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Jesus, 30 minute matches that are decided within 5 minutes. Yes I know there is the exception, sometimes you can turn the tide of battle. I dont really count the 1/100 matches that this happens as significant to matter.
Why the hell does anyone want to play a 30-40 minute match where you know you will lose within 5 minutes of the start?
I'm not even trying to blindly bash the game here either. This really is the only part I think I dont like about it. I'm honestly trying to figure out what the hell is so appealing about that.
It is good fun, but you do need to practice on the game. A game that is even becomes quite fun, and before you know it, an hour has gone by!
I recently started playing it myself, and I can see the angle you are coming from. Some games are there to be lost. There's not a great deal you can do about it, but it is possible to counterattack - make a mad dash for the core, that sorta thing, and it does work.
My advice would be to keep to the practice games at first, the smaller 3v3 maps tend to be easier, and stick with an easy character, and learn him/her inside out. You won't win much at first...but that's the learning process.
First question, how many games have you played? That will help determine your experience. Since it is a free game many people make "try accounts" so they don't tarnish their real handle by blowing games horrible with new characters.
I have over 600 games played, and rarely do I notice a game decided by 5 minutes, you can tell which matches will be rough based on makeup and if you've played against an opponent or two, or with them you get an idea of their skill level.. I'll admit I've played less since season one came out as NONE of my real life friends enjoy this type of game and it is disheartening to say the least and SC2 was launched, but in my games I've still not experienced that.
Unless you're talking about the matches where people leave right away... I don't know what you're talking about.
Important facts:
1. Free to Play games are poorly made.
2. Casuals are not all idiots, but idiots call themselves casuals.
3. Great solo and group content are not mutually exclusive, but they suffer when one is shoved into the mold of the other. The same is true of PvP and PvE.
4. Community is more important than you think.
games are most definately not decided in 5 minutes, Especially in 5 vs 5 games youl often not even see one death in the first 5 mins, I have seen games turn on a dime as soon as one team reaches lvl 15 or so when some chars get far more powerfull. Long live LoL
It's this kind of an attitude that results in leavers, bitching, and afks. One team will get first blood, and people on the other team assume they've lost and quit. Yes, it does put your team at a disadvantage. It's not gamebreaking though.
Some champs are just more effective at higher lvs.
The problem are groups that lose an early game advantage to the opposing team and don't attempt to change there strategy at all. Seriously not even a 3v3 should be decided in the first 5 min. If any game is decided that soon then someone is afk, feeding (this one is actually most common), or a leaver. Now in a 5v5 one leaver or one afk doesn't mean a lose, but it does mean that your team has to change. So many complainers in here that only play one champion or one build for a particular champion, then lose to a team that counter builds you. The key to this game is to counter the opponents in everything you can, and if done effectively many games can easily turn on a dime(alot more than 1/100).
this is totally bs - thanks for taking the time to not understand the game then post your ignorance here
Lol ive never had a game that only lasted 5 minutes ... ever ...
PS - All mammals have nipples.
Get over it already.
Same for me... the only round i played that was decided in 5 min was because my whole team leaved... I think you can all guess what happen in a 1vs5 match =/
The end can't be guessed right from the beginning, unless someone is griefing.
I'm french, that's why I sometimes mis-use or mis-spell some words... Please don't blame me.
(but feel free to explain my error if you want
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I think its not so much they are decided in the first "5 min" (which I agree with). So much as, Team composition compared to your opposing team. A handful of games your team comp is just bad for who you are fighting. It sucks...
this statement means you insta lock a champ regardless of team comp.. hence, you're part of the problem with bad team comps... I bet you don't play any sort of tank charactors huh? What about supports? nope, like most people who complain about team comp - you insta-lock a dps...
Learn to play at least one of each type of champ and you won't have this issue... derp de derp...
Only seen this in one of three scenarios.
1. Two players on my team were named asdgkhasdj and sdgjahsdgl. Obviously new accounts and immediately afk'd at the start, obvious loss from the start.
2. Team picks poorly (all hard carries perhaps), game is actually over before it even started.
3. Team has an active feeder (just runs into the opposite team without fighting)
Two of these cases have gotten better with the Tribunal. Typically poorly picking teams you are partially to blame. Also I play 5v5 exclusively, I've always disliked the 3v3 games.
"They essentially want to say 'Correlation proves Causation' when it's just not true." - Sovrath
QFT. I've seen so many tanks who build all armor or all MD when there are no enemies which will be effected by that, and I've seen dps characters get armor pen when there are no tanks. Some people are just stupid.
You missed the point... The game doesn't end in 5 minutes, it's decided in 5 minutes.
On that note, I've had one game that lasted 12, we all pushed mid HARD, and the other team was too stupid to help out their mid champ. That's the only time I've ever had a game last under 30 minutes without a surrender.