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Have not seen any post on this. So here it is, quick recap of what info we been given so far:
Elezen (Forester and Shaders tribes, your elven race)
Hyur (Midlanders and Hilanders tribes, your human race)
Lalafelles (Plainfolks and Dunesfolks tribes, your short taru-taru race)
Miqo'te (Seekers of the Sun and Seekers of the Moon Tribes, your cat eared girls)
Roegadyn (Seawolf and Lohenguard Tribes, the Galka's of FFXIV)
DoW Classes Revealed so far:
Archer (Your Ranger Class)
Gladiator (One of the Tank types that wear heavy armor)
Lancer (Dragoon type job, DPS type as far as I can tell)
Maurader (DPS Class, 2H Axe wielder)
Pugilist (Your classic Monk DPS, specializes in H2H weapons
Musketeer (Nothing is really know about this class or if it will even be available, there was a video out there that got removed quick since it had not been released officially, so no idea if they will be there or not.)
DoM Classes Revealed so far:
Conjurer (Magic wielder DPS with some healing capabilities, at least 1 healing spell is known)
Thaumaturge (Some type of Black Mage so maily DPS)
Or will you skip the classes that go out and fight and just do some Crafting? If so what will you be?
DoH Classes Revealed so far:
Alchemist (Ever wanted to work with a Chemistry set? Well this is the job you want then)
Blacksmith (If you like to work with metal this is the guy you want)
Culinarian (Ever wanted to spice it up a notch? Well here you go!)
Tanner (Ever though of working with Leather and making some whips and what not, well this guy will allow you to do it)
Weaver (Ever wanted to make dresses and what not, well here you go, you can have your own clothing line finally)
DoL Classes Reveled so far:
Botanist (Ever dream of working with plants or wanted to be part of FFA? Well here you go, this guy tends to plants and cuts wood, if you wanted to be an outdoor type then Botanist is the way to go)
Fisher (There are many fish and the sea and these guys want to catch them all!)
Miner (If you ever wanted to go gold digging or see what you can find then this is the job for you!)
Let me start:
Race: Roegadyn
Why? I always liked the hulking Galka in the orignal FFXI, and in every other game I pick similar races.
Job: To start off I want to do Lancer or Gladiator.
Why? I like the Dragoon type job that Lancer is going to be, hope we get a pet dragon later hehe. As far as Gladiator I like to tank as well but we already have a tank for the group I am going to start playing with, so far there is 6-8 of us.
Profession in DoH: I think I am going Tanner.
Why? Well I like to make stuff out of leather And its not a fetish thing either people!
Profession in DoL: Miner and Botanist
Why? So I can help out my fellow LS members since they will be going with some of the other professions.
So what do you see yourself playing when the game comes out? If any new classes/jobs are revealed well come back and update your post or put up a new one and let us know what you want to do.
Do races even matter? Aside from looks.
Musketeer is not confirmed yet.
I will be playing a Hyur Hilander Marauder and do mining as well.
Nah not really, but some of us already thought about it and since in the game you will stick to one race for a long time since you get charged for an extra character slot then most people will stick with just one race.
Doh forgot to add what tribe I am going to be... well at this point I am not sure which one I am going to be, so I guess I will have to decide in the next 2 months.
Roegadyn Maurader Fisherman
Will look into mining and blacksmithing as well but if only one of all the crafts is possible to fully master I'll go with fishing any day of the week
"Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted.
Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world."
Hans Margolius
Pretty much set on going Highlander Gladiator and delving in mining (all depending on the ease of skill transition and harvesting system).
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Definitely a pugilist... still dont know which race... probably Alchemy for a profession.
Hyur Lancer and Fisher/Culinarian.
Miqo'te, Moon Tribe.
Not sure about crafting professions.
Looking at going with a plainsfolk Lalafell. Classes I am considering are Lancer/ Blacksmith/ Miner/ Conjuror. Basically taking my dwarf from Lineage II. with all her history. I would have liked to also play a male Miqo'te, but will have to wait and see for that.
