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Some1 asked this in another thread and was wondering if there will be advanced classes etc etc. I was wondering what eactly has been heard? Will the skills from a leveled class just bleed/spiillover into the other clasees at a certain point or will it be more based on stats? Just tossing the question out there is anybody has some hard data kinda tired of speculating.
I'd recommend going to and/or the "FF14 news" website for more information but to summarize:
-You have skill ranks and what are being refered to as "physical levels" for now. They progress separately. You can have a high physical level but a low skill rank (if you just switched to a new class that you hadn't previously leveled). You will progress both physical level and skill rank with the same activities, but physical level will progress relatively slower.
-Each time you gain a physical level, you are given a certain number of stat points to allocate to any stat you choose.
-Gaining skill ranks opens up new abilities within the class you are currently playing.
-You may use abilities with skill ranks up to that of your current class, regardless of what class you learned them under (for example - if you level to skill rank 10 gladiator and learn Red Lotus Blade, then level another class to skill rank 10, you will be able to equip and use Red Lotus Blade as the other class). There are special exception rules depending on the skill. Some are limited by discipline, others to a handful of classes, some may be unique to their respective classes.
-There are no longer sub jobs or advanced classes like there were in FFXI. You play one class at a time and in theory they are all accessible from the moment you can acquire the necessarily weapon/tool type (this is partially speculation on my part).
-Once you learn an ability, it is added to an accessible pool of abilities you may draw from to freely equip to your bar, regardless of class (with some restrictions), given equal skill rank to when you learned it. The ability may be automatically modified when equipped under different classes for balance reasons. For example, a gladiator might equip a Fire spell he learned from another class to find that it's cast time or cooldown differ from the class he learned it in.
-You are currently limited to a total of 30 ability slots on your hotbar, but this is subject to change (if anything, more would be added).
ty for the info. All in all thats gonna make leveling tricky as all hell. rather figuring out an efficient combo might take some actual number crunching.
Personally, I'm just going to start out leveling what I think will be fun, switch at whim, and make my own fun ability combos based on where that takes me. I'll save the number crunching for the end game when people I group with would really care . Besides - at the beginning, no one is really going to know what's best for some time, and there will probably be all kinds of changes being made as the devs balance too.
In addition to what twrule said I thought I'd mention that the equivalent of advanced jobs may eventually make a return in some form. FFXI originally only launched with the 6 starting jobs and advanced jobs were added in expansions so we may see something similar here. I hope so anyway, I loved the storylines behind unlocking each of the advanced jobs in XI.
if you start numbercrunching this game and trying to have the most efficent class combo you need a swift kick in the head, its a game play what you think its fun and go with it damn
Mess with the best, Die like the rest
You can spend hours upon hours speculation and forming assumptions. The game isn't finished yet. It isn't ready for release yet. Not all classes have been formed yet.
Why fret? You might build up hopes on an premise, only to find they didn't use that class. Then you'd be all upset and disappointed.
I might suggest you find something to pass the time; an outside hobby, or a single player game. It'll be released before you realize it. Read what you can from Dev logs and reviews, put it on your list of games to play, and move on.
yeah so true I think that maybe the way to go in the long run get base classes out the way and introduce the rest later. As for the other post one thing every gamer need to understand is once they hand you stat points your gonna need to figure out your efficiencies. I know the games about fun but any vet will tell you if you plan to take it endgame and go with the hardcores to parts unknown you may need to do a lil research. I am not trying to be mean or anything but if you ever go to a free mmo board where they tend to use stat points vs the racial bonus + base class build and you'll see a million argument claiming 2/3 str dex over 3/2 str dex and vice versa. Crunching the numbers some times helps but once you get into a stat points system it always helps. as far as class combination that's a much different subject and since you can gain bonuses from them all for the most part the only issue should be leveling them.
Some people enjoy the number crunch (and/or optimization), that IS what is fun for them (I do it in every game I play.) I don't tend towards optimization in the general sense, but rather optimization inside my class and to get there, I crunch the numbers.
I've had a tremendous amount of fun with character skill sets that are considered sub-par and/or class combinations that are non-intuitive but effective... and there is something quite fun about playing a combination others feel is worthless and awing them.
Shrug, ymmv.
SE has stated they already have the framework in place for many other classes. They plan on releasing these in updates after release. No official comment on what number 'many' corresponds to. If you poke around the internet there's some data miners who believe they found that number.
No comment on unlockable "advanced" classes to my knowledge.
As others have stated you can customize your current class and recreate most current classes from FFXI. The exception being the pet classes.
You can also customize your stats. (There's some division on whether or not this is a good thing.)
I totally agree with Shadus. A rather large percentage of MMO players care about how good their character is at performing their role, and how to make them even better. For many, it is their primary motivation for playing the game. There's nothing wrong with this. In fact, considering how much work S-E (and any other developer worth a damn) puts into making sure that the classes and their combinations are different yet balanced, it's pretty ridiculous to suggest that people shouldn't numbercrunch. For that matter, would you tell tournament CCG players that they should play with whichever cards are fun instead of only using the best cards? Or that Street Fighter masters should buttonmash for fun instead of practicing and perfecting 10-hit combos?
