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Roma Victor

TuliusTulius Member Posts: 5

The devs just unveiled thier revenue model for the game. Worth looking at even if you think the game sucks. For those of you who are interested in the game but don't feel like browsing for the latest rumors/releases, there have been a good number of new screenshots posted recently, showing some of the features that have been turned on. Clothing and armour are in, and apparently some new crops. There are also a few rumors that some of the shiney graphics are about to be turned on (new charachter models are being mentioned by many on the forum, don't know if they know anything or not though). It seems that the graphics settings have been on as low as they can go for the duration of testing to limit the possible number of bugs cropping up. Oh, and apparently you can pre-order the game and begin playing two weeks before the boxed copies are mailed. Stop by the site and check it out.

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