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Does any one else have a similar feeling? I mean this game hits shelves in less than 2 months and the information I have been able to scrounge up on it seems very little and bleak does this game feel rushed to any one else?
What is "enough information"?
MMO's get more information released than any other genre ever does. What justifies it? What makes it so important that we *need* more information on MMO's than any other game does?
When the game is out you will hear everything you want. Just like with any other normal game in existence.
Rushed? Not at all. Square-Enix never realeases a great deal of information about their games before release.
My theme song.
Nope not at all , games are cheap... DO I want to have played the game before I start it no....
I will tell you how the game feels when I play it.
Bit of s atrange post it just doesn't feel right anyone else feel this post has a hidden agenda something doesn't feel right, maybe the two lines were a little rushed ?
Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel
I'd say enough information would be when you can construct a basic idea of how the game will play in your mind - which I'd say is pretty difficult with the available information on this game so far (FYI: I preordered the collector's edition anyway because I'm confident I'll get some enjoyment out of it).
What justifies the advanced release of information with MMOs is that there is an expectation by both the developers and the customers that subscriptions will last past the first month (much longer than the life span of most normal games), and customers will want to know if the game has features that appeal to them enough to keep paying that subscription fee. You don't go out and buy an MMO expecting to play it for a week or a month, like you do normal games.
To address the OP - it's true that not quite as much information as most would feel comfortable with has been released for this game, but there may be more than you think. Try sites like and FF14News - they have a lot of info you'll probably never see on this site. As far as it being "rushed", that's something we can't know until we have all the information - which probably means post-launch in this case. If you aren't confident you'll get atleast the box price worth of fun from the game - I'd recommend waiting until a month or two after launch and researching.
There is plenty of info out there already; this is classic Square-Enix at their best. Giving us a taste of what their game is about but leaving players to discover and learn everything on their own after its been launched, and even with updates they won't tell us much beyond "we added new stuff" now go figure it out...hehe
It one of the best parts of playing Final Fantasy Xi and now XIV, cause you're not gonna step into the world of Hydaelyn and max out a character in a few days or even a month or five, nor will you have explored it all and done everything there is too see. Its going to take at least a year to finish the base content of XIV after it launches, not including all their tri-monthly version updates!
Course one could always go over to MMO-Champion and see how Blizzard allows so much leaked info with WoW and just play that if ya needs tons of info...heck that site already has every little detail about Cataclysm down to the voice files for each major character, and every ability ~ what is does, who uses it, how to counter it...etc Even vidoes and screens of all the zones are up and everything is revealed. All the new armor sets and weapons and where they drop...
Seriously what fun is an MMO or any game in general if you know "everything" before its launched, granted that site does go crazy on the info, but thats just too much that Blizzard allows leaked. And then worst of all those same players that read through all that info, come release they beat it all in a few days or a week at most then go around to all the MMO forums and whine and complain it was too easy. Even though WoW is still on the patheticly easy side, I'd still like to see those same playerstry and play WoW without all that info and see how well they fare. More than likely they'd start whining and complaing that not enough was revealed and it was too hard to figure out...rofl!
They have pretty much repeated the basics the every chance they've had- Guild Leves this, Armoury system that, blabla Stamina Gauge Group vs Group encounters and "growth".. We know the basics.
Even then it's kinda obvious. It's an MMORPG. You already know how it is. It's not an RTS, nor an FPS.
But yeah, anyway... what justifies those expectations? And most importantly, why does it seem like you either pre-order the game or don't buy it at all? Like you've had to make your decision even before the release? What's up with that? I mean, is it impossible to imagine that you would, actually, wait a week after it comes out, maybe even month- before giving it a shot? Listening to the reviews, people playing, Especially if you are on the fence about getting the game anyway- what does releasing information in advance do that reading reviews and opinions about the actual retail version doesn't already accomplish much better?
I just don't understand the mindset. It's the status quo and that just makes it the default way of doing things I guess?
Please, someone explain to me why you need to know all this beforehand and not after the game is... OUT?
If I honestly had to guess, it's because these titles are announced a lot earlier than they are released- for some reason or the other. They don't want the game to be forgotten- but that's their fault for announcing the game too early in the first place.
Most companies don't also make the effort to hide the finished game from the beta testers, and therefore, the world, and let them figure out the whole game before it's even out. There is no element of surprise in a public beta of the full game with no NDA- this is of course the normal way of doing things, but if I had to choose between being spoiled by a game 3 months before release and waiting to get to play it myself and unveil all the cool things about it on my own- I wouldn't want myself spoiled.
