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I read a few places that If you are war and cast a spell from magic like heal it wouldnt be as strong.
here is my dumb question.
If i picked war when i made the char does this determine the penalties from using skill from magic, or crafting?
or does it depend on what my weapon is (determine class) that effects how strong a cross class skill is? ie: i made a war char, but i am using a wand as my main weapon and my cure spell is just as strong as if i made a conj.
hopefully this question makes sense.
my last question is depending on the answers above what is the reason someone would make a gather or crafter if they can just switch classes to a crafter.
If you start as say a gladiator, then change weapons to conjurer then you are a conjurer, not a gladiator anymore. The starting class only affects starting gear, you can change at any time by buying another classes weapon.
Cross class skill get weaker and you can only cross class some skills. An example would be a conjurers heal, you can use it on gladiator, but you cannot use it as AOE, and it heals less than a conjurer casting it.
Some people might make a crafter because they only want to craft, or want to craft at first. You could make a decent set of armor, then level up a class. Plus they can choose a fighting class later if they wish.
Your starting class makes no difference.
The races have different starting stats, with some favoring Combat over Magic, but this rapidly decreases in impact as you level up.
When you are using a combat class with magic skills, the magic skills are less powerful due to your current choice of class. Usually, this results in a slight decrease in the power of the spell, combined with a 30% - 50% longer recharge timer. Also, your stats impact spell efficiency as well. Your stats as a combat class are likely to be very different than a caster, though you have freedom to make a balanced build if you want to. Also, you can reallocate stats over time. (Basically, every 15 minutes, or so, you can hit the re-assign button under stats and free up a couple stat points from each stat to reallocate. This puts limitations on rapidly shifting from a fully tweaked combat stance to a fully tweaked magic stance, but still gives you enough freedom to make adjustments. No respec costs. Just a little patience and forethought).
Also, not all skills are available for use when you aren't using that class, some are tied to the particular weapon, but the system still offers a lot of freedom and benefits for cross leveling.
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