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Given the debate over Incarna here, both friendly and outright antagonistic, I want to ask those that believe Incarna should be the priority for CCP - just what do they expect the scope of Incarna will be upon release (and subsequent rollouts).
The info at the EVE Wiki ( ) is outdated by this point with there being a myriad of devblogs on the matter as well as various articles on many sites out there. Indeed, much appears to have changed in reading the recently released CSM Meeting Minutes:
Incarna discussion
CCP Attendees: BenC – CCP Caedmon, Marit, Matt – CCP Greyscale
Marit and Ben gave a presentation showing artwork for the Incarna project. The art team wants to implement toned down clothing initially. Eventually, clothing will be player produced. In the next sprint the team will work on animation, which will not be static. CSM inquired about sculpting and CCP confirmed that avatars will be customizable with different shapes and sizes.
After the character presentation Matt talked about the game design aspect of Incarna:
Characters in station can mingle with other characters. Interactions will initially be very basic and focused around mini games. CSM asked about in-station fighting or aggressive behaviors. CCP would not promise either in the near term. It has to be kept in mind that the basic idea regarding Incarna is to socialize, not to have an arena. An analogy with airports has been used in the past and that vision was further reinforced in Hjalti’s book, EVE: The Burning Life.
CCP talked briefly about why they wanted to do Incarna. They wanted another dimension to EVE, which was neither game breaking nor compulsory for those players who preferred to continue to focus on flying internet spaceships. Incarna opens up the possibility of new professions (e.g., bartending) for those capsuleers who may prefer that style of play.
CSM raised concerns about limited station space, the potential for players to overpopulate certain areas, and the potential load on the server. CCP are aware of this possibility and is aiming for spreading players around to prevent server overload. CSM asked how much space would be available inside stations and how that would impact the server. CCP stated that server issues are more related to how many people are in one place rather than how much space each player can explore. CSM asked if Incarna will ever allow players to walk around in their ships. CCP stated that Incarna will at first be walking in stations and this could probably expand eventually to other structures but probably not to ships. CSM asked if Dust players were going to be able to walk in stations and CCP responded that it is currently not on the horizon.
CSM tends to want conflict in Incarna features (some members mentioned a desire to be able to shoot/slap/punch other players) and would like to see Incarna capabilities reflect differences based on security of space in which stations are located. However CONCORD, according to CCP, will not be in stations. CSM stated that they had got a very positive feedback from the players regarding the potential criminal aspects of Incarna.
There was a general agreement between CCP and CSM on the matter of rolling Incarna out in stages. CSM inquired about the Incarna release schedule. CCP stated that it was difficult to talk about the release planning at this stage (too early). CSM suggested that considering how long Incarna has been promised, CCP should try to manage player expectations better (revealing progress, but not overstating—or seeming to overstate--the current state of development). CCP committed to publishing a “state of the situation” dev blog.
Action Point: Incarna “State of the Situation” dev blog.
So there may or may not be a dev blog coming that will provide additional information (though it will obviously make any promises, as Ambulation/Walking In Stations/Incarna has changed so much over the years already).
Given the number of stations in New Eden, both NPC and PC - what do you expect to play out as far as the overall initial experience of Incarna? For those that played Earth and Beyond, do you expect it to be something akin to that? For those that have recently tried Star Trek Online, do you expect it to be something along those lines?
True, as it has changed over the years - Incarna is likely to change in the next 12-18 months - but what are your expectations for the scope of Incarna at this point knowing what we know?
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
There are many occasions in EVE where people end up "stuck in station" hell I have a JC in a red station that used to be my home station WAY back, I still JC in and out every 3 months or so and play with their market.
Honestly; being able to wander arround and play mini-games or look at the exotic dancers in the bar will add something interesting to the "down-time" aspects of EVE.
I doubt there is a single eve player that has not sat in station with their thumb up their butt, for one reason or another. Maybe there are 400 reds outside and you logged on 15 min after they put the 14 bubbles up? Maybe you ended up in a bad place with your freighter in low sec? Maybe, at the enterance to 0.0 and there are 12 reds in the next system and you have to wait 3 hours for the scout to give the all clear? Or in your humble days there is a pirate that scares you in your ibis so you sit and hide a few?
What ever the reason I think stations will add something needed to EVE: an end to stations being a static, ship spinning, single room, nothing happens scinerio... Hopefully they will add more and more as time goes on, for now I hope for mini games, maybe some nice graphics... but nothing game changing.
WTF podded again?
HEY, HOW DARE YOU!! The "ship spinning" mini-game is one of my favorites, right up there with "Hide the light source flare behind the ship's hull."
In seriousness, I liked your post
Currently playing: LOTRO, Guild Wars 2.
Have played: EVE Online; Champions Online; Age of Conan; City of Heroes/Villains; Star Wars Galaxies (pre-CU, pre-NGE); World of Warcraft (Vanilla to Cataclysm); Hellgate: London; Warhammer Online; Lord of the Rings Online; Vanguard: Saga of Heroes; Star Wars: The Old Republic
Wishlist: Mass Effect Online
I thought I was the only one who play that game, mainly during gate camps.
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.
-- Herman Melville
This is my biggest reason for incarna. I would much rather walk around a station or play around in my ships Quaters than sit there playing 'spin the spaceship'. When it comes out i am not expecting it to have every idea ever put out there to begine with but i am expecting the basics. Just like EvE began really.
