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I played along time ago but gave my account to my brother shortly after BC. (he got it permanently banned somehow).
But I've been considering coming back.
I was originally on the Illidan server, is this still a good server to start new on?
also, are there any mechanics for new accounts to level faster since the game is so old and theres so much to catch up to?
Has the world been altered yet or is that waiting for the new expansion?
Have the talent tree's for the new expansion already been altered?
are the battlegrounds at cap level actually exciting now? (Av, CF and AB were boring IMO)
are there any new class's going to be released like the death knight was?
can any of the base class's stand toe to toe with the death knight in pvp?
thanks in advance for any answers.
appreciate the reply and answering the questions. But just for clarification, there is a much faster leveling mechanic for levels 1-80 currently on live? Or did I misinterpret?
and another question I should have asked earlier, at what level do the benefits of wrath of the lich king start? (I'm wondering if i should buy it now or just hold off until later levels when I can expierence the content)
Not a mechanic. Just a change in leveling curve. At this exact moment, classes tend to be OP compared to the vanilla world. When 4.03 releases, it's supposed to balance it back to normal a bit.
You can level through PvP now. It's slower than anything else though.
There's only going to be a leveling curve change for levels 70-80 come Cata I think. Everything else has already been lowered since vanilla.
you rock. thanks again.
You will be unable to play a Death Knight.
Can't access anything in Northrend.
I think that's pretty much it unless someone else can think of something. All the stuff up to level 70 should be nice and open for you.