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For anyone that might know something about this game, I have a few questions that I would like to ask.
1) Is there an WSAD style of walking that CAN be used? or will the game ONLY be point and click?
2) Will the game run 'well' (or at all) on a med-low end system? P3-800 w/256 megs of RAM,
and an M64 TNT2 card?
3) Will there be a Vault System? IF so, how this work in conjunction with the INV/Equipment system?
4) Any idea on the monthly fee yet?
5) I understand that the game will allow players to make armor/weapons.. what about
custom Spells? (perhaps like a gas ball of odorous emissions?)
6) How 'custom' will the player creation system be? there's nothing worse then seeing 100 people
that look just like you running around. Even if they are in different armor...
Wish features point and click exclusively. Our robust path finding engine created by PathEngine allows us to do more with this system than we could ever dream in a WASD game. Thus, it is by far the superior choice for us and those that play Wish.
Most likely not, those are quite a bit below our minimum requirements.
There are bank accounts. Your gold account is accessible around our world. Your vault is accessible only at the location where you deposited the items. Finally, a guild vault is also available.
No decisions have been made at this time.
Just to be clear, the game does not allow people to "craft" recipes at this time. What we will do is constantly introduce new content (like spells and recipes and attack feats) through Live Content, which can be set up in such a way that there is a race for "invension".
There are seven races, each with two genders. Beyond that you will have multiple faces, hairs, beards. As well as morphing sliders that allow you to drastically customize your face in any way you so choose. Not to mention a full range of controls for hair, facial hair and skin color.
Dana Massey
Wish, World Designer
Dana Massey
Formerly of
Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios
Thank you for the reply. Wish has just scored bonus points with be for a game master to reply to a thread not even on their offical website.
1) I was able to see the pathfinding in action on a couple of movies, and I must say I was impressed. The question was based on after seeing the point-n-click movement on Lineage, it just left a bad taste in my mouth for feeling like I wasn't able to be in control of my character. However, I will wait until Beta2 (I'm signed up) to experiance the system then.
2) I figured those specs where pretty low, that's my 2nd machine. I asked in thought of being able to have two accounts so me and my wife could play together. but again, I'll check it out when Beta2 comes out. (but then, almost nothing runs 'well' on that machine.hehe)
3) I assume the guild vaults are also town based? As I understand it, Wish is trying to keep players loyal to a 'town'. (which is a neat idea) however, that leads to me to wonder about how much wandering will need to be done to hunt, or quest. If you are wadering close to another town because of a hunt or a quest, but then need to run all the way back to your main town to use your bank.. that could be a pain. Unless I'm not totally understanding the concept.
5) Will Recipe crafting be in Beta3 or Release? I thought I read somewhere that the crafting system was going to be rich and robust to allow players to make items more powerful then what was released in game?
6) Sounds great!!
All and All I'm liking everything that I'm reading about Wish, and I can't wait for my Email to let me know that I can DL the client, and get my hands dirty in the system!! Being a current (former?) Horizons player, I'm looking for an MMORPG that has DEPTH of gameplay. Something that most of the other MMORPG's that I've seen and beta'ed just don't have. (WoW comes to mind.. plays a lot like an arcade game.)
Yes, items, including in guild vaults are tied to the location. You will have the ability (through UI) to check what you have stored where.
Again, this is a slight misconception. The idea is that we will release recipes, etc. into the world that are unique and never seen before. You do not craft them on the fly though. We make them internally, balance, etc and then release it to the public. Where the interesting part is in how you gain it, and by being the "discoverer" of that, you can be immortalized (say the item is named after you).
You do not "craft" totally unique and new recipes. You can, discover new content that is not available through normal systems.
Dana Massey
Wish, World Designer
Dana Massey
Formerly of
Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios
again, thanks for the Reply Dana.
Does this mean that you can open more then one vault 'account' in different places as you transverse the land or will you be stuck with one vault in one town? I'm not trying to be analretentive about the vault thing, I tend to be a pack rat for items because you never know when you might just need that rat spleen.
So the system would be something like:
in my wonderings I find a dog that looks like he wants me to follow him. He leads me to a well, where timmy has gotton stuck. I find some rope to pull him out, and he rewards me with a way to craft a new powerful sword of 'watching where you step' +2.
and since the game system is set up that once a quest is complete.. it's complete.. then I would be able to craft the sword, but only I would have the ability to do so?
if that's the case, I'm getting giddy...
Regarding Vaults:
Yes, you can have as many as you like.
Regarding crafting:
I wouldn't use that particular quest, but yes Once you become an Elder you could then pass on that knowledge to other players (for a price of course). We may also allow the item to seep into the market after a brief time.
