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Scamerica Online

fizzle32fizzle32 Member Posts: 171

As an Eve player of the last 4 months, at this time I cannot recommend the game to new players.

The concept is good, the artwork is good, there's alot to like about it, but it's a security nightmare.

There are so many ways to exploit/scam/metagame, that you basically lose any sense of being emmersed in the game, and the Eve community for the most part supports this environment.

Think about the behavior and conversation in Counterstrike, that's basically most of the players in Eve.

Any mention of tradeskilling, trading and roleplaying is met with scornful replies of "this is a pvp game, if you dont like it go play everquest." Sure, it's a PvP game, but it's supposed to be the characters pvping each other, not the players hacking each other's accounts. I use hacking only as an example here, I haven't heard about anybody getting hacked.

%95 of the PvP in Eve consists of camping warpgates and attacking miners.

Even veteran players cannot just "fly" into deep space. You have to make a scouting alt, make quickjump bookmarks, know who claims the space, have their "permission" to hunt or mine there. It's basically criminal cartels, but they're not ONLY in-game criminals, their CHARACTER isn't criminal, the people BEHIND the character think like criminals.

The same people who camp warpgates to collect "tolls" are also usually the ones that use exploits to grief newbies in Empire (supposedly "safe") space and use the escrow system (like Ebay) to scam people. Some of these grief players also sign up as "help staff", where they use their special powers to provide information for friends.

Basically everyone is meta-gaming. Nobody is using their character skills, they are using the person behind the keyboard to use exploits/bugs/other means to scam/grief/get ahead.

There ARE some very nice ppl that I've met in game, but the ratio is like 25/75 in favor of scammers.

To be perfectly fair, scamming is not limited to only Eve. It's basically the same in almost every game. In Asheron's Call ppl stole stuff off the ground that you would try to drop mule. In EQ you would group with ppl who would ninjaloot the uberloot and log. So this is not JUST an Eve problem, except for the fact that the Eve player culture actively SUPPORTS this mindset, the game code makes it easy, and the admins support it.

Many an enraged rookie comes into the help room after being scammed/robbed/etc cursing and screaming, only to be informed by the help staff that scamming is not against the rules, but cursing is, so could you please stop cursing.

I mean no offense, but that's some screwed up sense of priorities.

If you DO join Eve, understand that it is hacker/exploiter/griefer heaven. You WILL get robbed exploited and destroyed. And if you complain about it, you will get gagged by the admins.

The Eve community is basically Counterstrike:

"OMG I wtf pwned you NOOB you *@#$% SUCK!"

If you enjoy it then join up.

I personally, I get enough BS in my real life, I don't need ppl using the game mechanics to rob me.

The sad thing is, I haven't seen any good fleet battles yet.  The only PvP I've seen is camping gates and killing miners.





  • r1tualr1tual Member Posts: 559

    I agree there is no law in town in Eve.

    But its the player base that dictates that.

    And being scammed is entirely your fault 100%.  If you got scammed then LOL your a noob.  The mechanics are so that if you want to buy something or trade something you can do so without possibly being ripped off. 

    If you engage in risky deals that happen outside the game mechanics (Like the trade window, escrow,  and the market),  then it is your own fault if you get ripped.

    Giving someone money up front for a job or wiring someone money will almost always guarantee you will get ripped off.  Not always,  sometimes it is not always viable to rip people off.  Especially if they are in a big corp.  Hell knows no fury if anyone ever tries to rip me off in Eve.  I will wage war,  assemble my friends,  and hunt that person down every single day of my Eve life.  I will blow up their ships when they undock.  I will sabotage their mining operations,  I will use alt characters and deception to infiltrate their organization if they have one.  And I will destroy them in every conceivable way.

    Thats what makes Eve so fun. 

    But it is a lop sided game.  If you arent friends with so and so and you want to go int his aprt of space,  chances are you wont have a chance.  So yeah I think more works needs to be done on balancing out the power in the game.  Give some smaller organizations some super weapon,  or have the developers sabotage some of the bigger corporations.

    Game needs to be shook up constantly.  Else boredom sets in.  Everyone is doing their daily groove.  And then there is nothing more to achieve.

    Id like to see factional wars and some event team(GM) corps start funding wars against some of the alliances.  Change the territorial control a bit.

  • AlkatrazAlkatraz Member Posts: 119

    Originally posted by r1tual

    Giving someone money up front for a job or wiring someone money will almost always guarantee you will get ripped off.  Not always,  sometimes it is not always viable to rip people off.  Especially if they are in a big corp.  Hell knows no fury if anyone ever tries to rip me off in Eve.  I will wage war,  assemble my friends,  and hunt that person down every single day of my Eve life.  I will blow up their ships when they undock.  I will sabotage their mining operations,  I will use alt characters and deception to infiltrate their organization if they have one.  And I will destroy them in every conceivable way.
    But it is a lop sided game.  If you arent friends with so and so and you want to go int his aprt of space,  chances are you wont have a chance.  So yeah I think more works needs to be done on balancing out the power in the game.  Give some smaller organizations some super weapon,  or have the developers sabotage some of the bigger corporations.

