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Ever since this patch, the ui lag as it pertains to equiping your abilities is virtually gone. I'm not being sarcastic when I say the latest patch did something. My latency has also gone done considerably. The game just seems to play smoother than it did yesterday. Even in combat, the abilities have virtually no lag, firing right after each other.
The leves also load faster and I havn't disconected once. Am I just lucky or seeing too much into things? Anyone else notice the big improvement becuase of the last patch?
I'm having the opposite effect. Since the 9/7 patch, for the first time, I crash every 15-30mins...
I haven't noticed any difference.
Still crazy lag when trying to vendor items, crafting and trading with your retainer.
The game feels smoother after each patch, that I can confirm.
Sadly, the UI lag is far from gone for me. One thing I can say, is I didn't even bother installing the mouse lag fix this time, mostly because I hardly use the mouse. The mouse lag itself seems better right now, but stil far from hardware mouse feeling. Sadly, the UI and stuff like equipping skills still takes ages. Combat does feel smoother, though
"Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted.
Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world."
Hans Margolius
I'm not sure if it is lag or design, but selling items and choosing items to craft sure does take a bit. I still noticed some skill animations not firing but can read the damage in the chat window.
Client crashes are still moderate for me as well. The worst are the crashes while on a leve...
Lottery winners beware...I'm coming for you!
its still beta and it seems they are trying to fix alot right now.......good for them.
Equipping skills is a major pain when switching classes, I suggest setting up macro's. Macro's are the lifesaver of this game.
Lottery winners beware...I'm coming for you!
Patch did nothing.
Thats your hope kicking in.
I noticed it too.
Smoother after each patch....less than a month from release....between fatigue and everything else from SE, the damage has been done. I'm sure it will be a game some will enjoy, but that is all that can be said about it.
You will soon be paying to beta test their game for them
These forums are a cesspool for the mmo community. It happens with every game here.
It's improved, along with performance it seems. I still occasionally see it every now and then.
Lag is gone for me too however just like this fella, I crash quite frequently.
I noticed this yesterday too. Mouse lag was never horrible for me, since I started OB, but it definitely felt improved to me last night. More smooth overall, and hopefully not a fluke. At first I started to overshoot all the choices I wanted to click on, lol, and I was like "huh?" (in a good way).
I only use the mouse for running around and it hasnt changed at all.
People are posting expressing genuine relief because they are experiencing improvement in something as basic and important as mouse lag, an issue that frankly should be a non issue with an MMO released for the PC, and yet many others in this thread find fault with these posters by posting and repeating the above.
I can only presume that their message is one of "shut up about all the problems with the game, even if the problems are many and valid and virtually renders the game unplayable."
It's generally faster since last patch; however crafting, equipping skills and items, dealing with the retainer and browing simple lists as the inventory still take wayyy too much time to respond. A lot of this has to do with the inherent lag inside towns, which is common to all MMOs, but in FF XIV it's a pain due to the need to do most things, except combat, in town; and said "things" require between 5 and 13 clicks to perform each and everytime.
I experience more crashes since last patch too. [off-topic] Which by the way made me forfeit automatically a leve today and, frankly, this sanction is just plain stupid. It's frustrating and what purpose does it serve, seriously?
Demanding more for your money is not "cesspool". I remember when games didn't have the luxery of updating via the internet as most people didn't have it. I remember when games had to be good and complete when they were released. When having a good reputation was important to a game developer.
If you call this a cesspool, then I gladly go swimming.
Dissent is patriotic.
Have you actualy tried to hit the fatigue wall? It seems more to me like a "STOP! You're a robot" wall lol, I haven't even be able to come close yet and I've been playing for about 5 hrs a night.
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Agreed, I've been trying to hit that wall with my Conjurer and couldn't come close to it in OB.
Fatigue is not based on how long you play, but how much EXP you are getting. You can play for 25 hours a day but if you are not getting EXP, fatigue won't affect you.
True, also when I say I play for around 5 hrs a night, it's not all xping. I was more just making the comparison of a 'normal' play session for me which usualy consists of around 4 hours of xping (possibly on multiple jobs depending on mood, including crafting jobs) and an hour or so of just exploring and taking in the scenery/travel time. Needless to say you really have to work to hit this fatigue, like the old FFXI system of standing in one spot partying for 8-12 hours without moving sort of work.
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Final Fantasy 7