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Did that get anyone's attention?
I believe FFXIV does have sitting (would be funny if they didn't)... but I said it to illustrate a point. Sitting is a relatively simple thing that is in a lot of MMORPGs. Can you name a game that doesn't have sitting that should? Warhammer... did people complain? Yes.
That's how people feel about jumping or swimming. It's just a natural thing they see in MMO's. They aren't saying they want to bunny hop. They are saying it should just be there. Like sitting or emotes....
So let's say sitting wasn't going to be in FFXIV? Would you defend it? What if there were no emotes? It's surely not needed just as much as jumping IMO.
PS- my favorite FF class was FFT lancer so I'm put off that there's no jumping because it was a huge part of the lancer class.
EDIT: The no sitting comment was to make a point...... for the people who are defending that the game doesn't have sitting... just wow lol. Just proving you'd defend anything this game does.
The graphics engine is also powered by the blood of orphans.
I dont really understand what you are trying to say here. Are you asking if people would defend the game if it didnt have sitting or asking that you would you defend the sitting thing in general?
Yeah these forums have been rocked with the hoopla of the Jumping/Swimming debate over the last few days and probably many times before but I dont really see what the whole point is.
Some games have it some games dont. Play or dont play. Whining about things that would make sense to be improved never works only whining about things that makes games worse seems to be the only things that catch most companies/Devs ears >.<
qft, why you have a valid point. It's pointless to try and state common sense to the hardcore Final Fantasy XI fanboys. Even if they know there wrong they will defend Square Enix to their dying breathe, such and odd breed they are.
On a side note I am likeing how the crafting system is more immerse
Cast In The Name Of God, Ye Not Guilty
I've never played a MMORPG where I haven't looked for the "sit" option >_>
"We got rid of the trinity." How'd you do that? "Now everyone can heal." Sounds like you just took the mechanic and spread it thin. "Well no, there's one class that can do it better than others." I see, so they're healers. "No. They're.." -mind asplode-
You can, on release.Wont get on details and break the NDA. Geting tired to say the same thin over and over, is a F****** closed beta.
lmao there is probly jumping skills for attacks but not bunny hopping jumping.
ffxi didnt have jumping but it had a dragoon jump attack
Jumping has practical uses like hopping over a two foot fence instead of walking the entire way around it. What's the point of sitting besides RP? I don't disagree with your point, but things like swimming and jumping can server a purpose within the world whereas something like sitting serves no purpose besides RP/fluff.
This whole "omg i can't jump" thing needs to be forgotten and you all need to focus on more important things.
Maybe some people place the ability to jump in MMO's higher in their list of important things than you do. I think this is called personal preference. Just sayin'.
I found this out when I complained about the 1 character limit, and having to pay more each month for each character. The Fanboys were fine with it, I still think it's a scam. Boy did I get flamed. So screw em. Looks like a crappy elitist community anyway. And frankly, FF14 isn't doing anything new. Saw the beta gameplay; same old, same old.
That's my point ... people expect there to be a /sit command of some sort. It's totally pointless in terms of game play... even less than jumping or swimming. People expect it though.
I've never heard someone who asks for sit being call a wow tard or whatever. Just seems odd that the fanboys trash people for wanting simple things.
Of course it is a scam; the question is would you put up with it?
i can see your point, but i dont agree with you. jumping, swimming, sitting are all relatively minor things to complain about. the biggest thing that can make a person not want to play a game as far as mechanics go is movement. click to move or wasd.
i hate to beat a dead horse, but pre-wow i never noticed complaints on this scale about jumping and swimming. people just didnt care if they could or couldnt so long as the game was fun. post-WoW and if your game doesnt have it, its a fail game. really people? how close minded can you be? if things like that make you not want to play the game, then its better off that you dont. those of us who can look past little things like that ( and whether you wanna believe it or not they are minor things) will probably enjoy the game.
I am ecstatic about the fact that this game has no jumping. I'm hoping it keeps people away who complain about an mmo not having jumping. The whole immersion argument is garbage, btw. There are invisible walls all throughout the precious "jumping" games where you cannot jump over a very small fence b/c the devs didnt want you jumping over it.
If there is a spot where you can shortcut, the game will allow you to run over it, if they didnt want you going that way, and the game had jumping, they would put an invisible wall there to block you. Jumping is over rated, stop crying, go play something else.
