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Hello everyone! I am here to inform people that PlaneShift has recently updated its rules on what can and cannot be discussed in the #planeshift channel on Freenode. As of today, here is the new topic for the OFFICIAL IRC fan channel:
*** Topic on #planeshift is: PlaneShift: A Free 3D MMORPG .:. .:. Report bugs at .:. Discussions about competing projects are not allowed in here. | tail chopping hour
The new part here is that talking about any project that the PlaneShift director considers himself to be competing against is completely forbidden. So, what does this mean exactly? Well, it means you are free to talk about other games such as World of Warcraft or EVE, but mentioning other, lesser-known, open game projects will lead to a ban. This goes regardless of how much of their assets PlaneShift is actually using, how mature the project is, whether they are using the PlaneShift engine, or how the director defines the word "competing". Here are some examples of projects that should never be mentioned in that channel, ever:
Peragro TempusA virtual world where people can travel across different time periods
Tempest in the AetherA Victorian Steampunk world being made by former PlaneShift developers and leaders using the PlaneShift engine
Trinity ReignA medieval fantasy world being worked on by a nice group of people
So remember, if you're ever going into the #planeshift channel on Freenode, then don't ever mention any projects like these and you'll do fine, else the banhammer will be upon you!
Interesting. Seems the director of Planeshift is more interested in harassing fans then actually developing a game. He seems to spend all day on Wikipedia being incivil and trying to push his weight so to speak there. Perhaps Planeshift should take a new direction and get a new director? Facism is dead and isn't going to attract players.
What he means by 'competing' projects are those projects that might draw 'his' (yes, he has called them HIS) volunteer contributors away from planeshift. Actually, the term he used was 'stealing'.
So, the line should be read as "No talking about projects that might steal MY volunteers away."
I changed my mind. PlaneShift is not worth the time.
One thing I am interesting after the last few months... Now that a large portion of the team is gone, it is basically up to Talad to sink or swim on his own. I guess we will see what happens. Tuxide, I was going to say you forgot, but now the domain doesn't seem to work for me, at least. Moon, nothing happened to Radakan, did it? On a completely unrelated note I just finally got a copy of Planescape: Torment. Yay! My distraction level is guaranteed for the winter and I don't need to go in PlaneShift.
I don't recall what Radakan is or was. Don't remember the name at all, actually.
I changed my mind. PlaneShift is not worth the time.
I suppose what will ultimately matter is if you go into the #planeshift channel on Freenode and get banned for discussing it.
Hi all,
Here you can see the director enforcing the rule, attempting to justify it's use, and then deciding that his opinions are worth more than his game community who would like to know the reasons for this. He also blatantly calls the Tempest in the Aether team thieves for choosing to use the PlaneShift Open Source engine, despite the fact that it's Open Source, and all of them put countless hours into developing PlaneShift before the split from PlaneShift and creation of Tempest in the Aether.As someone who worked on PlaneShift, and now on Tempest in the Aether (and worked on both at the same time for quite a few months) all I can say is that this rule sickens me. The director is more than happy to use the Open Source licence and ideals to make his project look good, but has no understanding nor care for the Open Source and what it stands for.
At Tempest in the Aether, all contributors are encouraged to work together as a team, to foster and help others learn more about game development (as it's a learning curve for us all) and we encourage harmony with all other projects. The director of PlaneShift calls us sneaky liars because we did not tell him about our project to begin with, we had felt this was necessary until we had something to show for ourselves, the existence of the project was leaked to him and our reasoning was proved correct.
It's sad that he speaks so lowly of hundreds of people from different teams who all put alot of work into his game. I personally spent almost a year developing the only map to be added to PlaneShift in twice as long. While a part of his team I staunchly supported the game and team, but upon the creation of Tempest in the Aether and the ensuing events I decided there were better projects available for me to work on.
My own personal MMORPG in development, built off the PlaneShift MMORPG
Here's what happened when the director found this thread:
And later...
A PlaneShift forum account was also banned for linking this in their signature (The director's username on wikipedia).
Note that I nor any of the people who so far have posted here have a major hate on PlaneShift as the director claims, but rather on his leadership style and treatment and abuse of the OpenSource licence and ideals. Our issue is with him, not the game team as he claims. As I have stated before, many members of the PlaneShift development team work on Tempest in the Aether too, a fact that the director repeatedly calls a lie.
He also seems to confuse In-Character and Out-Of-Character (which are used alot in the PlaneShift role-playing server). He thought that because a character in the game worshipped the in-game god "Talad" (whom he named himself after) the player therefore worshipped him, or at least thought highly of him. He therefore thinks he is this god?
