised to see something like that here too.
Using LOL is like saying "my argument sucks but I still want to disagree".
Well there goes all hope of FFXIV being my next MMO. I don't care how good the auto-translate feature is. I just find it ridiculous that SE still thinks this is a good idea.
FFXI was completely ruined for me because I couldn't communicate with half the people I met. The ingame translation tools were utter crap, and I couldn't even say something as simple as "yes" or "no" to the japanese players everywhere. Totally ruined the game for me. Now, this was back when the game first launched so maybe it got better, but I didn't stick around to find out.
Why the hell should I have to put up with people speaking a dozen plus languages and having a hard time finding groups that can communicate well. It destroys the ability to form PUGs, which in turn hurts your ability to make new friends, seeing as how you can't understand half of them. I don't have xenoglossophobia or anything... it just seems incredibly silly that SE continues to do their servers this way, the opposite of every MMO i've ever heard of.
PvP can really improve a game's feel. I know, there's people who say otherwise but I think a good decade of data now says to the contrary. Then again jMMOs have some rough pvp archtypes that I don't think would translate very well in to a mass-appeal style A title game.
All on one server with zones means, zone group shelling? Like 'Town1' 'Town2' 'Town3' with a drop down to phase where people are? I don't mind that, but it has reprecussions as being not truly accessible to a lot of casul folks. Like the kids and housewives that make up a good chunk of the paying MMO market.
Eh, not really great selling points. But okay info.
(Took out a bit on crafting, still doesn't seem to be a lot of info on it.)
I kill other players because they're smarter than AI, sometimes.
Well there goes all hope of FFXIV being my next MMO. I don't care how good the auto-translate feature is. I just find it ridiculous that SE still thinks this is a good idea.
FFXI was completely ruined for me because I couldn't communicate with half the people I met. The ingame translation tools were utter crap, and I couldn't even say something as simple as "yes" or "no" to the japanese players everywhere. Totally ruined the game for me. Now, this was back when the game first launched so maybe it got better, but I didn't stick around to find out.
Why the hell should I have to put up with people speaking a dozen plus languages and having a hard time finding groups that can communicate well. It destroys the ability to form PUGs, which in turn hurts your ability to make new friends, seeing as how you can't understand half of them. I don't have xenoglossophobia or anything... it just seems incredibly silly that SE continues to do their servers this way, the opposite of every MMO i've ever heard of.
I don't see how it's a silly idea. Yes, the auto translator isn't all that great. But, you could definitely communicate with it. A lot of people will dissagree with you about being about being able to communicate as a group. I know I had great parties with people on the other side of the world from me. I've also gotten help and made friends with people who could speak barely any english. I for one will be happy to see everyone be able to come together again. They do it because it works. It still works with FFXI. It will be even better this time without the PS2 limitations on an auto translator.
To be the best, you must help each other become the best. FFXI Character: Satimasu FFXI Server: Valefor FFXIV Character: Tamorae Fonteil
The other half of the time we had no idea wtf was going on, and pugging was a slow and laborous process trying to communicate with less than sufficient tools.
Perhaps the auto translate feature in XIV will be good enough. I'm not holding my breath. I love the idea of making friends halfway across the world, but not at the expense of my gameplay experience. It wasn't worth the hassle and I gave up on XI before giving it its fair due. I wish I could have been able to enjoy it more.
Seriously, there was no button for yes or no. That drove me completely insane. JP player says with his translation tools something like "Would you like to go kill X in zone Y?" and my response is "Good Morning"
A bit of need to know information is of course released gam is,sep PC release but PS3 players have to wait 6 months,all because they still cannot figure out their tech problems when coding for PS3,this has gone on since FFXIII was being made,that is some VERY slow progress by their so called skilled team.I am sure this wil lbe a HUGE concern for most PS3 users,since they wil lbe given the slap in the face when economy has allowed to get otu of hand for 6 months before they can join.Also the most successful sellers in any economy based game,are those who can sell the lucrative items ..FIRST !,gettign in on the action behind everyone else means,that won't be the pS3 users.
Stat system can build you a decent one class build,but once you begin to play other roles,your stats can and will be weaker in comparison,this stat system takes a step back from FFXI.IMO even your uber built stat class,will just be the normal build ,Square intended,they are not going to allow anyone to have an over powering player,so get that idea out of your head.
Of course nothing is officially released,but my take is i am reading between the lines more and more that is showing signs ,this game will favor larger guilds,well anyone that can form a company,to which my understanding is that you need to be a large guild to make a company,feel free to correct me if i am wrong.It is imo a serious concern to alienate smaller guilds especially since the game is claiming to be this soloing game,so many want.I personally do not want a solo game,but i am all for fair play across the board,there should not be any added bonuses or extra game play ,just because you are able to be in a company.