You many not like the way they withhold information from us, but I want my games unspoiled and I know that if they release the whole game out for public testing and I can get all the info about the game beforehand- I will do it. If I have the chance to do it, I will. Even if I know I'll be worse off and the feeling of "new game" is already gone- I'd do it, because I don't have enough self discipline to not do it. It's not really a matter of choice, so I'm glad SE is making this choice for me, like most single player game developers already do.
I think we have a decent amount of information available to form an opinion about whether or not we want to play the game. There are still a lot of things I plan to be suprised about when I finally start playing, which is a good thing I think.
A lot of the lack of information is due to them marketing to four different languages - Japanese, English, French, and German and we are having to essentially share the information between our target regions. So much of the information coming out is in Japanese or from German trade shows and such. You can find a lot of coverage and translations on other sites like FFXIVCore.
I think a lot of it is also that Square Enix isn't hyping their game as much as another company like Funcom or NCSoft. They are pretty much letting the Final Fantasy and Square fans do much of the hyping. For many the company and name brand speaks for itself. They don't need to focus on marketing as much as another company would because they plan on getting it a lot of it through word of mouth - which is the best kind of advertising. That and the game is being released on the console too which has a much larger demographic than PC gaming.
To further compound everything the systems in the game seem a little bit more complex than usual. I understand you have a physical level and weapon level, but I'm still curious how those play out, since a class system like FFXIV's simply hasn't been done before. It's hard to give information about something that's unique and has little basis to make a comparison on.
I honestly can't see where there hasn't been more than enough. I get that people want to know as much as possible about a game any more before release date, yeah I get that. But over saturation is kind of a bad thing, I feel there is just enough to make me want the game and want to play. Not sure about the rest of you, but I usually don't go the movie that shows basically the whole film in the previews.
Ide rather an MMO company not release a ton of info then have em release too much and not deliver half of what was promised.
Only things I'd like to see is a more complete list of classes and when open beta will be. But this game isn't really high on my list, still going to give it a fair chance though.
I'm actually shocked that they've released as much info as they already have. Out of curiosity I've already looked at just about everything I can get my hands on. But, there's a lot of information already out. You just have to find the bits and pieces that are sometimes scattered and put it all together.
I have a friend that refuses to read or listen to any of the information about FFXIV because she doesn't want to have the game ruined before she goes to play it. Some people are just like that. In a way, I wish curiosity wouldn't get the better of me and I'd hold off on finding out more about the game. I'm glad Square Enix keeps a tight lip on its games.
I thought the list of classes were complete. I'm pretty sure there won't be an open beta either.
Not unless you have seen a list I haven't?
I cannot remotely imagine only 2 caster classes in FF14, hehe. Much less only 5 melee/archer type classes.
FFXI started with 3 casters and 3 melee...not much different.
You're forgetting the advanced classes that unlock at 30. (Yes, some of them, like bard, were in the original game. Summoner and what not came with Zilart.)
Yes this is what I was meaning, surely there will be 20-30 or so classes for this all told. That is what I was curious to see.
There are other jobs in the data folders, but there won't be 20-30 (non-crafting) classes for some time. The following list are the jobs that will be added in future patches (for free) based on accessing client data.
FNC = Fencer (Uses a Rapier)
ENF = Enforcer (Uses a Mace)
MSK = Musketeer (Uses a Gun)
MYS = Mystic (Uses a Mystic Weapon)
ACN = Archanist (Uses an Archanist Weapon)
Summoner, in one way or another, will be apart of the class line-up, as the producer has said in a previous interview that those large beast things will be obtainable eventually. (Not the exact quote, obviously.)
Edit: Don't forget that you are not locked into having just one sub job in XIV. You can allocate _almost_ any skill from other classes that you've learned, regardless of what class is your main. You can have a 4 class hybrid if you wish.
You gotta remember that even if there was what, 12 combat classes at the release of XI (although 6 of those came shortly after beta) they had maybe half of the abilities and spells we have here.
It's not impossible that we'll get similar treatment with XIV but it would also make sense to do it a bit slower than implement 6 classes right away. Game balance is not set in stone right after release yet, and I think SE should monitor what we end up doing with the existing classes before releasing new ones.
As far as classes go I get the feeling release will only include the ones currently in beta. The dev's have said several times that many others will be coming afterwards, but hopefully that won't be like a year down the road or something.
Very disappointing news for me, as I wanted to make a character focused on greatswords or maybe a katana, both of which aren't likely going to be included at release. The current selection doesn't really have anything id be excited to play through. I'm hoping SE will be willing to give a time frame on when they might make these classes/weapons available shortly after release.