    I have my evemail box full of hate mails  telling me that i will get podded over and over again and that there will be no place in eve that i could hide......bla bla bla bla......and no1 has ever done anything about it....

    So let me get it straight.....u basicly want to replace the older alliances with some new ones that u would be part of?

    What's keeping u from forming such a new alliance?

    Why do u need some super weapons in order to fight the old alliances?

    Seems to me that u are yet another frustated player like the one hwo started this post, wich can't fight in a group, wich doesn't have the necessary leadership skills to keep a group together and just want's the good old DEVs to give him the win button because he's to lazy to figure out a way to achive something.

  • AlkatrazAlkatraz Member Posts: 119

    Originally posted by fizzle32

    %95 of the PvP in Eve consists of camping warpgates and attacking miners.

    CCP has done everything in their power to give u carebears the upper hand in the fight against evil pirates/alliances...that's why u have insta jumps and worp cores.

    Yes, 95% of fights happen at warp gates because this is the only place CCP left for PVP-ing.

    With Exodus expansion u can declair war to alliances and gank their empire operations....but u won't do that anyway cos u might loose ur precious ship.

    Working in a group has helped many people to get rich and powerfull....but i wonder why can't u ppl do the same thing?

    This is not a game where one race/class could take on 5 others and win....this is a team work game.

    I have tryed all the professions in eve (have 3 accounts) and i have seen the good and the bad parts of every aspect in eve;  like many others i've tryed to please my ego and fight alone thinking that it will be way much greater reward when fighting against the odds...

    Months have passed and eventualy i realised that i had no1 to share my stories and that was the moment when i oppened my eyes widely and i gave up soloing....

    If u don't have friends to share things with, to work with, to fight with and eventualy to die with then u better stick to a RPG where u'd be far more happyer.

  • r1tualr1tual Member Posts: 559

    I am in one of the best Alliances in Eve (Fountain).

    Cant dispute we have probably the best NPC hunting and mining in Eve(well the point is we are well off).

    I said it would be cool if you start seeing people undermining the alliances.  There is just no way to possibly do that in Eve currently.

    And I said it would be cool if you see small powerful corporations.  Some pirate corporations can do this..  but they liveve the life of criminals just setting up traps for weaker enemies.  They cant really invade anyone or take control of territory for long periods of time.

    It would be nice to see some uber corporations that have capabilities that noone else has.  And the same for different people.  Like certain people have certain breakthroughs in certain areas of technology that is a little more unique then the current technology system.

    And I think the GM team can get involved in the politics and everday life a little more.  Like epic stories and epic wars (*cough* Gallente versus Caldari,  Minmater versus Amarr */endcough*).

    Just likley not going to see any of it.  WHich is dissapointing,  but I can live with it.



  • AlkatrazAlkatraz Member Posts: 119

    Originally posted by r1tual

    And I said it would be cool if you see small powerful corporations.  Some pirate corporations can do this..  but they liveve the life of criminals just setting up traps for weaker enemies.  They cant really invade anyone or take control of territory for long periods of time.

    Why should pirates would ever want to control a territoy for a long period of time?

    What would they do with that piece of space anyway?...mine?

    Rolle playing a pirate character in EVE means quick attacks on the trade ways, kill fast and get out fast before the big blob is sent on ur way.

    Rolle playing a pirate character means that the character (not to be confused with the real player behind the character) is a cold blooded killer that will not ezitate to shoot on any ocasion that seems to favor him.

    There a few select corps that are truely pirating in the right sense of the word and even fewer that are rolle playing based on their starting race....RESPECT to all of them!

  • fizzle32fizzle32 Member Posts: 171

    And being scammed is entirely your fault 100%.  If you got scammed then LOL your a noob.  The mechanics are so that if you want to buy something or trade something you can do so without possibly being ripped off.


    Thats what I used to think too.

    I used to think you couldn't get mugged in 1.0 too.

    You can not only be robbed in 1.0, but you can also be scammed through the escrow system without ever intending to buy other people's goods.

    I'm not at liberty to explain how all of this can happen, but I've seen it happen, and I've worked out most of the mechanics of how it's done, some of it is very very clever.

    You can get scammed for a few hundred million isk without ever intending to buy anything from anybody, by simply muling items from one alt to another through the escrow system. The items all have your name on it, so you claim them all, except some of the items with your name on it are created by other players (not your alt) with your name on it, with big price tags and worthless items. Obviously you're not going to check your own escrow to yourself, so its very easy to fall into the trap of being ripped off in this fashion.

    How they actually find out you are muling to yourself is another story, whether it's some kind of corrupt game staffer or some kind of hacking I'm not sure, but it has happened to a number of ppl, one of which posted on the board this morning, and it has happened to other ppl I've bumped into on the help chat.