Some people here just seem to like eve to stagnate. To sum up incarna "change is good".
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
I think that Incarna will have mini games such as Sec Wars. It mimics the current table top game for Eve Online. Walking in stations will remind of us of the old Earth and Beyond days but it will be step further such as owning your own office or bar. I think it will be a basic setting at first with lots of eye candy and then from there CCP will see how the Eve community reacts to a basic foundation. Then updates will remain the same. Expansions will bring new features and game play. Then eventually we will see Incarna reach the planets surface in Eve Online, not just Dust 514.
the scope of Incarna is to be a honey pot.
BestSigEver :P
The recent dev notes this week suggest more to incarna than just fluff.
70 devs don't create just fluff.
edit: did you guys also see they are wanting to hire a "clothing designer" in the jobs links? wooooot.
pics for u also this pics are like 3 yr old lol
now the only problem whit incarna is we dont demand incarna CCP should have released incarna instead of dominion because pre dominion we dint have fat ass fleet lags and the player base was receptive to stuff like incarna now player base wasnt free lag pew pew
BestSigEver :P
A Fashion Designer is a good idea if you think about it. As clothing is a important factor in an Avatar based game clothing that looks good and is fitting with the setting is a must!!!
Also that Amarr dude with the cane is so Fitting for my Amarr Avatarr.
Disagree with me? Then look at WoW anyone else agree those shoulder pads are insane!!!!
My fav WoW shoulder pads are the ones that are huge and tall. Totally unrealistic and ludicrus to look at.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
BestSigEver :P
For the initial release I expect them to have mostly completely new stuff to do in stations, most if not all of which will have no connection to any current game mechanic. In subsequent expansions I expect them to utilize Incarna to fix some of the "incomplete" features like FW and Cosmos that really have no good fix for them under the limits of the current only space mentality.
There's not much point discussing it really, we simply dont have any information to go on. Maybe CCP are pulling the biggest sandbagging op of all time, who knows. But I can't help worrying that some people here are going to be very disappointed.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
LoL and anyone who didnt know with even an ounce of common sence would think that was a exaggeration.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
What else is new?
Ah well, hope is a precious and beautiful thing. Who am I to deny it to the likes of Rockgod and Hyperion?
Give me liberty or give me lasers
OP what amazes me is your belief that EVE is all about ships and pod pilots and them living and breathing ships. Yes I know the lore and guess what if you read the stories written by fans, and even in some novels, the lore is broken all the time continuously. So that means the lore that you so fervently hold onto is not written in stone. Pod pilots do leave their ships and do so quite regularly it seems. It is silly to assume that humans would evolve as you'd like them to be, to subsist of living a life in a pod full of goo...never to know love, never to know the touch of another human, to taste real food or to look upon the heavens with their own eyes and behold the glory of it all. Do you honestly think that humans would forgo all that makes us what we are to be encased in a pod full of goo for all eternity? I do not see it and I doubt any human in their right mind would agree to such a life - because that is not life - that is death.
I hope ccp offers enough for even the hardened null sec player will enjoy it.
From owning a shop to gambling to laying down some war strat in the alliance room.
I want them to get it doone already so they could continue to evolve my favorite game.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
@gambling should be allowed only on gallente minmatard and 00 because amarr/calamari banned gambpling and gambling whit items should be 00 only
BestSigEver :P
While I am excited for incarna. I'm also just excited to see what ccp has in store for us after. That includes eve's space game since I do spend most of my time flying around killing people.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
i also agree with the "no fighting" in stations, since it goes against the lore, a capsuleer that dies out of his capsule (pod for those who dont read the lore) they die for real.
but i would not mind a bar fight style combat where 2 people just throw punches for shits and giggles and gets their "royal" clothes ripped to shreds and then has to buy new ones. and then gets kicked out of the "bar" or shop for bad conduct.
honestly i agree that incarna should remain the "social" aspect of the game that one uses to pass downtime, as others mentioned, gambling and "chatting" with fleet/corp/alliance members while being camped beats the spinning ship or hide the spotlight with hull games.
Teala said it with style.
so Teala...
Will you be dancing in a Jita station just like the days of swg? *grins*
no....a capsuleer that dies outside of his capsule would just become a rotting corpse instead of frozen corpse.
I wrote a story where all the pod pilots were the hybrid offspring of Jar Jar and a colony of Ewoks after Jar Jar mistaked a bowl of Viagra for a bowl of Skittles...and because I wrote that as a fan, it makes it true - per you.
Capsuleers are not your average human that is out there knowing love, the touch of another human, to taste real food, etc, etc, etc ad nauseum...
...they have traded part of who they were or could be for what they saw as more, having weighed the risks - what would be lost - what could be gained.
Want to know love, human touch, and all the rest - then go be one of the insignifcant people that I could buy and sell for cheaper than reloading my guns... do not try to make me less because you regret your decision and there is only one class in EVE.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20% speak as if your ship is a God unto itself, yet it is easily destroyed. This whole silly notion that pod pilots are Gods is just that...silly. You're only immortal if your clone is available...::walks over and pulls the plug on Virus Dancers clone:: so much for being a God. LOL!
Why couldn't a capsuleer outside of a capsule have a clone activated if killed in a bar?