Obviously...which is why im saying they need to focus on "more" important things.. jumping or not should hardly be an issue. Keep focusing on things that don't matter and the things that do matter will slip your mind.
It's not going to make it a fail game, but it may ruin the feel for some people. It's not even a WoW thing; EQ1 and DAOC had jumping/swimming also. I think people just say its a wow thing to derail an arguement into a WoW hate fest.
I honestly think that is has nothing to do with following their own tune.... that's just spin from the fanboys. You guys are like the Iraqi misinformation minister.
The real reason probably was that they saw jumping as a collision/exploit issue. I love how you guys say jumping is a franchise issue. Well not to burst any bubbles, but the last few FF games are making mediocrity a franchise issue also.
I wouldn't care at all if there is a sit option or not since when i play i move i don't get fun out of watching my character sitting in the game yet i guess that if sitting would be missing it would be more of a problem for me than the missing of Swimming/Jumping.
After all i always can sit or reasonable explain how i can sit even tho i wear bulky armor as for Jumping and swimming well like i posted in other posts already u don't swim with a full body armor and heavy weapons and u don't jump either.
So u would die if u go into deep water and u might be able to lift a couple centimeters from the ground with all your armor and weapons if u try to jump u have with u so why even bother adding this features in a game??
But u still could sit so guess u always should add it even tho like i already said i wont need it.
FFXIV has awesome [insert fanbot dribble here], it doesn't NEED jumping or sitting!
Yep and people will go play something else.
You know all those horrible horrible people who played EQ1, EQ2 and DAoC... those horrible horrible players you don't want them playing FFXIV.
Well, lets put it like this yes jumping sitting swimming are in alot of mmos. Yes people will complain (there is always some1 complaing about something if you have an mmo with out complaints then everybody would play it. for guys that came from the WoW gen are these important well yes it is. From the FFXI? Not really. I played a few mmos and the biggest problems usally dont arise from jumping sitting and swimming. If its pvp its balance and if its like this game its content (quests, story, etc) toss combat in there and you have some of the core isues developers should be working on cause in the long run a happy player withs lots of interenting things to do > a jumping sitting player with nothing to do. Basically what im saying if they didnt allocate any time to some of the creature comforts that shouldnt be a big deal.
Ok Lancer is your favorite class right? Ill take it you didnt play ffxi if yah did youd know dragoon (alot like lancer infact same dang thing with a pet) could use jump as a skill and if im not incorrect got 3 of them.
First of all, no sitting?!? Second of all, no jumping?!? Third of all, no swimming?!? Fourth of all, no climbing?!? Fifth of all, no jogging?!? Sixth of all, no kneeling?!? Seventh of all, no crouching?!? Eighth of all, no kicking?!? Ninth of all, SCREW THIS GAME.
I would love for players that played all of those MMOs and others to come play this game. I played all 3 of those you mentioned, as well as ffxi, WAR, WOW, Aion and even Darkfall for a few days. Are you saying that even a decent % of the playerbase from those games would refuse to play this one based solely on the fact it doesn't have jumping?
Lol, yes! The graphics could be great, the community awesome, the gameplay superb, the content unbelievable but if i can't do mundane things that I sometimes do in real life, I guess I will have to find a different GAME to play.
By itself I don't think it'll stop many if anyone from playing. However, if the game has overall a restricted gameplay feeling then yeah that may make people never try or quit. Jumping, swimming, only set paths you can walk?
Now if they make your character hop over and vault over things.. then yeah it may counteract that feeling. Most of my gaming experience is ******not****** WoW by far. I used to jump because it made my guy feel heroic in EQ1... having to avoid the fence of doom is gonna suck.
We will have to see I guess. In games with jumping you can jump over small objects but not objects slightly larger even though you should still be able to. I can hop a 4 foot fence as easy as a 3 foot fence. This doesn't kill my immersion and neither will not be able to jump over any fences at all in game. Hopefully people that are interested try it out. If no jumping is that big of a deal then I wish them good luck in whatever game they choose.
But packed with all the items in your inventory the armor u wear and the weapons u swing a Fence really would be a Fence of Doom and u would have to walk around and the deep river would be the last bath u take...
So would u really use the jumping and swimming skills if that would mean dropping your stuff first??
I sure would rather walk around the Fence than leaving my heavy stiff i just farmed behind in order to save me 10 sec time lol