    So dont think it cant happen to you, because it most certainly can.

    As far as PvP goes, it should occur in the BELTS. This is a game about resources, and forces fighting to control those resources. I have no problem with pirates attacking miners in belts, in fact I think this is the most realistic part of the game.

    What I don't like is the fact that ppl can camp choke points, and just sit there for hours ganking ppl who are just travelling.

    Scouting alts and quickjump bookmarks to me are meta-gaming (playing the code rather than the game), Warp core stabilizers are nice, but it reduces your ship to only travelling.

    Personally I think they should enable turrets all over 0.0, and make the whole game like lowsec. Lowsec is fun because you can fight if you want to claim resources, but its mostly safe for travelling. Getting TO a fight should be relatively safe, being AT a fight shouldn't.

    I simply think that PvP should be done between consenting players who are willing to fight over something (like an asteroid field) rather than ganking non-combatants who are just trying to get to wherever.

    If you want to try a really cool experience, join an RP corporation like Pie or Masuaa Matari, they have corp wars over a storyline and I just think it's a really cool concept to have planned battles, rather than gateganks.

    Myself, I'm most definitely not a carebear, I just think the game needs alot more story to justify the PvP, and a better class of PvP (consentual fleet battles and corp wars which I love, rather than schitty low class ganks against people who dont even have a reason to fight anybody.)

    Piracy should definitely be do-able, not by camping warpgates, but by ambushing miners at asteroid fields, and also Corp pvp between pirate corps and vigilante corps like Celestial Apoc.

    I think if we simply got rid of the gateganks by activating gate turrets, we would get plenty of PvP and much more enjoyable too, instead of gate ganks people would PvP over control of resources, or to advance an RP storyline in a plannet "meeting", which is 10 times more fun that just camping a gate for an hour.

    And by RP I dont mean "how art thou", its very easy to RP in eve, because its post-modern, so ppl talk just like they do now. You can say "sup" and still be in-character, and having Minmatar and Amarr cussing at each other in local is not only natural and fun, but also in-character.

    I'm not foolish enough to think my ideas will get implemented, or even if they are that they will work perfectly, I'm just expressing my thoughts as a form of discussion.

    One thing is for certain, that Eve has soooo much potential, I can only imagine what they can do with this game in 2 or 3 years time, I'm guessing they will keep nerfing PvP until everything becomes just like lowsec, and ppl will have a better PvP experience.

    Sure some ppl will complain, but players always complain.

    For all my ranting, Eve is the only online RPG that interests me now, and I still give it a 7 out of 10 despite all the problems I have with it.


  • EnigmaEnigma Member UncommonPosts: 11,384

    Originally posted by fizzle32
    Sure, it's a PvP game, but it's supposed to be the characters pvping each other, not the players hacking each other's accounts. I use hacking only as an example here, I haven't heard about anybody getting hacked.

    Now, my wife and I have been playing EVE since beta. Now, call me ignorant...but I don't remember a problem of people hacking other people's accounts.

    Now if you get scammed through the ingame market, then that's just the way EVE is played.

    It's hard core. And true to it's storyline of hard nosed rough survivors in deep space

    People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.

  • DalmontDalmont Member UncommonPosts: 272

    Well one of the things I will disagree with is solo play, you can and it is very don't have to send out alts to find safe passage, I do it all the time in with my main.

    Though I will say lvl 4 agents are little bit harder to solo, so you do need a little help there..

    As for rp and pvp...well...RP is there if you want to find it, and pvp is there if you want it or not, but I would say mostly you can escape. The only time when I've lost ships is when I've been getting cups of tea and coffee or forgot I was playing eve and come back finding I'm on a pod...*mutters about gate campers and stupid afk players like himself*



  • r1tualr1tual Member Posts: 559

    fizzle from your post i dont sympathize with you.

    you got scammed by your own stupidity..

    no hacking involved.  any player can see private escrows.  they just cant buy them.  so if you bought one of their escrows,  that was setup for only you to buy,  then haha you got owned.

    woe is me on a gaming forum is not going to get anywhere with people who have half a brain.

  • OudoksujaOudoksuja Member Posts: 106

    What a silly tantrum post by a person who doesn't realise that he could've easily prevented falling into a scam.

    What's even sillier is blaming EVE for it. So far I haven't seen nor heard of a mmorpg where scamming wouldn't a) be possible and b) happen all the time. That's just how some people are - trying get cash and equipment fast.

    I wouldn't dream of trusting anyone I didn't personally know irl in an online game. To some extent, perhaps, but not with anything I couldn't lose anyways.

  • solesole Member Posts: 78

    I have no idea what your talking about escrow scamming ? just  check the escrow you can see what you buying.

    Hacking accounts ?? been here where looong time (EVE) NOT seen any account hacking

    Helping staff DONT get some uber stuff in any way ( Im one )


    EVE is more and less run by the players not by npc´s



  • AlkatrazAlkatraz Member Posts: 119

    Originally posted by fizzle32

     Lowsec is fun because you can fight if you want to claim resources, but its mostly safe for travelling.

