This is the first mmorpg I've ever played where i wanted to log off after an hour. I personally enjoyed XI more and i don't think enough has changed to warrant a new monthly fee.
^THIS. At the moment with FFXIV playing it is actually downgrading from FFXI. I know its new and shiny, but come on. They developed FFXI into a great game, and yet didn't transfer any of the knowledge they learned from it? They know certaint things work and don't work, the problem is they don't care. They are gonna make the game the way they want even if it has obvious flaws.
If your looking forward to FFXIV im sad to say let the dream die. Go play FFXI, you will have more fun on that game than this one.
"Everything they learned" with FFXI was learned - and implemented - over the course of 8 years. FFXI was *nothing* even remotely close to what it is now when it first launched. They only had part of the original areas in-game at launch.. They didn't add advanced jobs 'til a little while after launch - everyone started with the same 6 basic Jobs to choose from (sound familiar?), etc.
The difference is, by the time the Western market got into the game, it was already well past its launch, bugs were dealt with, advanced jobs were introduced and Zilart was already released. We started with far more content, and a far more stable game than the Eastern market did.
The difference this time is that we're seeing the game from day 1. Not day 365 (give or take).
As far as learning nothing... well, it's not so cut and dry as that. It's easy for someone to say "they should have done it this way!" and then being incredulous when SE "doesn't see things their way". What we have to remember is everything they do with the game... even the seemingly most "simple" changes... can have a dramatic impact on the game in other areas. They can't just say "Oh, people don't like "x".. well, okay, we'll just change it". Though there are some who certainly seem to think that's the case, based on how they'll 'demand' a change be made and then 2 days later are complaining that "SE isn't listening to them".
Also, keep in mind... they want to try some things out and see how they pan out prior to just making changes to them. If they try it out, and it doesn't work.. they can change it. MMOs are good like that. They're not "static" like single player games where the game is the game once you buy it. MMOs can change and grow and evolve over time. Entire systems can be revamped (and have been in various MMOs.. sometimes more than once).
I think people really just need to chill out, calm down and stop sounding the sirens every time something pops up that seems "wrong" to them, assuming SE isn't doing anything about it if it isn't changed or replaced or removed within 3 days time.
"If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
While I do not think the subs of this game will be close to wow (not that it really matters). I do believe that the FFXI/V / SE Fanboi's will give the CCP / EVE Fanboi's a real run for the money.
So far if you do not like this game it is because
A> You are a WoW Noob
B> You like things severed on a silver platter
C> You are just not sophisticated enough to play
The only real difference will be about how they frame their argument in regards to PvP
EVE ->>> They will call you a carebear if you do not like the open PvP
FFXIV -> Will assume because you like PvP you are only interested in bragging rights , epeen and spamming lower level chat channels
Welcoem Home
I'm not a fan of stereotypes. Not at all.
However, when you see some of the complaints I've seen from some people trying out FFXIV who are, by their own say-so, WoW fans... it's kind of hard not to agree with them (the stereotypes that is).
Stereotypes exist for a reason and are very much demonstrated by a portion of any given population they are applied to. The problem only arises when people attempt to apply a stereotype to *everyone* under any given umbrella. Example: "WoW players are all whiny, lazy kids who want everything easy-mode". Certainly *some*, dare I say even *many* WoW players fit that mold; again, they demonstrate it readily in their own words, though they may not realize it. However, some of the most mature, intelligent and "un-lazy" people I know play WoW and enjoy it. Why? Because for them it's simply a fun game, period. They don't care if it's "easy mode", nor would they care if it was "hard mode". They like the game itself, so they play it, and that's pretty much it.
Not every Eve player is a self-declared "hardcore player" who looks down on anyone who doesn't like the game.
Not every FFXI player is a snob who deems anyone not "of their calibre" to be worth their attention.
There are *some* who fit that category and deserve that label and the derision that goes with it. Certainly, though, not all are like that and, frankly, to make blanket generalizations about all players of any given game based on the behavior of only a vocal portion of it is just lazy.
That said, there's nothing inherently "wrong" with stereotypes, when properly applied to the appropriate people.
Case in point...