In one respect he is right. Until three weeks ago when I left PlaneShift I had not spoken out publically against him. However, that is because PlaneShift has an exclusive clause in their licencing/non-disclosure-agreement saying that lower level developers are not to argue with higher level developers in public.... and as it has been made obvious, arguing with him in any way shape or form leads to a quick booting from the community.
As a final note: He says that there are two, now three "historical haters". He leaves out a long list of developers who left PlaneShift and created/joined the "blacklisted projects" because of issues with him. Most of these people don't have any problems with the PlaneShift project, but with Talad himself.
To Talad, I know you're watching this thread, I'm still in your channel. You'll never find me, until you ban them all.
My own personal MMORPG in development, built off the PlaneShift MMORPG
The PlaneShift team denies all these false claims and is focused on building the game more than answering to those trolling kids. If you want to see what PlaneShift is, play the game, meet the devs, and you will have a different view.
Just to clarify ChuckiSpux was a prospect (and not a developer) which praised the game, myself, the devs for long time, then after this brother was banned from the game for stealing a big amount of objects from guildhouses, started to be a hater of the game. This turnback happened in about 3 weeks, without me doing absolutely nothing about it. It's sad and really shows you how people can turn their side on a project for totally personal reasons unrelated to the development team.
Are you denying that you said all the things I quoted?
Are you denying the claim that PlaneShift has the exact line in it's IRC channel, stating that speaking about "competitor projects" is not allowed?
Are you denying that you have also made it an unspoken forum rule at PlaneShift's forums , with this as my evidence?
Also, would you deny that this PM is in breach of PlaneShift's own forum policies which state that a user will first be warned, and if they do not adhere to the warning the signature will be changed forcibly (mine was changed forcibly, no warning as the policy states, let alone my signature did not breach the forum rules)?
Also would you please stop claiming that "the team" is the target of my "attacks". I've made it clear you're the problem. As I said rather recently, PlaneShift could do with a good PR team to clean up all of these messes you make. Or they could simply get a better leader who doesn't try to sweep problems under the carpet in a blind dash to get the game "finished".
Finally, as I stated before, and since the director cannot read, my brother being banned was the last straw. Until I left the team I was bound by the terms of the NDA licence PlaneShift has, forcing their developers to all agree to the public views of the director. Let me also note that my brother has a mental disability, intended for his actions to be interpreted as that of an in-character thief, and was told by the PlaneShift Game Master team that what he did was intentionally griefing other players, which brought upon him a serious amount of distress. I have discussed this with many Game Masters and come to a peace with them over that, as myself and the Game Masters agree that whilst the action was not intentionally griefing, a strong message needed to be sent to other players that such an action hurt other players and needed to be prevented from happening again.
My own personal MMORPG in development, built off the PlaneShift MMORPG
[21:44] <@Talad> of people that spammed dozens of sites with falsity just to discredit us
[21:45] <@Talad> and I'm speaking of Tuxide to start with
So Tuxide, what did you do to offend Glorious Leader? I remember when you were the one defending the guy for the longest time.
-Letting Derek Smart work on your game is like letting Osama bin Laden work in the White House. Something will burn.-
-And on the 8th day, man created God.-
I believe he told Talad to start being more civil, and things just went downhill from there.
As per posting dishonest things, the only one I have seen doing that is Talad himself. A log was posted over at LGT of him firing a follow director and being completely unreasonable, which Talad called a lie. Later in the PlaneShift IRC channel, he admitted that he did not even read the log, so did not know if it was true or false (I have the log of him admitting he lied, but there has been enough log posting in this thread for now). His defense? Well, it should never have been leaked. I guess that means it should not count?
In his own prospect channel, he lied about the reason the other director was fired, slandered him, and threatened to fire anyone who stood up of him. I have seen that log as well.
As a note about those 700,000 players who have tried the game and only a few turning into haters being a good turn out... I would say that out of 700,000 ACCOUNTS (many many people made more than one account) created, my best guess is that less than 3000 players play the game in a week, most of them being people who try the game for less than an hour, then move on. My guess is based on a data mine of the server a few years back when Talad bragged about having 340,000 accounts created. If the same trends continued, the projected numbers would be as follows:
About 700,000 accounts created.
Accounts never used: 220,000 (Yes, that is about 1/3 never used)
Characters used less than an hour: 280,000
Characters used more than 10 hours: 30,000 (remember, 4 characters can be made on each account)
If we crunch the numbers, and give the benefit of the doubt and say on average that each person created two characters (so 140,000 players for the 280k number), that means that 360,000 people never played the game more than an hour, if at all. The rest drop off well before 10 hours. Given how easy it is to log 10 hours on a game, ESPECIALLY an MMO based on grinding, those are pretty dismal numbers. planeshift looks to be the ultimate revolving door MMO. If Talad wants to call me a liar, troll, or whatever like he is fond of doing to anyone who does not agree with him, then ask him to poll the database again to get the true numbers and post them somewhere. My guess on what his answer will be? Something like I dont have the time to waste on haters.