    Get a clue about this game before ranting about how it sucks.

    For ur information low sec space 0.4-0.1 is THE MOST UNSECURE space u will ever be into.

  • Ranma13Ranma13 Member Posts: 747

    Think about the behavior and conversation in Counterstrike, that's basically most of the players in Eve.
    Not true. That is a generalized statement based on what you have seen. It's the same with people who notice that, say, most people online can't spell and assume that most Americans are bad spellers.

    Any mention of tradeskilling, trading and roleplaying is met with scornful replies of "this is a pvp game, if you dont like it go play everquest."
    The game itself doesn't incline towards roleplaying due to lack of roleplaying elements, although there are some corps out there that do roleplay. Tradeskilling is handled by yourself, you pick the skill you want to learn and wait until the necessary time has passed (time-based skill learning for those that are unfamiliar with the game). As for minerals/ore for the supplies, you either buy them off the market or get them from your corporation, but usually there's no trading with players face-to-face. You can't rely on standard MMORPG strategies to get by in this game, you HAVE to find a good corporation and stick with them to get anywhere.

    %95 of the PvP in Eve consists of camping warpgates and attacking miners.
    Random made-up statistic. I have never gotten camped or attacked while mining or warping.

    Even veteran players cannot just "fly" into deep space. You have to make a scouting alt, make quickjump bookmarks, know who claims the space, have their "permission" to hunt or mine there. It's basically criminal cartels, but they're not ONLY in-game criminals, their CHARACTER isn't criminal, the people BEHIND the character think like criminals.
    Agreed on the alliances being a little too stingy about their territory and acting just a step above pirates, but the game is based on 'no risk, no reward'. You don't take the risk of going into 0.0 space and potentially getting mobbed, then you don't get the reward. By the way, lots of people do just fine travelling in 0.5-1.0 space, never setting foot once in anything 0.4 or below.

    The same people who camp warpgates to collect "tolls" are also usually the ones that use exploits to grief newbies in Empire (supposedly "safe") space and use the escrow system (like Ebay) to scam people. Some of these grief players also sign up as "help staff", where they use their special powers to provide information for friends.
    Exploits to grief in newbie space? Where have you been, they removed that a long time ago. If you get scammed on the escrow system, that's your own fault for not checking the item. It's no different than how it is in real life, scams are plentiful and you have to be careful with how you spend your money. Same goes for EVE's escrow system. As for your comment about the help staff, that was a totally unsubstantiated statement. In now way does ISD 'abuse' their powers to provide information to friends. In fact, the only thing they can do is up the priority on GM petitions and they have a closer access to them. They also get a ISD-specific ship that none of them fly around in fear of having it blown up. Apart from that, they're just regular players.

    There ARE some very nice ppl that I've met in game, but the ratio is like 25/75 in favor of scammers.
    Made-up ratio.

    Many an enraged rookie comes into the help room after being scammed/robbed/etc cursing and screaming, only to be informed by the help staff that scamming is not against the rules, but cursing is, so could you please stop cursing.
    I talk in the Help chat all the time and I've never seen anybody scream their heads off about being scammed. Are we even playing the same game?

    If you DO join Eve, understand that it is hacker/exploiter/griefer heaven. You WILL get robbed exploited and destroyed. And if you complain about it, you will get gagged by the admins.
    Wrong. Nobody has been gagged by an admin before, and accounts aren't banned for complaining. There are no hackers, no exploiters, and not many griefers.

    The sad thing is, I haven't seen any good fleet battles yet. The only PvP I've seen is camping gates and killing miners.
    Maybe you should join a corp that actively participates in PvP? Gate campers are always around, you don't just 'waltz' into alliance-controlled space haphazardly and expect them to let you through. As for killing the next paragraph.

    From what this person mentions, it seems to me like they just started playing the game, perhaps hasn't joined a corporation or has joined one that isn't really active, and decided to go to 0.0 or low security space (0.4 and below) and decided to partake of the minerals/enemy mobs there, and then promptly got blown up and killed. Also, he/she probably bought something off of escrow without checking the item first and ended up purchasing a shuttle or some other item worth pennies for a high amount of cash.

    First of all, this game is based on no risk, no reward. This isn't a typical MMORPG where you 'level up', and you go to a new zone with stronger monsters, more drops, and cooler items. If you waltz into low security space, you're fair game for anyone to come by and kill, especially if you go to 0.0 space by yourself. I think this person went way in over his/her head and went to low-sec space thinking they could get rich quick, but then ended up getting killed and is bitter about it. I for one have not been gate ganked, nor have heard about anybody getting gate ganked, or have heard about anyone getting scammed. This is just my objective observation (I am by no means an EVE fanboy, I actually stopped playing for a different reason altogether), but most players are mature, considerate, and responsible, quite the difference from, say, World of Warcraft players. I can't even stay in the General chat for that game, it ends up almost always pissing me off ten ways into tomorrow.