Taru Gladiator / Blacksmith / Miner
Likely either a Dunesfolk Lalafell or Hellsguard Roegadyn as a conjuror. No idea about profession yet, I'll probably just level them all a bit and see what I like. Really torn on the race choice though as I love both of their customisation options.
thinikng hyur midlander Maurader/Lancer hybrid, hope we get a great sword. as somebody else has said I also Have BIg F'ing Sword Syndrome or BFSS. also prob go with fishing and culinary and prob fallow the god Oschon - The Wanderer
, but never know. May start there and end up on other side of the spectrum.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Not sure what race I will pick but I expect my first combat class will be the Pugilist and I will work on cooking first for a craft.
One other thing to consider, while making your Character they will ask you about the god you wish to follow in the game, there are 12 and from some of the interviews they will be part of the story, and that later on you might want to change or something like that. So it is a mistery right now as to what the gods have to do with the game over all, just that there are 12:
Althyk - The Keeper
Element: Earth
Azeyma - The Warden
Element: Fire
Byregot - The Builder
Element: Lightning
Halone - The Fury
Element: Ice
Llymlaen - The Navigator
Element: Wind
Menphina - The Lover
Element: Ice
Nald'thal - The Trader
Element: Fire
Nophica - The Matron
Element: Earth
Nymeia - The Spinner
Element: Water
Oschon - The Wanderer
Element: Wind
Rhalgr - The Destroyer
Element: Lightning
Thaliak - The Scholar
Element: Water
So if you got anything else on them feel free to post.
It's been said that race will have little to no benefit in your stats correct?
So would a taru tank be just as capable as a galka tank? Or would they be laughed at and ridiculed?
Ill be playing a Hyur Marauder for sure, will more than likely pick up a gathering discipline, but i doubt i do any crafting while leveling.
I would like to keep the 2h DPS focus, so i hope there are some advanced classes that go further, as somone mentioned, for great swords and such.
That's a series of really tough questions.
I think I actually might make two chars in this one.
The highland Hyur model I saw looks just like Jeffrey Nothing from Mushroomhead, so that's my guaranteed main, and I'll prolly go with lancer or pugilist.
Though this is an FF-MMO, and the last one is what broke my conditioning in thinking that fem chars are homo. Nowadays all I make is fem chars for the eye candy (thank you FFXI), and I'll either make another elvaan-type, or sun tribe mithra and go Thaumaturge/Conjuror.
Writer / Musician / Game Designer
Now Playing: Skyrim, Wurm Online, Tropico 4
Waiting On: GW2, TSW, Archeage, The Rapture
I'm gonna make two toons probably. My main will be a Hyur Gladiator with alchemy as my main. My secondary i'm not sure as of yet.
There are stat differences between the races but the physical level system allows you to distribute stats as you wish so you can easily compensate for racial differences at higher levels. It won't have such a dramatic effect as FFXI's racial stats did, that's for sure.
Also @Mariouz regarding the gods, they've been confirmed to offer different bonuses depending on which you pick but currently no one knows exactly what form this will take. On top of that the info we have so far gives the impression that they're not all 'good guys' and that's why SE mentioned players likely wanting to switch at certain points in the story. One of the destroyed nations, Ala'mhigo, worshipped Rhalgr if I recall and there's been some speculation over whether or not it may have been their god that actually destroyed the city.
Wildwood Elezen / Archer / Leatherworker / Miner
Leatherworking because I think that achers uses leather armor so in that way I can craft my own and mining just to make some money.
All those memories will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.
Highland Hyur / Lancer / Fisherman
Sun Mi'qote / Thaumaturge / Shepard (if it happens at launch)
*oh wait, I already said that here didn't I?*
Writer / Musician / Game Designer
Now Playing: Skyrim, Wurm Online, Tropico 4
Waiting On: GW2, TSW, Archeage, The Rapture
Miqo'te for sure as a Lancer/Miner. Although things might change if Musketeer comes to be true.
Human pugalist, I don't craft or gather so hopefully can just add abilities from other 'of War' classes to beef up my fighter.
I kill other players because they're smarter than AI, sometimes.
Likely highland Hyur/Pugalist/Miner