think youve summed it up... been on the game since November 2003 (euro server start) ... I still find the game enjoyable but thats more down to the guild im in on my server.... think the guild has kept me in the game longer than i expected .... always things to do, we still group and do stuff together which is nice... also can log on amd do nothing but mess about / have fun .
I dont have too much of a problem with the jedis, im not one myself as im a BH/pistols but they need to sort the combat upgrade out as there are 1 or 2 uber profs ingame and alot of the more interesting profs are too weak to play (like mine) ... worst bit is that your armour has all resists apart from Lightsaber and as a ranged you cant hit a jedi as his sabre blocks all your shots ? but what can you do there supposed to be the uberest prof ingame and apart from some wellknown melee templates (which most people are) you dont have even the slimist chance !
my main issues are PVP uber DOT weapons ruining things, Combat medic / rifles hitting you with a mind poisen then sniper shotting you dead in about 5 secs and TKM knocking you down so you cant get back up and killing you...
also not enuff content apart from what you make yourself theres not much left ..... i think ive missed alot of what happend with afk hologrind as i just stuck to having fun and not bothering with grinding !
saddend me that when your on a medium population server you ride to anchorhead and its dead... But I remember when the game was great grouping in coronet with 20 peeps hitting sharnaffs, mass pvp think the most we had was 120+ rebels attacking a player citys bases ... the lag was horrid but it rocked !
so for now i'll give SOE 1 last chance .... sort the issues that people have been telling you for months and months or its time to start thinking about merging servers and making some of those new staff redundant ! for now ill take mini breaks to play 1st person shooter games knowing for the time being i can log back into the SWG universe and have fun !
/tiphat pingo
think youve summed it up... been on the game since November 2003 (euro server start) ... I still find the game enjoyable but thats more down to the guild im in on my server.... think the guild has kept me in the game longer than i expected .... always things to do, we still group and do stuff together which is nice... also can log on amd do nothing but mess about / have fun .
I dont have too much of a problem with the jedis, im not one myself as im a BH/pistols but they need to sort the combat upgrade out as there are 1 or 2 uber profs ingame and alot of the more interesting profs are too weak to play (like mine) ... worst bit is that your armour has all resists apart from Lightsaber and as a ranged you cant hit a jedi as his sabre blocks all your shots ? but what can you do there supposed to be the uberest prof ingame and apart from some wellknown melee templates (which most people are) you dont have even the slimist chance !
my main issues are PVP uber DOT weapons ruining things, Combat medic / rifles hitting you with a mind poisen then sniper shotting you dead in about 5 secs and TKM knocking you down so you cant get back up and killing you...
also not enuff content apart from what you make yourself theres not much left ..... i think ive missed alot of what happend with afk hologrind as i just stuck to having fun and not bothering with grinding !
saddend me that when your on a medium population server you ride to anchorhead and its dead... But I remember when the game was great grouping in coronet with 20 peeps hitting sharnaffs, mass pvp think the most we had was 120+ rebels attacking a player citys bases ... the lag was horrid but it rocked !
so for now i'll give SOE 1 last chance .... sort the issues that people have been telling you for months and months or its time to start thinking about merging servers and making some of those new staff redundant ! for now ill take mini breaks to play 1st person shooter games knowing for the time being i can log back into the SWG universe and have fun !
the developers in SOE are always cocky, always taking their own sweet time.
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