There's a
new HW mouse patch released for today's updated version of the client. However, this 2010.09.07.2001 mouse patch is not working for me. The mouse is still obviously sluggy even with the patch applied.
Since the game updated today, I've also noticed that the client crashes very frequently, even more so with the updated patch applied. Can anyone else confirm?
I've been having this problem too.. With the hardwire mouse patch in, I crash immediately upon trying to do anything in game. When I revert to my backup copy of the game, it works fine, but no hardwire mouse =(
Not sure what's wrong...
There's probably some conflict with the coding. It's a common issue when downloading 3rd party patches for a game, especially when the company itself is patching the game on a daily basis like SE is.
The website link you provided also links to downgrade your current FFXIV version to an older version. I suggest you download it and downgrade your FFXIV, re-update the game but don't use the Mouse Lag fix. SE appears to be working on it already so this 3rd party mouse lag patch has high chances of causing more crashes during future updates.