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I'm sure some people have various reasons for quitting different MMORPG, but for me I almost always quit for the same reason, at least so far as theme parks are concerned.
I invariably reach a point, usually around mid-level, where I "see through" the game and realize it for the repetitive grind that it is. At this point, the magic is gone for me. Even if I try to play the game, it's just no longer enjoyable. I've quit WoW, EQ, WAR, Aion and many other MMORPGs for this reason.
I will admit that I quit UO once because I was stupid and walked around with the key to my house and a rune labeled "house" in my backpack. Someone PK'd me, then when I went to check on my house it was empty except for a note that said "Cleaner's bill: All your stuff." It's actually kind of funny now, but I wasn't happy then lol .
So what causes YOU to quit an MMORPG? I'm curious to see if other players quit for the reason I do, or for different reasons.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
1) I get sick of the same old thing.
2) They take the game down a path i don't like.
3) They rub me the wrong way.
4) Something i think may be better comes along.
5) Usually some or all of the above.
Archlinux ftw
Friends or family quit [the reason for me playing in the first place]. Guild falls apart, 2nd guild falls apart, 3rd guild falls apart, I prefer to do things in-game with others, I can solo, however, there are many times when nothing beats gaming with friends, including those made in-game.
EDIT: spelling error
Intel Core i7 7700K, MB is Gigabyte Z270X-UD5
SSD x2, 4TB WD Black HHD, 32GB RAM, MSI GTX 980 Ti Lightning LE video card
Played: Runescape, Adventure Quest
Currently playing: Aika Global, Atlantica Online
Waiting for: Cardmon Hero, Dynasty Warriors Online
E-pencil wars. Too many freakin' experts who look down on other players that haven't achieved "God-Like" status.
It's a game. And it doesn't matter how many times they defeated the Uber-Baddy on Elite mode... it's still just a game.
when something better comes along simple as that and when my buddies agree to migrate
I quit when I spend more time trolling in forum than actually play the game(which is kind of what I'm doing now).
When I don't like the combat mechanics.
"Chemistry: 'We do stuff in lab that would be a felony in your garage.'"
The most awesomest after school special T-shirt:
Front: UNO Chemistry Club
Back: /\OH --> Bad Decisions
9 times out of 10 it's expansions that makes me quit.
One of the major things that make me quit any mmo is if a spellcaster/magical/etc class is practically useless or pathetic.
I quitted Runescape since Mages were never heard of in many of the big battles. It was probably the worst case ever. If you went to a "boss battle", if you are seen using a staff that isn't called a Zamorak Spear, or using any spell besides for "Bones to Peaches", "High Alchemy" and the teleport tablets, you will be kicked out of many groups.
Yeah I used to have a friend that was annoyed by stuff like this in EQ.
He played a bard you see, and in EQ bards have TONS of songs, they can really do a lot. They have songs to damage, songs to heal, songs to buff allies in various ways, songs to debuff enemies in various ways, etc. etc.
However whenever he got in a group all the group ever wanted him to do was to "play the mana song" that increases mana regen. That's it, all those songs, and he had to play only one or be kicked from the group. Granted you could twist songs to play more than one at a time, but the group generally didn't give a crap about that.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
Boredom. Particularly with most MMO's post-WoW being so linear, once you've reached max level there isn't much new to do.
The Moving Finger writes, and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
~Omar Khayyam
When everything becomes a boring grind and I have to force myself to log on.
It usually starts when I stop looking forward to playing and then gets worse until I quit.
When I no longer feel like I am having fun.
Boredom, shallow story, unbalanced classes, eliticism, or devs/company sacrificing gameplay or content for profits.
Yup....that ^^^^.
When I first start playing a game I really enjoy....I actually dream about it. I wake up in the morning and aside from coffee and kissin' my sweetie good's the first thing I think about. I am pumped to play whenever I get the chance and I enjoy the details of making my character everything that I can.....BE ALL YOU CAN BE (been there done that with the Army, now it's time for my virtual "all you can be"!