Posing information on size of towns ,is kind of meaningless without getting into detail,example are there going to be filler structures,that really are just eye candy,or all the buildings going to be usefull buidlings?
The towns that are on water fronts,can we actually access the water?Or is most of the graphic backdrops just static areas?Example once again,i will use FFXIII,improved graphics meant nothing,because most areas were single colour based and travel areas were VERY linear and small,is this the case in towns?
I think if we are going to be spreading information about the game,it should go into detail,vague information can be extremely misleading.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
First, I need a hanky for my bleeding eyes, man, edit your rants please, that was one tough read.
Your first point is slightly valid, though any player who is serious about getting involved in economic firsts (which is usually the RMTs) could easily purchase the PC version to get their account rolling, and pick up the PS3 version later if they prefer console. The cost of the game is nominal, when compared to the number of hours the average "serious" player will be investing anyway.
Second point: Moot - have you missed the stat refunding system? Discussed in several interviews, the system is there so that when you decide to move to another class system you're not gimped, so be at ease.
Third point: Linkshells = Social Networking. Companies are the guilds. While they may use a similar system, the idea is to help "guilds," or larger linkshells, with managing their membership, this is not something smaller groups generally struggle with. Besides, starting your own website is easy, therefore this is not worth whining about. Final note, "reading between the lines" is generally a bad idea when the game is still under an NDA, since there are a LOT of lines missing.
Your point about towns is somewhat understandable, for those who remember FFXI, there was a lot of filler content that made towns very large, without having any benefit to game-play, but again, the NDA kind of makes it hard to complain about this just yet as well.
Regarding graphics, not even sure you have a point here. The trend to attack what little information has escaped from the Alpha testers and foreign fan magazines is getting annoying. Do your research, ask questions, don't assault the unknown, there is no benefit to the community, and besides, in general, no-one is going to be able to give you a straight answer until the information ban is lifted.
The international servers are just part of SE's ideology.
I'm sure they're aware that region specific servers would be more well received, but there are some things they won't bend on.
They want everyone to play together, and even go as far as to create translation tools and other helpful features to make it happen.
And frankly, it is not without good sides. Think of the Korean MMO's, where SK gets the updates first and West months later, maybe even stripped down. This kind of thing just won't happen here. The Japanese don't have any privilege. Well, they could, just like the Koreans do (and the West doesn't even seem to mind? It's weird) but they have their ideal and stick to it.
Using LOL is like saying "my argument sucks but I still want to disagree".
I wish you could just use the keyboard without the mouse i find it a conctant problem moving the mouse around. Keyboard was so simple once you got used to it in FFXI
hopefully they wil have that as well. But idk i mean you would think this late in the game that they would have these things working well, makes me question if this is important to them, cause if its not high on there list we wont be seeing it. I really wish i knew what it was going to be like at launch....but just gonna have to wait and see.
I don't think it's that big of a concern for them, really.
But it can be if it's big enough of a concern for us. They'll look into it.
Also, full keyboard controls work just as well as in XI.
I dont think its a big concern for them either, and i have no doubt that the keyboard control works great but i like to play with my mouse as well for clicking on my abilities. Im not sure i could ever get used to no mouse.
Hyanmen, you get paid for your time, correct?
Not asking to bash you, I'm just hoping you get some kind of compensation for the amount of time you spend singing the gospel of FFXIV.
I also wanted to thank you for you reply to a previous post of mine. it was informative.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a MMORPG.com member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
Great post, Thanks OP. I'm becoming really stoked to get back to an FF mmo.
Not sure if this is trolling:
From what I read all versions of this game (console+PC) run on the same servers. Now I read somewhere else 500 years ago, that the current consoles (360, PS3) are not good at MMOs, because they have limited RAM (512MB). The only MMO-like game I played on these consoles was Phantasy Star Universe on xbox360, which was heavily instanced (and hacker´s paradise, but that´s another story). If I remember correctly, this game also was multiplatform on the same servers.
Now you write, that in FF14 are mostly zones, and they are huge. Since I don´t know FF11: how did it work in FF11? Were the zones there also huge and barely instanced?
I hope, it is not like PSU, because the game experience there for me was entirely crap.
FFXI talking about the world in general is made up entirely of huge and some smallish zones, including underground caves and dungeon type environments, but nothing was instanced. Then there were many types of BCNM type battles and events and other end-game activities that were instanced just for your 6-man PT, 18-man Alliance, or up to 64-man raid. The bulk of FFXI is entirely open to everyone and as many PTs or solo players could fit in there, there is no limit, nor does it ever instance itself like for example EQII.
As an exmple in zone size, La Theine Plateau which any adventurer of Vana'diel can attest to running back and forth across hundreds of times to and from the Valkurm Dunes, on foot if you went straight across and encountered no resistences would take about 8min, on chocobo it can be done in about 3-4min. It would take even longer if you were lower level 10-20ish as you would still aggro mobs and have to avoid them as well.
