I have read the comments made by everyone and I am very grateful for the positive comments received in between the negative ones.
I am lucky enough to have worked with Peter, and I can vouch for his creativity and also the fact that to my mind anyone entering business at 10 or 11 as he has is an exceptional and gutsy person. I still remember the first phone call Peter gave me about his potential game, and my first meeting, initially it seemed surreal when Peter was telling what he would like me to do for him.
I don’t think this is down to whether he programs, designs, or produces the whole game himself or not, really at the end of the day the people we look up to in gaming and IT are who?
To me it isn’t the “Tom Smyth,” of this world who is the best programmer in the world, but rather the Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, etc, etc. The innovators and the successful businesses, whether we like them or not, shape our world.
Peter I believe is set to become one of those people that make a difference. It’s hard to tell at age 11 as I am sure Peter will have set backs and problems the same as the rest of us (Not least the negative comments he has received by some users in this forum), but if he keeps his head, I think Peter will change the world for the better just like his father has done and is doing with his company.
I have read through everyone’s comments on the game and Peter is aware that the game is currently very one dimensional, and needs expanded. This said I have seen some of the new updates, and believe me it gets more interesting soon.
Yes this game is like Farmville in how it’s made, but this game unlike Farmville isn’t built by a 70 Million VC backed firm, but rather by an 11 year old boy, so I want to support him, and will do everything in my own power to make his game a success, in the face of much bigger corporations. What Peter may lack in comparative resources, he makes up for with determination, imagination and passion, and all of the team who support him are just as enthusiastic about making this a success.
For those positive people, I appreciate your support for Peter, and I hope you will be similarly impressed when Peter decides to release the new adventure aspect of the game. This is a human interest story and I feel privileged to have been part of it. If anyone has any suggestions for Peter I can pass them on, so keep them coming.
and needs expanding*