Gradually, that adrenaline drenched excitement begins to wane, and yet....I still am enjoying the game immensely. But then....if the game is good....after a year or so is when the true mettle of the game is tested for me. Once I've run through the content I still excited enough to do it AGAIN with a different race or class or both? Yes? Then I have another good year of play probably....rinse and repeat. EVENTUALLY....once I've "done it all" on MULTIPLE characters....if there is nothing at all to do but RAID in end game....the boredom begins to sink in.
Games with housing or very good crafting....will last longer for me and keep boredom from setting in so early. It also helps if there are more places to EXPLORE added to the game and things like collections ( DO hear an EQ2 fangirl at heart speaking here).
But once I get to the point that I don't really LONG to log in and play when I have time and once I stop thinking about the game each day.....boredom has set in and the days are numbered.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
1) brain-dead combat. When u can stand around and trade blows. Rotations are boring, but it's even worse when you don't even need a "rotation" because you can press anything u want and still win
2) Boring environment. No doodads that make you go "I wonder what happened here"
3) When there's nothing else to do other than fight, whether PvP or PvE
The number one reason I have quit an MMO is poor developers/ crappy customer service. Even if I like a game, I will not play it if the people running it treat players poorly.
Other than that, it is that the game just isn;t my style. If it isn;t fun why do it?
In Lineage 2 it was community problems after several months of playing. PvP is very stressful to me, although since then I actually miss it.
In Vanguard: Saga of Heroes it was lack of community. If you cant get groups any more simply because areas are empty, and if your old guild broke apart and if you cant find a new one of the same playstyle on the same server (I wanted a laidback guild with many lowlevel alts, as I love playing my alt - not some hardcore thing).
In Guild Wars (if you count it as a MMO) it was extreme boredom after only a couple of days of playing. I think the only reason GW is a success is because people buy it and, out of boredom, stop playing.
When playing becomes a job. I already have one.
This. For me personally, it seems to come down to endgame. I like leveling and seeing the content for the first couple of alts, getting new abilities, seeing the development of storylines and such- but at the end it invariably comes down to raiding, PvP, or sitting somewhere and just chatting with people.
I think most people reasons to quit are almost universal... they get bored with it when the game doesn't offer something substantial to keep playing.
When i become aware of how shallow the game becomes, with poor content development and/or demanding to grind further with poor rewards. Sometimes i still hang around, mostly because of the guild i'm in but after a while i end leaving the game.
After several years of trying/testing many MMO's and grinding my way through them just to later quit, i became "burned" from all the grind and pretty much stopped playing them a few months ago. The only one (MMO/CORPG) i still play is Guild Wars which has been my trusty "backup" game for more than 5 years and still going. Reason being, is because it offers great playability versus time spent thus appealing to casual gaming without sacrificing content.
I agree with this. With themepark mmos there's all the novelty at the beginning and then new content to be had. But the pattern has exhausted itself halfway along the level-curve which with the exponential level-grind you know killing rats^4 is the same as Level 1: Kill 10 Rats but repeated A LOT MORE! And is the end-game is some pseudo-system that is different from what you enjoyed in the first place, well it's not tempting enough. The developers are admitting the game ran out: Game Over: Half the game away at that stage imo.
The other killer for me, is when I see a feature (eg WAR RvR or no 3rd faction) and this is paralysing what is a fun, working system/game mode but you know it's future has no potential or is limted and stunted or the devs avoid categorically pledging they are going to correct this biggest of issues, and go on and correcting other things my burying their heads in the sand about the elephant in the room... then it just means you see the glass half full at that time for that mmo and it's time to move on.
Either a great story or great PvP go along way to ameliorating any of the above, is a caveat.
Normally boredom - sometimes after X months of end game with nothing to do, other times if the levelling has become tedious and a chore (particullary if I've come to a game late, and pretty much everyone else id high level... 50 odd levels of soloing has made me quit more than once before even getting to the level cap).
The introduction of "Daily Quests" is a good indication I'll be gone in a couple of months.
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When it stops being fun.
I quit when I feel like I'm a customer buying branded sugar water rather than a citizen of a community paying taxes.
( I have a theory that the governance of a game is more important than the content for determining success or failure - I'm just not sure how to go about proving/disproving it )