Dana Massey
Wish, World Designer
Dana Massey
Formerly of
Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios
Sweet mother of all that's good and pure.. Ok, I think this might be the last question about the vault/banks. I assume there will be a cap of some sort on them, will we be able to raise that cap either though cash (as a money sink) or though quest?
again, another problem with most MMORPG's is the total lack of space to hold anything. It's REALLY tough to build a home that needs like 180,000 pieces of Brick when you can only hold 200 in your vault at a time.. Yes, I understand that crafting in WISH isn't like anything on the market currently, but with out playing Beta1 (*SNIFF*) but it's another concern.
Oh why not use that Quest? that's a good idea!!! However, the more I read about this game and it's systems, the more I'm itching to play.
Ok, if there's anything I can request for the game would be a plus +1 sword of obviousness.
it's a sword shaped like a '1' with a little plus sign floating in front of it.. Yes/no?
Hey Pogo, not thinking of quiting Horizons are you?
I guess you got a bit miffed by the vault shrink huh?
I'll see you in beta btw.
To me, WISH sounds like the MMORPG that HZ was supposed to be, and something most of the other RPGs lack. Depth. Depth of Gamplay. Depth of the game systems. Hopefully, WISH will have the depth (or more so) then HZ.. but above and beyond.. swimming. Come on.. a game that has been out for a year, and I STILL can't swim!?!
I really wish we would be able to use SOME sort of WASD movement system (no pun intended, lol). I really dislike point and click movement. It feels as though I have less control over my character with point and click. It'd be nice to at least have the option of using WASD. After all, not everyone has the same idea of superior.
I've played point and click games (beta tested Shadowbane for quite a while), but I could never get used to them. It, ultimately, felt as though I had less control over my character due to the fact that I had to constantly repostion my camera view. Even with a chase camera view, my character would occasionally get in the way, and it felt harder to make more shorter, more natural movements. This isn't a huge issue, and I doubt it will deter me from subscribing to Wish (as of right now, this is my only gripe about the game).
I just think that as games in the MMORPG genre advance, the developers should provide their users with more and more options, rather than limiting what they have to chose from based on what they feel is best for the users.
Kudos to the developers for keeping in such close touch with the community via the forums. Its really great to see that happening (one of the few times I've seen it happening, too be honest).
Maybe I'll end up loving PnC after playing Wish and using it's advanced pathfinding engine, but I'd still like the option of WASD (if it was possible to do).
Honestly, I don't think PnC will be that bad in Wish if the rest of the features are as amazing as they have been made out to be. Personally I prefer PnC if the camera is easy enough to control (i.e right-click dragging to position ala Ragnarok Online) and dont think it will detract anything from the game if the pathfinding system is going to be as advanced as the Wish team says it is. If I cast "Ridiculously Rendered Flaming Orb of Unholy L33T Damage" on a level 155 "Uber Dragon Ghost" I don't want to run up to melee range to cast it >_<. Otherwise, rock on revolutionary PnC system. Be as good as you've been talked up to be.
Also, shout out to the GM cool enough to visit the site forums most developers consider the lowly trash that only bash their games instead of considering us their chief market. Good form Wish team. Good form.
"You see this? You see how my bodies glowing like that? Yeah a lot of people can't do that...come get some of this glowing!"
"Oh ok? You want, you want some. You want some of the glowing. Look, man, your soul, I'm totally gonna chew on it and floss with your spirit. I read that somewhere...but I'll do it."
-Feng Shui Master Lu
"You see this? You see how my bodies glowing like that? Yeah a lot of people can't do that...come get some of this glowing!"
"Oh ok? You want, you want some. You want some of the glowing. Look, man, your soul, I'm totally gonna chew on it and floss with your spirit. I read that somewhere...but I'll do it."
-Feng Shui Master Lu
And you'll love the pathfinding system!
They'll NEVER implement WASD movement because(little technical):
When you use WASD momement you have to send informatian to the server for every key you press, with pnc movement you have to only send one sever request instead of hundreds per minute. And because they want to support like 50k of people online at the same time server performance is very important.
I suppose that makes sense. I'll certainly give it a chance and make a serious effort to enjoy it. The pathfinding sounds (and from the videos, looks) really great.
Heh I have nothing of value to contribute to this thread I just found mysel floored that one of the actual game designers is posting here. Heh, is this commonplace for either Wish devs or for other MMOs? Do other MMO devs post on
I'm still up in the air about the whole point and run interface. I Beta'd Lineage II, and well, I wasn't impressed. Like it was stated above, I found myself feeling apart from the toon I was supposed to be playing, and getting stuck on trees and walls and the like ruined the experience for me.. well that and the lake of self-control seen on the primary chat rooms.
