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P2P Vs. F2P

Well.  This is a common question asked of avid gamers, such as myself, and most people are biased in their answers.

(I am a P2P and a F2P player of many games)

Altho many people think P2P players are obsessed with the game, I would beg to differ.  To be honest, I think these accusations are childish and juvenile.  The willingness to pay for a game, is driven from the satisfaction of playing the game.  For example.  If a P2P member of Runescape is around F2P players, one of two things happen.  First case: "Wow, you are cool."  Second case: "Wow, you are a loser, you pay to play a game."  While many of these F2P players pay for their XBOX subscription (currently $7/Month), they consider paying for a single game is *lame*.  But just the fact of paying for a *console* makes it different.  When in fact, they are the same.  F2P has as many perks as P2P in most cases.  The only difference is the type of content.  If you are content with paying for many of your games, then it is not an issue.  For those of you who are watching the budget (such as myself) are not able to pay for every game out there.  And for those P2P members who antagonize fellow gamers who happen to be F2P, lighten up?  Just because you are paying does not make you a more experienced, knowledged, or better player.  Remember that.



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