Someone was freaking out recently because they couldn't find a NPC in FFXIV who was supposed to be at a certain location. The location was *right on their map*. Someone suggested they use the map to find it and they complained that the game should do a better job of showing them where it is, "like WoW does" (ie. Quest Helper). They wanted something showing them exactly where to go (an arrow or dot or whatever), so they could simply run straight there instead of having to put a little effort into it. I'm not making this up. They bitched about having to read labels on a map to navigate to a shop in a city. Instead of simply going to the shop and being done with it, they proceeded to bitch in /shout for 10 minutes about how "this game fails" and "WoW is so much better than this game", etc. etc. That person was a perfect example of the typical WoW stereotype.
And that's only one example.
While some do take it too far, many of the descriptions of the "typical WoW mentality" are quite valid, as many of its more vocal players are only too willing to demonstrate (whether they realize they are or not).
"If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
"Everything they learned" with FFXI was learned - and implemented - over the course of 8 years. FFXI was *nothing* even remotely close to what it is now when it first launched. They only had part of the original areas in-game at launch.. They didn't add advanced jobs 'til a little while after launch - everyone started with the same 6 basic Jobs to choose from (sound familiar?), etc.
The difference is, by the time the Western market got into the game, it was already well past its launch, bugs were dealt with, advanced jobs were introduced and Zilart was already released. We started with far more content, and a far more stable game than the Eastern market did.
The difference this time is that we're seeing the game from day 1. Not day 365 (give or take).
As far as learning nothing... well, it's not so cut and dry as that. It's easy for someone to say "they should have done it this way!" and then being incredulous when SE "doesn't see things their way". What we have to remember is everything they do with the game... even the seemingly most "simple" changes... can have a dramatic impact on the game in other areas. They can't just say "Oh, people don't like "x".. well, okay, we'll just change it". Though there are some who certainly seem to think that's the case, based on how they'll 'demand' a change be made and then 2 days later are complaining that "SE isn't listening to them".
Also, keep in mind... they want to try some things out and see how they pan out prior to just making changes to them. If they try it out, and it doesn't work.. they can change it. MMOs are good like that. They're not "static" like single player games where the game is the game once you buy it. MMOs can change and grow and evolve over time. Entire systems can be revamped (and have been in various MMOs.. sometimes more than once).
I think people really just need to chill out, calm down and stop sounding the sirens every time something pops up that seems "wrong" to them, assuming SE isn't doing anything about it if it isn't changed or replaced or removed within 3 days time.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
I doubt it....
"When it comes to GW2 any game is fair game"
I'm not a fan of stereotypes. Not at all.
However, when you see some of the complaints I've seen from some people trying out FFXIV who are, by their own say-so, WoW fans... it's kind of hard not to agree with them (the stereotypes that is).
Stereotypes exist for a reason and are very much demonstrated by a portion of any given population they are applied to. The problem only arises when people attempt to apply a stereotype to *everyone* under any given umbrella. Example: "WoW players are all whiny, lazy kids who want everything easy-mode". Certainly *some*, dare I say even *many* WoW players fit that mold; again, they demonstrate it readily in their own words, though they may not realize it. However, some of the most mature, intelligent and "un-lazy" people I know play WoW and enjoy it. Why? Because for them it's simply a fun game, period. They don't care if it's "easy mode", nor would they care if it was "hard mode". They like the game itself, so they play it, and that's pretty much it.
Not every Eve player is a self-declared "hardcore player" who looks down on anyone who doesn't like the game.
Not every FFXI player is a snob who deems anyone not "of their calibre" to be worth their attention.
There are *some* who fit that category and deserve that label and the derision that goes with it. Certainly, though, not all are like that and, frankly, to make blanket generalizations about all players of any given game based on the behavior of only a vocal portion of it is just lazy.
That said, there's nothing inherently "wrong" with stereotypes, when properly applied to the appropriate people.
Case in point...
Someone was freaking out recently because they couldn't find a NPC in FFXIV who was supposed to be at a certain location. The location was *right on their map*. Someone suggested they use the map to find it and they complained that the game should do a better job of showing them where it is, "like WoW does" (ie. Quest Helper). They wanted something showing them exactly where to go (an arrow or dot or whatever), so they could simply run straight there instead of having to put a little effort into it. I'm not making this up. They bitched about having to read labels on a map to navigate to a shop in a city. Instead of simply going to the shop and being done with it, they proceeded to bitch in /shout for 10 minutes about how "this game fails" and "WoW is so much better than this game", etc. etc. That person was a perfect example of the typical WoW stereotype.
And that's only one example.
While some do take it too far, many of the descriptions of the "typical WoW mentality" are quite valid, as many of its more vocal players are only too willing to demonstrate (whether they realize they are or not).
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops