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well i started off playing WoW beta and i really enjoyed it, and i thought it was much better then eq2, listening to all the WoW fans beating eq2 up. but today i went over to my friends house and played it, even though for a short time it was awsome. (i dont like the half screen much though). but it was cool, im still going to most likely play WoW, but i can say that eq2 is tough to beat. i started a troll mage named "Worldofwarcraft" lol, just to see what people would say, i even got a remark, "sell out". from this traveling worrior, lol. but right from the begining i fought several goblins and wolfs, it was kewl, though i only reached lvl 5, seeing those graphics fly off the screen made me want to start playing. the bad thing though is i dont think my laptop is up to standerds, but oh well.
2 thumbs up sony
btw..whats the lvl cap?
p.s. i didnt like the "lockin" mode u go in when fighting monster, i mean even in WoW if someone comes up and kills ur monster, u get all the exp and loot. but i guess in someways it has its benifits.
Level cap is 50 I think.
BTW you can turn off the black half a screen bar thingies, or make them shorter.
i thought i read that the cap is at 100........? i.e. right now they only designed it up to 50 but by the time people hit 50 (month-two-three w/e we'll see) they will have the content mapped up to 100 anyway just wondering.