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Greetings all,
I have been beta testing FF XIV and absolutely love its potential. I was curious if people from the US EU and JP will all be able to play with one another on server or will continents be sharded as to make it that US only plays with US, EU with EU, and so on.... I have a bunch of friends from the EU as well as from the US and would really be thrilled to find out we can all play together without having to go through loopholes to do so Any information ?
As far as i know the servers will be open for all again like it was in FF 11
So you're in the beta and can't tell that other regions are playing with you when you see Japanese and other languages in general chat!? hehe
Yes all worlds and regions play together, and there will be an auto-translator like XI has, though I hope its a little more robust with more clear lines to say. Plus during PTs we'll have auto-translated-phrases to use like "Cure me" or "Mages have aggro" or "Target the Goblin next" etc ~ that are quick info, so when we're busy fighting we don't have to focus attention on our KBs to type it out!
Unlike FFXI you can chooce what server you create your char at in the beta and like the above said they will keep the multilanguage servers.No idea if you will still be able to chooce what server to be in or like in FFXI you would need a world pass to get into the server you whant.
lollers @ irony.
(As for the OP's original question, yes, they will combine servers later on. That'll be the final stage of beta, moving onto release.)
*Sigh* hence why I truly hope the servers link all three peoples... I prefer to game with the Europeans as they seem to have ... whats that called .... Class? lol however there are a small niche of us Americans that are actually decent people, and dont talk excess amounts of rubbish... that being said, I am very happy to hear of the blending of peoples ... something MMO's tend not to do these days.
Will the ps3 and PC players be on the same servers again?
Fun Factor is what makes or breaks a game, if its not fun just play something else.
Oh man, I forgot how fun it is to use the translator. /facepalm
Hehe, it has it's perks though.
Oh, and I forgot to mention "JP ONRY!"
JP ONRY, oh hell yea!!. He is the only one who can get good use of the translator. He will translate "Do YOU JP ONRYSTAND"
I am lost, we have servers in our own regions, but all the players can play with any player on any server?
All of the servers are located in Japan. The regional division (NA/Europe/Japan) that you may have seen around the place is primarily there for timezone/language version reasons. We will all be playing together regardless of where we log into the game from.
Hmm that is a recipe for major lag, I always wait till after launch anyway, I will see what people make of the conectivity then.
Well if its anything like 11 than Lag shouldn't be a problem i didn't had any problems with it at least no matter if playing from Germany or America
Its not an issue in beta
I hate playing with non english speaking players, it was annoying in FF11. I used to b-list all foreign speaking people in shout. And if someone didnt speak english in party they got the boot.
Be sure to post your in game name for us so we know who not to group with.
Please don't play the game then. Could you please answer Shoju question so I can blist you as well, if you decide to play that is.
Multi language server a plus for me.
Im glad they doing multi-region servers. It means no matter how late/early i play there will always be an abundance of players to team up with. Translater was always fun to play around with as well.
I lol'd this ftw, since all non americans hate us anyway
Any graphical, audio, or gameplay restrictions not seen in other mmos but found in FFXIV can be blamed on one thing.
....... this is disturbing on many levels
There is certainly a case to be made for single language servers. I doubt the Japanese love the fact that hordes of us join them and expect them to speak English. For role-playing well you need a common tongue that’s essential. As for booting people, you could work that out before they joined the group surely and in some situations only a rudimentary ability to communicate would be needed. What is the advantage multilanguage servers anyway, it just seems to cause problems with no benefits?
On beta there is no seperation of the servers atm.
The advantage is that there are never any quiet times on the server... the servers remain extremely active 24/7 and this is essential in a group oriented game (and FFXIV is still group oriented despite the ability to solo). The game also provides a translator which is more than sufficient to communicate adequately with players speaking other languages. In all my time playing FFXI I have actually only had positive experiences playing with Japanese, French and German speaking players so honestly, give it a chance.
As for the 'lag'... there isn't any. FFXI ran in the same way and there was no noticeable lag. The game is also designed in such a way that latency differences don't actually have much impact on gameplay since the combat system is much slower.
My only concern is that since everyone can freely choose their server this time around players are going to try and designate unofficial regional servers...
actully at release we wont be able to chose hince why the CE has right of passege