His typical responses seem to follow this pattern:
Accusation of lies.
Calling everyone trolls or malcontents.
When all that fails, childish attacks and name calling when cornered.
I am also going to assume he is going to try to assassinate my character and say I can't be trusted since I worked for him for over a year without signing his precious NDA. I then retracted my original work a year after I quit when I saw his true colors and total disrespect of the Open Source community. The main reason I quit is because he has created an unhealthy work environment full of paranoia and draconian control. I would like to see someone on the team come forth and say that that has changed, but one of the rules of the NDA is to NEVER talk about what goes on in the team, especially if it is bad.
I changed my mind. PlaneShift is not worth the time.
Oh UtMoon, how I loathe, hate and absolutely adore you at the same time
My own personal MMORPG in development, built off the PlaneShift MMORPG
I'm not too sure I follow you here; I don't consider defending an MMORPG to be the same as defending the conduct of its director. Seriously, who the hell would defend a game director who goes to various forums and websites covering his own game and trolls the snot out of them? I particularly find comments like this recent one from the PlaneShift Director to be quite entertaining:
I know I said before that if PlaneShift promoted uncivil behavior then I couldn't find the time to deal with it then, but now fortunately I'm finding plenty of it to address this issue myself. One of the things we all need to understand here is that not everyone is going to like us. Not everyone has to either. This is just one of the many things that you have to be willing to accept when you make an MMORPG and it amasses 700,000 or whatever registered accounts.
Somebody please go into the #planeshift channel on Freenode and post on this thread what the channel topic is so I can correct the OP if it is wrong.
The topic is still the same, but now " | tail chopping hour" has been added to the end.
I'm not even going to ask what that means.
My own personal MMORPG in development, built off the PlaneShift MMORPG
No idea, but I edited the OP anyways for accuracy.
Screenshot from a few hours ago. Nick info blacked out to protect the user from any vindictive actions.
I changed my mind. PlaneShift is not worth the time.
It probably means Planeshift will have even less players and developers when all the tails are chopped.
Ah, so much fun in this thread, excuse me if I don't spend much time here writing, I really have much better things to do than discrediting a half-game, specially when its own author does it so well himself. Also I'm done warning people about the ongoings in PS since I've done over and over and in 80% of the cases people still got involved and had to feel the smack in their own face, then give me the point (yes ChuckiSpux, that's for you too , so I'll just let people get smacked from now on. I don't care anymore. But you gave me a good time so thought I'd say hello.
In regard to the account numbers... besides the data UtM posted which is probably quit accurate, in my 4 years playing Planeshift I have had six active accounts I've used often. Same goes for plenty other roleplayers since you don't always want to kill and delete a character when you create a new one. Chances are half of the players who have been around a while have at least 2-3 accounts if not many more. A question thrown to the wind anyway, since i've never tried myself and I don't know if this is possible. Any of you ever tried to actually delete an IG account?
As for Ingles' behavior, here you have a good example of his ways:
In this thread, he even registered in our forums only to come support his GM alias with another name, now that's definitely the attitude I'd have if I had nothing to hide or to be ashamed of.
So Talad, I guess it doesn't feel good to not be able to delete mine and other posts here? After you deleted one of my FULL accounts, including posts where I was congratulating people, or just giving a heads up, it must be a great feeling of impotence to see how people do come here to say what you actually don't let them say in your forums, isn't it? I'm very, very disappointed to not see my name in your list of haters, for somebody who had 3 accounts banned from your forums this is quite the insult. You're rude. :P
The PlaneShift team denies all these false claims and is focused on building the game more than answering to those trolling kids. If you want to see what PlaneShift is, play the game, meet the devs, and you will have a different view.
You really need a PR agent before you're the only dev and player left. People do expect arguments in response, if you don't have any it's smarter to stay quiet rather than making an evidence that you don't have them.
Those 3-4 (300-400 in fact) haters are actually all people that once loved Planeshift, and that have turned against it mostly due to your own fault. You'd be better thinking what are you doing wrong than trying to shut them up, so that even if those remain there won't be many more in the future.
And as you see I'm not hiding in random aliases like your team members do, join my forums anytime. o/
EDIT: Fixed the link, these forums are weird to me yet. :P
The Planeshift setting open for players: The Mind's Eye Library.
More info here:
Dang what's up with all these people attacking GMs, nobody cares about them. Players tend to be more interested in the feuds coming from the developers than they do in even the content or features of the games they work on, or GM drama. In my opinion, the game director himself has been the most entertaining part of the game lately.