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Ok this is going to be kinda long winded and it's going to need some veteran EQ2 answers :P sorry for any spelling mistakes in advance. Answer as many or as few questions as you like, any help is seriously appreciated, FAQ's and forums dont give as much detail as I'd like and mostly don't answer my questoins. I am an end game competitive raider / pvper on WoW and considering a move to EQ2. So i have many questions here i go!
1. In WoW raiding is at a decent difficulty for normal raiders to experience every encounter, and then has heroic modes for serious raiders. What is it like in EQ? Does everyone generally clear everything? Are there hard modes of encounters? Do guilds compete for first kills on servers / worldwide? How often is new raid content released? How large are raid groups? How many of each role of class does each raid group posess? (Tank / healer / dps). How often can you complete raids? Rate for difficulty out of 10 and fun out of 10 for raiding in EQ please.
2. How long would it take to reach level 90 roughly?
3. Is Nagafen the only pvp server? Is there top end raiding on that server? Are there EU servers because I only saw them based in the US? What is pvp about in EQ? Do you get the best pvp gear by doing well in pvp? Or do you just accumulate better pvp gear over time regardless of skill? Are there different kinds of gear at all? (PvE / PvP). Is the PvP 'good' in your opinions? Can you walk into an opposing factions city and attack other people? Is there world pvp? Can high level players kill low level players? Do you turn pvp on and off? What level do you have to be to enter battlegrounds? Are the battlegrounds good? What rewards do they give?
4. How much would I lose out on because of not having big veteran awards in game?
5. Can a new account holder RAF 2 other accounts?
6. Explain IN DETAIL the advantages and disadvantages of each class / profession / race / faction / stats / anything you can think of along those lines.
7. Is solo leveling to 90 an option? Or would it have to be grouped at certain points?
8. How hard is it to secure a place in a top end raiding guild? What is the guild system like?
9. Mention any details of the game I probably won't be aware of / should be aware of / would be interesting to be aware of.
10. What are the best graphics settings like? Is there ever server lag? Do EU players have trouble playing US servers? How much space does the game take up? (all expansions etc)
11. Are there ever queues to log into the game?
12. Where does a raiders gear come from? Primarily boss fights in raids? Trash in raids? Smaller dungeos? Crafted items? Can you enhance your gear in any way like enchanting on WoW? How many items drop per boss? What quality are the drops? What different types of quality are there? I assume serious guilds do have preset raid times like WoW?
13. Anything at all you can think of, tell me please!
Thanks in advance to any and all answers, I might ask more questions if I think of any
EQ2 fan sites
Ask less questions, go play the game. Answers above.
For class info and raid progression, go to it's where the majority of serious players post. enter at your own risk, ask stupid questions and you WILL get flamed. if you're under 18, don't go. you've been warmed.
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
Currently Playing: ESO
How long to get to 90? Its 4 years and counting for me, but Im very casual with this game. Only recently had a itch to level up my toon, so far Im level 57. Not really much time in, I looked and Ive only played 9 days 3 hrs. 187 in AA. havnt been power leveling much.