Hmmmm, ic about 6000 wow disseers every single day on the boards but they announce a fancy box and all are jumping on it even befour its out........guess blizz still got it huh ??? hahaha lolz
Yeah, i am a longtime blizzfan.....since lost vickings even......some of you wernt even born prolly
loads talk sh!t about blizz but when they handout the fancy box your all sold......blizz OWNZ you.
As a fan i am buying just the x-pansion without the crap thats downloadable in a week anyways
I guess they call it "Collector's Edition" for a reason. It's for "Collectors". Why bother buying it if you aren't a "collector" they aren't forcing you to buy it.
Or so it seems. I'm buying this. Because I'm a collector. The art book is great, the music is great. The ingame item is a bonus. Everything else is a bonus too. It's about 30$ more. Who cares? 30$ is about 3 hours of work for me with my crappy job. It's part of the entertainment budget.
I could be mistaken what collectors mean.
Btw, name me better collector's edition made from other companies. Blizzard has the BEST collector's editions out there. Great box..really, and everything inside is awesome.
I bought the SC2 Collectors. It's amazing. I bought all the WoW's CE. It's because the quality of the items they put into it. It's not a crappy tin box and an action figure (Assassin's Creed). It's also not a over expensive "Prestiege" edition or "Legendary" halo edition that all cost 150$ with real worthless fluff.
yeah...loads of people buy the collector editions.....i did when wow came out, looked at the goodies and now its in a closet for about 4 year and never looked at it again.
How many people do you think had this same exp with collector editions huh?
For me its just not worth it anymore.......i just want the game.......and if you are a real collector of wow things then good for you and by all means buy the collector editions
to me the book and the crappy map that came with it just aint worth it.
Hmmmm, ic about 6000 wow disseers every single day on the boards but they announce a fancy box and all are jumping on it even befour its out........guess blizz still got it huh ??? hahaha lolz
Yeah, i am a longtime blizzfan.....since lost vickings even......some of you wernt even born prolly
loads talk sh!t about blizz but when they handout the fancy box your all sold......blizz OWNZ you.
As a fan i am buying just the x-pansion without the crap thats downloadable in a week anyways
very funny thread this is mehehehe.
I guess they call it "Collector's Edition" for a reason. It's for "Collectors". Why bother buying it if you aren't a "collector" they aren't forcing you to buy it.
Or so it seems. I'm buying this. Because I'm a collector. The art book is great, the music is great. The ingame item is a bonus. Everything else is a bonus too. It's about 30$ more. Who cares? 30$ is about 3 hours of work for me with my crappy job. It's part of the entertainment budget.
I could be mistaken what collectors mean.
Btw, name me better collector's edition made from other companies. Blizzard has the BEST collector's editions out there. Great box..really, and everything inside is awesome.
I bought the SC2 Collectors. It's amazing. I bought all the WoW's CE. It's because the quality of the items they put into it. It's not a crappy tin box and an action figure (Assassin's Creed). It's also not a over expensive "Prestiege" edition or "Legendary" halo edition that all cost 150$ with real worthless fluff.
i punched some numbers and if you were to sell each item seperately it could easily go for $250 on ebay
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Final Fantasy 7
yeah...loads of people buy the collector editions.....i did when wow came out, looked at the goodies and now its in a closet for about 4 year and never looked at it again.
How many people do you think had this same exp with collector editions huh?
For me its just not worth it anymore.......i just want the game.......and if you are a real collector of wow things then good for you and by all means buy the collector editions
to me the book and the crappy map that came with it just aint worth it.
I didn't pre order yet. But I want the art book.
The problem is that I don't know where I'll be at launch. So it would be frustrating to pre order and then be 100 miles away from the shop.
Question: does anyone know how long it takes to ship CE from amazon ?
Does it arrive the same day as the launch day or do they ship the next day?
Note: I saw some SC2 CE's even two weeks after launch.