Alright lemme explain.
FFXI had "regions" just like XIV. But these regions were divided to smaller "zones". Each region consisted of maybe 6+ "zones" or more. The PS2 was not capable of handling any bigger areas than this.
But in XIV the "regions" itself are zoneless. Meaning that when in XI they would have been divided to 6 smaller "zones", in XIV they're just one huge zone.
It's absolutely nothing like PSU, and if the devs have stated that instancing is "necessary" for console MMO they were fooling you hard.
But yes, there were barely any instances in XI. Only when congestion was a problem with more popular "raids" and stuff, they added few instances to compensate for that. The world itself is all open.
Oh yeah, Khrymson explained it above.. more the merrier I guess.
I'm just simply quite bored. Especially while at work, lol.
I also like what I do, so win/win!?
I loved when I used to get paid to play computer games and do my homework...err, I mean tutor for the Chem. Department at school.
"Chemistry: 'We do stuff in lab that would be a felony in your garage.'"
The most awesomest after school special T-shirt:
Front: UNO Chemistry Club
Back: /\OH --> Bad Decisions
I think I'm somewhat gonna miss the kick of rushing to a zoning border with half of the zone's Goblin population on your trail...and making it with 2% of you HP left.
First time posting!
Thanks for the info, it was very informative. I do have one question, what is MPs used for. I saw you quickly describe TP and Stamina, and mention MPs only replenish from a sources and from Aetherytes. I imagine it is for some attacks, but is it only for spells for Disciple of Magics or orther "classes" use them too, and how does it differ from the TP and Stamina gauges?
Aside from that, I hope they do add more mouse support in the game. I am a big mouse user, it is not a deal breaker but it will be awkward for me if they don't. I have been eager for this game, I been looking for a MMO that encourages strong dynamic group play but lets you solo for an hour or so on those late nights you only have a bit of time to get online.
Though I never got into FFXI that much, but some of my most fond memories involving other players is from FFXI.
Regarding the "crafting" classes, I see that you can try out all of them by switching tools (?) but is it going to be possible to max all of them? Not quite sure if you're going to be limited by a points system, or whether it's going to be just a case of how much time you put into levelling each class.
Inventory space, namely the lack thereof, will likely handle that aspect.
Writer / Musician / Game Designer
Now Playing: Skyrim, Wurm Online, Tropico 4
Waiting On: GW2, TSW, Archeage, The Rapture
Spells for magic classes, some abilities for melee classes.
But no worries, since mages have a "normal" attack type skill that gives them TP too and costs no MP, so they're not inferior to melee in this aspect. TP can also be used to cast some spells iirc.
It has been said that right now you can level all crafting classes to max without limitations, but they are considering limiting this aspect due to economy issues, but nothing conclusive regarding that has been mentioned anywhere.
In comparison, in XI you could level all crafts to 60, and after that you had 40 levels to divide between all the crafts. Meaning you could take one craft to 100 (cap), or two to 80 (20+20) and so on. I wouldn't be surprised to see something like that here too.
Thanks for the response, reading your posts in this thread was very informative and is one of the reasons why I had the courage to pre-order the game.
Thanks again!
Everyone plays on the same server....
Well there goes all hope of FFXIV being my next MMO. I don't care how good the auto-translate feature is. I just find it ridiculous that SE still thinks this is a good idea.
FFXI was completely ruined for me because I couldn't communicate with half the people I met. The ingame translation tools were utter crap, and I couldn't even say something as simple as "yes" or "no" to the japanese players everywhere. Totally ruined the game for me. Now, this was back when the game first launched so maybe it got better, but I didn't stick around to find out.
Why the hell should I have to put up with people speaking a dozen plus languages and having a hard time finding groups that can communicate well. It destroys the ability to form PUGs, which in turn hurts your ability to make new friends, seeing as how you can't understand half of them. I don't have xenoglossophobia or anything... it just seems incredibly silly that SE continues to do their servers this way, the opposite of every MMO i've ever heard of.
PvP can really improve a game's feel. I know, there's people who say otherwise but I think a good decade of data now says to the contrary. Then again jMMOs have some rough pvp archtypes that I don't think would translate very well in to a mass-appeal style A title game.
All on one server with zones means, zone group shelling? Like 'Town1' 'Town2' 'Town3' with a drop down to phase where people are? I don't mind that, but it has reprecussions as being not truly accessible to a lot of casul folks. Like the kids and housewives that make up a good chunk of the paying MMO market.
Eh, not really great selling points. But okay info.
(Took out a bit on crafting, still doesn't seem to be a lot of info on it.)
I kill other players because they're smarter than AI, sometimes.