    This post was obviously created in an effort to troll or at least rile up some bashing from the other players. It was neither posted constructively nor objectively, replete with false accusations and made-up observations based more on personal vendetta than factual and objective observation.

    EVE Online offers a 7-day free trial. By no means am I trying to convince you to play the game, merely try it out. This game is not for everyone and turns away (thankfully) those players that we don't want in the game. However, at least give it a try before resigning yourself to another game. You may find something that you truly like besides the other offerings on the market.

  • fizzle32fizzle32 Member Posts: 171

    Unsecure for who?

    Wannabe pirates?

    Well yeah, sure, it's unsecure if you forgot you shot at someone and stray near the sentries, but if you're just getting from point A to point B, lowsec is definitely alot more secure than 0.0, especially the choke points.

    And the escrow mule ripoff, you cant see escrows targeted to other players, yet some ppl have the tools to get around this, and can interpose their own "escrow" between the ones you send to yourself.

    Actually scammed is the wrong word. Scam means you got tricked. But the escrow mule ripoff isn't really a scam, as it involves interposing escrow items into stuff that a player is muling between 2 characters.

    Anyway its all semantics.

    And if you think you can't get ripped off, either through the mule ripoff trick, or through a hangar ripoff, or someone ripping you off right in 1.0, then you are in for a rude shock.

    I dont expect the company to make sure nobody ever gets ripped off, that's unrealistic.

    But right now they actively ENCOURAGE griefing and scamming and ripping ppl off by any tools necessary.

    And you know...if griefing is allowed...then why isn't cussing? LOL

    That's just the silliest set of priorities.

    Yeah you can use scams and rip people off, you can login as an alt and steal BP's from corp hangar, you can logoff to escape from a losing fight, you can rip off ppl muling stuff to themselves, you can kill 15 people and hide their bodyparts in your closet, but don't you dare say "doo doo" in a public channel.


  • Ranma13Ranma13 Member Posts: 747

    1. Escrow mule ripoff? Interposing escrow items? What are you talking about, it's not anybody's fault if you accidentally click on the wrong item in the escrow and end up buying someone's scammed item just because you thought your item was supposed to be 2 in a row. Not the other guy's fault, just your own carelessness.

    2. Hangar ripoff? What? Ripping you off in 1.0? How?

    3. Ok, as for your definition of griefing, it's flying into high-sec space and ganking newbies, which doesn't happen. My definition of griefing is flying into low-sec space solo with no backup as a miner, and having someone fly into my asteroid belt and killing me. Is that griefing? Sure it is. Who's to blame? Me, for being stupid enough to go into there without protection. It's like going into the south side of Chicago by yourself and driving merrily along the street, you're going to get shot. Was it right for them to shoot you? Of course not, but it's not unexpected. You only have yourself to blame.

    4. What? Log in with an alt to steal BPs? First of all, how did your alt get into the corp? Second of all, why in the world would they give you access to the hangars in the first place? If your CEO is a dumbass and gives full access privileges to everyone, then he's ASKING for it. But otherwise a smart CEO leader will know who to trust and who to grant access to. Besides, it's no different than in any other MMORPG, person joins guild, gets access to treasury, takes out every item. Same exact thing.

    5. Your ship stays in-game for 2 minutes after you log off. So no, you can't just log off because when you log back on, you'll be dead.

    You really need to 1. stop trolling, and 2. move on to another game or play EVE the correct way. Your argument would be the same if I played World of Warcraft on a PvP server, ran into a contested or opposing faction zone, then bitched my ass off because they all killed me while I was trying to gather some herbs.

  • fizzle32fizzle32 Member Posts: 171

    Ramma you sound like a new player.

    "I've never been gate camped" yeah right LOL

    And right now would be the absolute worst time to try the 7 day trial, considering that alot of the missions are bugged.

    Oh you've never heard of new players getting killed in high sec huh? LOL

    You've never heard of the mule ripoff trick huh?

    Ramma, wtf you been playin? How you play Eve and never get gate ganked? It's practically the first thing a pvp'er experiences. Ppl in corp wars gate gank each other in empire, go visit Yulai some time. LOL

    And staying in .5 to 1.0 is not an option, because it's %10 of the map. Its like saying "Yeah play everquest but stay in Gfay" There IS no non-pvp game. Even in 1.0 buying and selling on the market is PvP, people undercut each other and buy each other out, some corner the market.

    I'm not bitter, in fact I'm a very happy camper, but Eve deserves to be better and can easily be made better. I shiver at what this game will become in 2 or 3 years when they finally polish it up and balance it.

    Right now it's a great concept and great artwork with half broken botch job for code, and more design flaws than a model T Ford.

    In time that model T can become a Ferrari, but I dont think there's any denying what it is now.