I've already DL'd the client and can't wait until the 1st to be be able to start playing. From what I've seen in the movies, the patch-finding system is top-notch, something a few 1st person shooters should learn from.. LOL
A.K.A. Wrython Hellsong, lvl 31 Erudite Dirge -- Befallen
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
I thought one of the major problems was the PvP.. People in beta boosting, "I just killed my 300th person" and then all the racial slurs being usein the broadcast channel. That was enough for me.
3 days in beta, and I wouldn't recommend it to ANYONE. Let alone the issues with the PnC. If you're going to do it, at least do it right. (or well...)
Which game is 'SB'?
From the 'tech' standpoint it would be much easier on the server. But it's still that 'distance' you get from your character when you are like: "click' I want to move there. I just hope it's smart enough
to not start walking you in a circle around a mob when you are trying to attack it.
Nothing is better than eternal happines.
Junk-food is better than nothing.
Therefor, junk-food is better than eternal happines!
In pendants
(Natal trophies torn from bellies of desanctified nuns)
A demon, bewinged, bedight
In scum, prowled their circle seeking entry to run
An arctic tongue upon Her vulva
Where rubies smeared to alabaster thighs
Glittered like a contract in the purse of a whore
Receiving sole communion from the body of christ
Welcome to the 'fold' Sorced,
Though.. when was the last time you played HZ? the graphics arn't THAT
good, unless you have a 100% state of the art box, and even then it will be slow. From compareing screenshots, HZ BETA looked better then the current
state of the game, which is really weird.
But anyway, Yes.. only a couple more days and we can beta! woot!!!
When I started playing HZ in January, having just quit EQ, I thought the graphics were great. But once you've been everywhere, seen all the areas, the graphics become just ok. I've not played every mmorpg, let alone most of the newer ones, but EQ2 has the best graphics I've seen so far.
HZ wasn't ALL about graphics, it was ALL about the events and unfolding storyline, and dragons. These 3 made HZ unique and should have set it apart and given it a chance.
Unfortunately Dragons were broken from the beginning, the events dried up, and the storyline has stuttered with the server merge.
There was a huge gulf between their ambition and the ability. Hopefully WISH doesn't fall into the same category.
I totally agree, but A.E. just got bought, there's now new backers (so there's money coming in)
so a lot of things may (keyword here) change on the HZ front.
Personally, I think it's a little to late. If WISH can live up the hype that I have in my mind..
I might just need to get that bathroom/Chair I've been seeing on Ebay...
Umm, you know.. I accepted your answer initially, but after mullling it over, this is ridiculous. You just need to transmit state changes to the server which is not hundreds per minute. The server knows your current position, the direction you are facing and what speed you are capable of moving at therefore calculating your position over time and keeping you moving, is all calculated server side and reflected back to the client to be displayed on your screen. When someone presses "W", their character object gets a property set on it that indicates it is moving. The character's trajectory is stored on the object since it knows which way you arte facing. Now the player holds the "D" key down which sends a packet to the server which upates the trajectory to a 45 degree movement and keeps the character moving. When the player releases the "D" key, a state change is transmitted to the server indicating a trajectory change back to 0. The "W" key is release, a packet informs the server that the character has stopped, changing the moving property to false and then stopping the position calculations to be updated.
So, "technically" using a WASD setup is possible and will not cause as much overhead as you would initially think.
Umm, you know.. I accepted your answer initially, but after mullling it over, this is ridiculous. You just need to transmit state changes to the server which is not hundreds per minute. The server knows your current position, the direction you are facing and what speed you are capable of moving at therefore calculating your position over time and keeping you moving, is all calculated server side and reflected back to the client to be displayed on your screen. When someone presses "W", their character object gets a property set on it that indicates it is moving. The character's trajectory is stored on the object since it knows which way you arte facing. Now the player holds the "D" key down which sends a packet to the server which upates the trajectory to a 45 degree movement and keeps the character moving. When the player releases the "D" key, a state change is transmitted to the server indicating a trajectory change back to 0. The "W" key is release, a packet informs the server that the character has stopped, changing the moving property to false and then stopping the position calculations to be updated.
So, "technically" using a WASD setup is possible and will not cause as much overhead as you would initially think.
However, when you use the WASD you tend to play the game like a FPS.. even as you stated above, there's a lot more packets floating back and forth between the client and server. By switching to a click style of movement, there's 'one' packet....
Also you didn't calculate in, that if you've got 10,000 players.. all of them using the WASD, and the server is handleing all the 'I'm moving' packets, and then transmit ALL those keystrokes to each client, that's in the area of you... that's a lot of overhead, which in turn causes lag...
BTW, anyone reading these boards in game yet????