I don't see how it's a silly idea. Yes, the auto translator isn't all that great. But, you could definitely communicate with it. A lot of people will dissagree with you about being about being able to communicate as a group. I know I had great parties with people on the other side of the world from me. I've also gotten help and made friends with people who could speak barely any english. I for one will be happy to see everyone be able to come together again. They do it because it works. It still works with FFXI. It will be even better this time without the PS2 limitations on an auto translator.
To be the best, you must help each other become the best.
FFXI Character: Satimasu
FFXI Server: Valefor
FFXIV Character: Tamorae Fonteil
Yeah I had good groups, and met cool people too.
The other half of the time we had no idea wtf was going on, and pugging was a slow and laborous process trying to communicate with less than sufficient tools.
Perhaps the auto translate feature in XIV will be good enough. I'm not holding my breath. I love the idea of making friends halfway across the world, but not at the expense of my gameplay experience. It wasn't worth the hassle and I gave up on XI before giving it its fair due. I wish I could have been able to enjoy it more.
Seriously, there was no button for yes or no. That drove me completely insane. JP player says with his translation tools something like "Would you like to go kill X in zone Y?" and my response is "Good Morning"
Stupid as hell. Not worth the effort.
A bit of need to know information is of course released gam is,sep PC release but PS3 players have to wait 6 months,all because they still cannot figure out their tech problems when coding for PS3,this has gone on since FFXIII was being made,that is some VERY slow progress by their so called skilled team.I am sure this wil lbe a HUGE concern for most PS3 users,since they wil lbe given the slap in the face when economy has allowed to get otu of hand for 6 months before they can join.Also the most successful sellers in any economy based game,are those who can sell the lucrative items ..FIRST !,gettign in on the action behind everyone else means,that won't be the pS3 users.
Stat system can build you a decent one class build,but once you begin to play other roles,your stats can and will be weaker in comparison,this stat system takes a step back from FFXI.IMO even your uber built stat class,will just be the normal build ,Square intended,they are not going to allow anyone to have an over powering player,so get that idea out of your head.
Of course nothing is officially released,but my take is i am reading between the lines more and more that is showing signs ,this game will favor larger guilds,well anyone that can form a company,to which my understanding is that you need to be a large guild to make a company,feel free to correct me if i am wrong.It is imo a serious concern to alienate smaller guilds especially since the game is claiming to be this soloing game,so many want.I personally do not want a solo game,but i am all for fair play across the board,there should not be any added bonuses or extra game play ,just because you are able to be in a company.
Posing information on size of towns ,is kind of meaningless without getting into detail,example are there going to be filler structures,that really are just eye candy,or all the buildings going to be usefull buidlings?
The towns that are on water fronts,can we actually access the water?Or is most of the graphic backdrops just static areas?Example once again,i will use FFXIII,improved graphics meant nothing,because most areas were single colour based and travel areas were VERY linear and small,is this the case in towns?
I think if we are going to be spreading information about the game,it should go into detail,vague information can be extremely misleading.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
First, I need a hanky for my bleeding eyes, man, edit your rants please, that was one tough read.
Your first point is slightly valid, though any player who is serious about getting involved in economic firsts (which is usually the RMTs) could easily purchase the PC version to get their account rolling, and pick up the PS3 version later if they prefer console. The cost of the game is nominal, when compared to the number of hours the average "serious" player will be investing anyway.
Second point: Moot - have you missed the stat refunding system? Discussed in several interviews, the system is there so that when you decide to move to another class system you're not gimped, so be at ease.
Third point: Linkshells = Social Networking. Companies are the guilds. While they may use a similar system, the idea is to help "guilds," or larger linkshells, with managing their membership, this is not something smaller groups generally struggle with. Besides, starting your own website is easy, therefore this is not worth whining about. Final note, "reading between the lines" is generally a bad idea when the game is still under an NDA, since there are a LOT of lines missing.
Your point about towns is somewhat understandable, for those who remember FFXI, there was a lot of filler content that made towns very large, without having any benefit to game-play, but again, the NDA kind of makes it hard to complain about this just yet as well.
Regarding graphics, not even sure you have a point here. The trend to attack what little information has escaped from the Alpha testers and foreign fan magazines is getting annoying. Do your research, ask questions, don't assault the unknown, there is no benefit to the community, and besides, in general, no-one is going to be able to give you a straight answer until the information ban is lifted.
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The international servers are just part of SE's ideology.
I'm sure they're aware that region specific servers would be more well received, but there are some things they won't bend on.
They want everyone to play together, and even go as far as to create translation tools and other helpful features to make it happen.
And frankly, it is not without good sides. Think of the Korean MMO's, where SK gets the updates first and West months later, maybe even stripped down. This kind of thing just won't happen here. The Japanese don't have any privilege. Well, they could, just like the Koreans do (and the West doesn't even seem to mind? It's weird) but they have their ideal and stick to it.