    Right now the Eve client is simply Scam OS 1.0

  • fizzle32fizzle32 Member Posts: 171

    Ramma I just read another of your posts written 2 days ago, where you stated that

    a) You have never PvPed

    b) You "couldn't stand warping around %90 of the time instead of something fun"

    c) After 2 months you quit

    So why you sittin here telling me how the game is? You haven't even experienced the game, the pvp *IS* the fun. If anything, I should be sitting here urging YOU to sign up and come back and I'll teach you how to have some fun with the game.

    By the way my corp is not only active, but they are part of a major alliance, and actively involved in PvP, I just want higher quality PvP rather than camping gates every freaking day.

    Its sad, I've been in alliance space for a month and a half and NEVER been in a big fleet battle, just gate ganking, corp wars in empire, and all kinds of ppl trying to scam me, or steal stuff from my corp's hanger.

    I'm getting more involved in RP so we'll see how that goes.

  • Ranma13Ranma13 Member Posts: 747

    Ppl in corp wars gate gank each other in empire, go visit Yulai some time.
    I'm not in a corp war and Yulai is 1.0 (I believe) so you can't get ganked by people who aren't at war with you. But the way you make it sound, you can get ganked anywhere.

    And staying in .5 to 1.0 is not an option, because it's %10 of the map.
    Once again, pulling out random figures. It's about 50% of the map juding by the location and density of the stars. It IS an option because many people do and do perfectly fine in the game.

    a) You have never PvPed

    b) You "couldn't stand warping around %90 of the time instead of something fun"

    c) After 2 months you quit

    Yep, I never PvPed because I'm a miner.

    I couldn't stand warping around 90% of the time because I joined my corp at a bad time in the game in which we were relocating left and right and getting harassed by some former members of the corp. As a consequence, I was forced to relocate to three different areas in a span of 3 weeks, having to do multiple 20+ jumps just to cart all of my possessions over to the new area. I regret quitting because right after I quit, everything settled down.

    I quit because I was too involved in school and finances were tight, and I mean tight as in I'd rather save $15 to buy lunch for a week than pay for EVE Online tight. But now I reactivated my account because I have some money and it's break time.

    Its sad, I've been in alliance space for a month and a half and NEVER been in a big fleet battle, just gate ganking, corp wars in empire, and all kinds of ppl trying to scam me, or steal stuff from my corp's hanger.

    I'm getting more involved in RP so we'll see how that goes.

    Don't know about the alliance battles but there's a lot of videos that people made. They happen often enough that there's quite a few videos. Maybe right now it's just at a standstill. Corp hangar stealing shouldn't be a problem if your CEO/staff members distributed the access rights correctly. As for gate ganking, I can't relate but I can understand how this is a problem. Some corps move the non-PvP members to another temporary corp until the war is over. And battles in empire is an iffy subject, some people like it and some people don't.

    As for RP, I'm interested in doing some RP too, I heard good things about PIE Corp.

    Regarding your post, what was the purpose of it besides to rile people up because you KNOW people are going to respond negatively? Granted, I've done this myself (look at the Matrix Online forum for an example) but seriously, is it really needed? I'm also going to stop responding because this back-and-forth arguing and counter-arguing is really futile in the end (hence why I stopped posting in the MxO forums).

  • fizzle32fizzle32 Member Posts: 171

    Regarding your post, what was the purpose of it besides to rile people up because you KNOW people are going to respond negatively?


    I dunno, whats the purpose of discussing anything? Part entertainment, part information.

    Who cares if they get riled up? Good, let em get mad.

    I got my first taste of the "gaming community" in Everquest with ppl ninjalooting valuable drops and gating out, I used to think it was the exception but it's basically the norm.

    The gaming community isn't mean to me because I criticized their game, they'd be mean and angry no matter what I said. I could say "Eve is the perfect game and has no flaws" and there would be someone, somewhere angry with me.

    So my advice to you is to tell the truth and fear no one, because the "gaming community" is a band of hostile screeching nerds any way you slice it.

    I understand, you're not a PvPer and don't enjoy interpersonal hostility, and you dont understand why I would open my big mouth and become a target.

    Maybe I enjoy the hostility. Which isn't to say I'm a troll, I'm just a nice guy who calls it like he sees is, and if people bash me for it, I will bash back and learn to enjoy it.

    My sub to Eve runs out in about 15 days, to be honest I don't think I will stick around that long, because I'm getting really tired of the travelling. Even travelling just 4 or 5 jumps now just irritates me.

    Gonna run out and buy WoW today and see how it is.

