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Why did FFXIV came on PC?

Greeting folks,


I've recently tried the open beta of Final Fantasy 14 (FFXIV), and I am quite disappointed with what it comes out to be.

What unsatisfied me the most was the combat system, may be it would be better for a melee class type,

but as I played the mage class, the casting time for the spells are just ridiculously long,

it turned out that the mage acting just like a retard and he has to "melee"-hotkey 1 attack the beasts,

also, the movement of the character during a combat is just a joke, try to imagine the speed of a snail!

you are not very likely to avoid any attack for a mage like me even if u move around,

the worse is, it seems to affect your casting time too, ie. move more = longer casting time

base on the experience I had (probably most mage players had), I consider that the combat system is totally a failure.


Another very inconvenience feature of FFXIV is the control system.

I know we can choose to use a gamepad or keyboard+mouse, since this is a PC version, I sticked to the KB+Mouse setting,

with the keyboard itself, you can basically do every action in game (except for combat),

now I need to first, target a beast, which is the TAB key, what you will see is the game with target on a lot of things,

from NPCs, yourself, other players, to random rocks and flowers around on the ground, then finally to the beast group you aim,

still, you have not yet target the one you really want to attack, as the focuser switch from objectives from left to right,

you will need to keep TABing until your focuser is no longer focusing on those beast very far from you on the left,

now you should be able to focus on your destined target after pressing the tab key 10+ times.

okay, you are wise if you would like to try using the mouse instead,

so, have you ever tried totally relaxing your right hand and then hold your right hand with you left hand,

controlling it to do tasks which the right hand should do?

that is how the cursor moves around!!!

no matter how high the dpi my mouse is ( I tried up to 5600dpi ), the cursor still delay a LOOoOOoOOoooOOOT,

it's just so annoying when your wish of clicking something fast and effectively became impossible.


On the other hand, you might just wanted to turn off the shadow feature in game,

not because of limitation of your display cards or CPU calculating speed, but the non-logical shadow itself,

the most obvious scene is, when you walk across a tunnel, getting out of town,

you will find a sharp shadow of yourself coming from a dark wall while there are huge lights above your head,

it's a bit confusing to describe that, basically, the shadows are just totally in wrong directions.

I guess the whatever physic principles applied in game would probably  take mistakes also because of the game designers' commonsense-less.


The Final Fantasy series were console games mainly (except FFXI),

that make sense when uncountable amounts of critical bugs, ridiculous file size, low program running efficiency appear on FFXIV PC version,

I have no idea why SE release this PC version when every control of the game is so console aimed,

may be it would be a good experience for playing it in PS3, but i just don't think that it is anything in the PC market.


This is it, this is all I feel about FFXIV, a horrible experience of gaming in PC, I hope you enjoy it if you do :S

Thanks for reading my feedback of FFXIV, have a nice day!



Last but not least, my advice to SE:

Just stick back to the console market, DUDES!

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