That's what I was thinking. End game when everyone is very picky and specific about what they want, people could only want to group with a gladiator tank that also has a lancer ability that's attained at max level, because it's good for tanking. Just an example of course, but it seems like the kind of thing that could happen with this system.
Yeah you just hit the nail on the head pickiness might be the name of the game here stat points with insane skill combinations is gonna make end game hella hard on casual players unless the start out leveling classes from day 1. Either way I dont think the big omg my toon is worthless will happen for quite some time. for all we know it may never happen but this system seems tailormade for hardcore pickiness.
And thats where you ignore the elitist pricks, and do your own thing in a casual/social LS thats about having fun, and not number cruching stats or requiring you to have specific abilities to join in on the adventure!
Yeah that's true but look at it like this since they added in the solo capability you are fine to do as you like but just because some1 does the numbers doesn't make them elitist granted a lot of hardcore players are elitist the fact is there will always be folks who try to get the most mileage out of the toon whether that be gear skills stat points etc. Those folks generally work their butts off not to please some hardcore elitist but themselves. Let me give an example its not an mmo but its about as big as one but its single player and explains my point as best as I think anything could. In the elder-scroll series Oblivion allowed you level all your skills as you like but there was formula for leveling skills efficiently that would maximize your stat points. Did everybody do this? Hell no but lots of players did and still do. So why do it if no1 is watching? because its a challenge and if nothing else there is the personal satisfaction of knowing you did it.
As far as ffxiv goes the only problem with the every1 who tells me I might want to level this class or put more points into this skill is an elitist a hole view is that with this system you may end up sucking at the class though your a good player overall. Why? eff up your stats and skills and likely you'll go from not the greatest blah blah to a pointless addition to the party. No matter what FFXI was about team work and often that meant bringing your A game and I don't mean the S game hardcore guys want. So many people are saying I'll so as I like forget that stats that likely they may find themselves out the loop as far as partying goes. that's not saying cookie cutter is great (its not) any vet can tell you when its comes to any mmo where u can combine classes some times innovation is KEY. Mixing styles that don't usually go together can often bring surprising but great result (when I get in game I'm gonna look at pugilist and Thaumaturge skills).....but you still need to do the research/math behind it. Either way every1 should play it their own way as it has been said so many times its your money you could run around naked all day in game and you'd still be just fine. Either way I hope every does get their own fun out of this game cause in the long run that's what its about.
Mainvein you won't be able to 'eff-up' your character because stats can be redistributed at will. If you find you're lacking something then just level a different class that can give you the skills to fill that gap.
Granted the way this system works will cause a massive disparity between long-time players and new players as they will have access to a wider range of skills but try not to think of everything in end-game terms. Given the amount of different classes available for you to play all on that one character end-game really isn't the aim of this game.
This is what I plan to do as well. I'll start as Marauder, and dabble in lancer and some of the magic classes, probably all of them really to get a feel for em. Then go with what is fun on that day I play and switch whenever I get the urge to play differently. I love this aspect. In a way it kind of reminds me of the GW system where you pick and choose a set of spell/abilities to use from a large pool you have aquired throughout the game.
Then again, now that I think about it. I may...go the other way and just focus on One combat class and take it to max, then rinse and repeat and go down the line. I kind of wish I had played FFXI from launch and done this before they started adding more jobs. I would have had the 5 core jobs nice and leveled up to max and perfect as sub jobs. Instead I played the game later and ended up having most jobs with varying levels and no real "main" job per se. for thought.
Think ya might have missed me a bit it was a bit to read. Like I said go to any free mmo and look at the argument for 2/3 3/2. And yes I did also say it maybe impossible to mess up (some times you gotta read the whole thing). Mostly we got down to do you crunch number or do you play it by ear? And basically I say crunch em for your party play it by ear for yourself if thats what youd like to do its your money so do what ever you like. Um I kinda disagree even if the game doesnt really have endgame as a goal the players do and most are hardwired for it. True the game looks so expansive that I am starting to wonder if your going to have to level every class to get the best mix out of just 1 are far as skills go but I still dont see there being a blank spot as far as endgame goes. For hardcore players leveling fast getting the best gear and completing major server accomplishments is a major part of the metagame in all mmorpgs (if there is pvp that usually has predominance). Even if the games focuses the player away from quickly reaching endgame many will still strive to quickly reach endgame with the best skill set/build possible.
Im pretty much where they are at. Granted the game isnt out yet and heavy info isnt available either due to nda or because they are waiting to tease us with just a bit more. When i ead about the basic concept of the system for changing classes based on equipment and being able to soemwhat switch on the fly if you're mood decided "oh hey, ive spent some time hunting i feel like taking a break and gathering things to do some alchemy, or hit that nice fishing spot i passed on my way here" then u can. I am incredibly excited to get into this game myself
Waiting For: FF14,Guild Wars2
RIP: Tabula Rasa&Hellgate:London(online)
Playing:Fallen Earth&Guild Wars& Dragon Age