    Best wishes to you all,


  • ZipehZipeh Member Posts: 265

    biggest scam i been had by was someone who was going to sell me a office in 0.0,  i offered 1/2 the isl before and 1/2 after .. .. but alas they took half and ran. off.    some of my corp m8s wanted to kill the guy, but whats the point .. most likely an alt character - would solve nothing.  lesson learned ...

    buyer beware

    i choose to take the control and not suggest that some other person is to blame for my woes, i choose to pay a super high price for something because i did not read the fine print, or do the research etc.., i choose to take the jump into the next system without knowing what is on the other side of the gate., i choose to use more than im prepared to lose, i choose to undock without insurance, i choose to wear implants, i choose to go to 0.4-0.0 systems knowing the dangers.  I do not expect anyone to allow me to do any of the above without fear of negative consequencesand when those negative consequences occur i do not get bent out of shape about other peoples actions in the process .. i chose

    as for the l33t kiddies yelling stuff about noobs and pwning and such .. i believe there are much fewer than you think .. in a community of 50k (rough guess) your gona get them, and alot of them but not the majority, even 2% of the community in the few chans are gona create alot of commotion ... nature of the beast .. and unless they are extreemly abusive there is little that can be done.  i ignore them .. or use private convos.  dont let them have the last laugh, its what makes them tick.



  • OudoksujaOudoksuja Member Posts: 106

    Originally posted by fizzle32
    The gaming community isn't mean to me because I criticized their game, they'd be mean and angry no matter what I said. I could say "Eve is the perfect game and has no flaws" and there would be someone, somewhere angry with me.

    People are mean to you NOT because you cricize. There certainly is lot in EVE some people like and some don't. People also aren't mean to you because you think you're the center of the universe.

    People are mean to you, because you manage to do something utterly stupid and then blame the game design and the other players.

    Have fun in WoW. It's a good game for those who need a simple game.

  • Ranma13Ranma13 Member Posts: 747

    Zipeh: Buyer Beware, the term you're looking for is Caveat Emptor.

    Oudoksuja: Now that was an uncalled for statement, I play both EVE Online and World of Warcraft and I find both games very enjoyable in their own right.

  • Originally posted by fizzle32

    As an Eve player of the last 4 months, at this time I cannot recommend the game to new players.

      List your reasons why in numerical order......

    The concept is good, the artwork is good, there's alot to like about it, but it's a security nightmare.

      So far you listed your reason for disliking EvE is because the game is not secure in your opinion.

    There are so many ways to exploit/scam/metagame, that you basically lose any sense of being emmersed in the game, and the Eve community for the most part supports this environment.

      Numerically list the "so many ways to exploit, scam, metagame."

    Think about the behavior and conversation in Counterstrike, that's basically most of the players in Eve.

      IF there is anyone you do not like to talk to... IGNORE them. Use the ignore feature. Do not respond to them. If it is a public channel, do not respond to them. Make friends with players who do try answering your questions. You can even post in the public channels "Is so-and-so trustworthy? What does everyone think about so-and-so?"

     Also post on the main official  EvE forums at the EvE mainwebsite.

    Any mention of tradeskilling, trading and roleplaying is met with scornful replies of "this is a pvp game, if you dont like it go play everquest." Sure, it's a PvP game, but it's supposed to be the characters pvping each other, not the players hacking each other's accounts. I use hacking only as an example here, I haven't heard about anybody getting hacked.

      1. First go browse the official EvE forums at their main site. Post that you are a Role-Player looking to join a RP corp/guild.

      2. No MMORPG can force all players to RP. None!

      3. Did you take the ingame tutorial? It explains tradeskilling. You can also post your questions at the official EvE forums at the main site. There is also an in game help manual.

      4. You say you have not heard of anyone getting hacked. Then WHY are you mentioning hacking?

    %95 of the PvP in Eve consists of camping warpgates and attacking miners.

      F-A-L-S-E. First, if you are going to choose to PvP in any game here is what you do:

     1. Do your homework!!!!  First read up on the PvP features, game mechanics, everything. Every game has PvP set up differently. EvE's PvP is extreemly in depth. It is NOT for newbies! By doing your homework you will find out there are almost hundreds of different ship items that have different uses in PvP. Also each ship has different strengths and weaknesses. Next, PvP in EvE is best if you are in a corp/guild.

     2. Expect to LOSE. Especially if it is your first time PvPing in any game. Doing your homework makes this less likely to happen. Every true PvPer knows they will win... or... LOSE. If they win they are happy, If they lose, they do NOT whine, whine, whine. They learn from their loss, why they lost.

      3. Half the game map cannot have successful PvP because the space is not wild enough. So PvPers are not at every warpgate or every area miners go to.

      4. Miners can mine without having to go into PvP areas! Miners who do go into PvP areas know ahead of time where they are going. Soooo.... yes? And?

      5. Even IF a miner were to on purpose go into wild space ( no security space) they will not get instantly killed. They can run away. See ummm... if you did your homework you would know ships have 2 basic defenses - shields, hull. If you see your shields going down, duh... time to run! Before your hull starts getting damaged. There are also many other ship parts that aid in speed, and a person who wants to run.

    Even veteran players cannot just "fly" into deep space. You have to make a scouting alt, make quickjump bookmarks, know who claims the space, have their "permission" to hunt or mine there. It's basically criminal cartels, but they're not ONLY in-game criminals, their CHARACTER isn't criminal, the people BEHIND the character think like criminals.

