why does my screen go black after i hit the button to start the game after getting past the patcher.?
worked fine a few days ago. brand new pc. just curious. i wanted to go running around laughing at all the people playing midget babies in pajamas.
no new drivers, nothing changed, just stopped working after it patched itself, cant wait till launch when a whole 500 more people will be hitting it... every few weeks.
A typical MMO problem. Companies tend to release their games before the client is stable enough and with some bugs they should have fixed.
Nothing new, both EQ and Wow had issues too. If the game is great or not depends on who you asks, but it is really great looking if nothing else.
The servers are down for scheduled maintanance. The black screen happens when the client is trying to contact a server but is not getting a response. If you wait a bit, it should give you an error.
This. It'll be back in 4 hours or less, if all goes as planned.
Or maybe he as trying to do that before 8pm PST (an hour ago)? In which case, I'm guessing that he's got a technical problem. Just because you've got a new computer doesn't mean you've got a compatible or properly functioning one. These things happen in any game. You might try opening up the configuration program and turning a few things down/off and see if that helps.