I'm a fickle but loveable taru thingy who has an evasion to long leggers, yes you long leggers always looking down at us.
I heal and was formerly of Most Wanted Tarus on ffxi ifrit server, I loved my time there but due to my temperamental moods, one member got peed off and was a little mean, so as a peace offering I said I'd spend a few hours boosting him. We battled our way to the middle of the juggle, I was a healing genius.. Then when the mobs respawned I teleported out of there.. Mwu hahahahaha he was surrounded.
If yer nice, I'll love you forever, if you're mean then be prepared for minature vengeance!!!
Oh I also have a thing about spelling in the third person as well
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Fatetaker Voidwalker
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Torty! I miss you! Sorry to necro this old thread.
Also if you're still looking come to Trabia and join me once again!