Yeah, I have the same issue. First time loading the game after patching, I got a lobby error. After that, the game crashes while loading the lobby (Right after pressing start while the screen is black with a "Now loading..." indicator.
Edit: First time I tried after posting this, I got into the game, so probably a server-side error, not client-side. Just keep trying.
Ya me too, lobby error and another .
I can't get the patch downloaded! <pullng my hair out>
I wouldnt download any of them just torrent them and put them in patch folder , far easier.
Link should help
Yeah, I have the same issue. First time loading the game after patching, I got a lobby error. After that, the game crashes while loading the lobby (Right after pressing start while the screen is black with a "Now loading..." indicator.
Edit: First time I tried after posting this, I got into the game, so probably a server-side error, not client-side. Just keep trying.
same problem crashing at charater loading I dont think the servers are up
It's happened to me yesterday off and on, I assume it just means the lobby server is having a problem.