       You said you have been playing for 4 months. Guess what? You are NOT a veteran player! So this entire part you posted is moot.

    The same people who camp warpgates to collect "tolls" are also usually the ones that use exploits to grief newbies in Empire (supposedly "safe") space and use the escrow system (like Ebay) to scam people. Some of these grief players also sign up as "help staff", where they use their special powers to provide information for friends.

       I have heard about that exploit. It has been delt with a looong time ago. If any player tries RIGHT NOW to kill a newbie in secured space, they will instantly die quicker than the newbie they are trying to kill.

      I have never heard of the help staff using their powers to hurt the players they are trying to help. If YOU know of any, post their names! Then we can follow up on them.

      Next, it is impossible to get scamed in the escrow system. You can see what you are buying! Duh! Unless you can't read. If you can't read words, then how the heck did you get into EvE? How the heck are you even using the internet? LOL. image

    Basically everyone is meta-gaming. Nobody is using their character skills, they are using the person behind the keyboard to use exploits/bugs/other means to scam/grief/get ahead.

    *more later*

    There ARE some very nice ppl that I've met in game, but the ratio is like 25/75 in favor of scammers.

    To be perfectly fair, scamming is not limited to only Eve. It's basically the same in almost every game. In Asheron's Call ppl stole stuff off the ground that you would try to drop mule. In EQ you would group with ppl who would ninjaloot the uberloot and log. So this is not JUST an Eve problem, except for the fact that the Eve player culture actively SUPPORTS this mindset, the game code makes it easy, and the admins support it.

    Many an enraged rookie comes into the help room after being scammed/robbed/etc cursing and screaming, only to be informed by the help staff that scamming is not against the rules, but cursing is, so could you please stop cursing.

    I mean no offense, but that's some screwed up sense of priorities.

    If you DO join Eve, understand that it is hacker/exploiter/griefer heaven. You WILL get robbed exploited and destroyed. And if you complain about it, you will get gagged by the admins.

    The Eve community is basically Counterstrike:

    "OMG I wtf pwned you NOOB you *@#$% SUCK!"

    If you enjoy it then join up.

    I personally, I get enough BS in my real life, I don't need ppl using the game mechanics to rob me.

    The sad thing is, I haven't seen any good fleet battles yet.  The only PvP I've seen is camping gates and killing miners.



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  • fizzle32fizzle32 Member Posts: 171

    People are mean to you, because you manage to do something utterly stupid and then blame the game design and the other players.


    Really? And which utterly stupid thing did I do?

    I haven't been ripped off (yet) but I know a number of people who have. You don't necessarily have to do anything stupid to be ripped off. Just making friends with someone and having them in your corp can easily result in finding your BP hangar empty.

    Just muling stuff from one toon to the other can leave you broke, and there's not one thing you can do about it.

    Come back when you read the post. Ppl are mean to me because they know it all, kind of like you. :-P

    As far as WoW, so far it seems like a picnic, but the one thing I like about it is that it respects my time. I don't have to spend 3 hours making/copying/arranging bookmarks, nor do I have to spend 45 minutes hauling all my stuff to the new HQ.

    And the constant waiting for jumps arrgh. I refuse to believe that making a zone-free game is that hard. If my processor is idling at %50, why can't the Eve client use the other %50 to preload all the crap in the surrounding sectors?

    Asheron's Call did it, and the other %99 of that game was a disaster, but hey at least it was a zone-free piece of crap.

    I haven't played EQ2 but from the reviews, they haven't learned ANYTHING from EQ1.

    Still need a group to play. Still cant solo. Still have "zoning...please wait..."

    And don't get me started on Caveat Emptor.

    Caveat Emptor works in RL, because if the butcher rips me off, I can go back to his store and beat his face. If the car dealer sells me a lemon, I can take his a$$ to court and make him spend time and money defending himself.

    Caveat Emptor in Eve? Zero risk. No consequences.

    Where's the risk/reward scenario for being a scammer in Eve? Its all reward and no risk.

    That's what I mean by Eve being a scammer's paradise, there's no risk to it.

    In fact the only people who actually HAVE risk are the normal ordinary players.

    Aight slim? Now don't think too hard.

  • AlkatrazAlkatraz Member Posts: 119

    Originally posted by fizzle32

    Unsecure for who?
    Wannabe pirates?
    Well yeah, sure, it's unsecure if you forgot you shot at someone and stray near the sentries, but if you're just getting from point A to point B, lowsec is definitely alot more secure than 0.0, especially the choke points.

    U have much to learn my's the exact opposite of what u are thinking: low secure space is dangerous specialy for travellers like urself who think that 2 or 3 sentry guns could keep u safe from the evil pirates....

    News flash: 3 sentry guns can be tanked forever my dear friend.....on the other hand we need just several seconds (about 15 or so if u fly a real good tanked bs) to kill u...image

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