I want to sell resources in my vendor. so here are the questions:
1.what kind of resources are the greatest needed by players ?
2.how to collect resources by using machine ?what kind of tools should i use?
3.where can i get the best resources?
Wishing u guys can help me! Ty
First start by getting Merchant skills. You definatly want Advertising cause that will allow you to use the Droid's Merchant Barker module so you can spam as much as you like and will never appear on anyone's Ignore list cause people can't ignore a droid Evil isn't it? Then get the Management tree up if you're considering holding more than 100+ items.
Anyways, for the ressources. All ressources are needed. Any metals is needed of any kind. But which stats will depend on who needs it. Since you can't really determine which ressources will spawn every few days, only harvest ressources that has at least 1 of the stats above 900 and at least 1 other stat no less than 700. For example Steel today could have 900 Shock Resistance, 700 Overall Quality but all other stats are below 500. Those are quit good, sell those kind of ressources for 4-10CPU. Star at 4cpu, if you see they are selling like hotcakes, go straight to 10cpu or else people will buy you out cause it's proof there's a lack of ressources for cheap. Any ressources that has 3 stats that are above 800 should be sold at 10cpu or more, no matter what. Anyone will buy your uber ressources for 4-10CPU and sell them double the price you were selling it at.
Avoid Radioactive unless some people ask for it. Don't bother with flora cause most Chefs are so damn rich they harvest their own flora. Chemicals only harvest when there's a great spawn of them.
Make sure you check www.swgcrafts.com to see what's spawning. It's a must-see WWW for any crafter or harvester.
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Stealth - Ambush - Hemorrhage - Sinister Strike x2 - Cold Blood - Eviscerate - Vanish - Preparation - Cold Blood - Ambush - ... you're dead! :P
You need a minimum of business 3 (in the artisan tree) for a vendor and you need a house (doesnt have to be yours but you do need admin rights) to put it in - any other merchant skills might be helpful depending on how many different or varied vendors you want/need or how much advertising you want/need to do for your vendor(s)
As above all resources are needed (some people are either too lazy to mine or lack the skills to locate resources) but higher quality ones will sell for a greater price than lower quality (grinding) resources (also bear in mind there isnt as much grinding as there used to be now the holo grind has ended)
Resources move every 5-8 days IIRC so there isnt a 'best' place to find them at any one time. Interplanetary survey droids will tell you what resouces are on what planets but you still have to go and get a sample (or put down a harvester) to find out how good it is (sometimes a named resource will be worth alot regardless of its quality depending on which professions need it)
To locate and obtain resources you will need at least novice artisan (higher up the survey tree will speed things up) as well the the appropriate survey tools (or all of them) as well as the appropriate harvesters.
Bear in mind harvesters need power and maint so youre going to need a supply of power (either by purchasing it or harvesting it yourself) and cash before you can get your other harvesters running (power harvesters obviously dont need power themselves only maint).
Then all you need to do is collect the resources from your harvesters (can be tricky if you lack combat skills in some situations/planets) collect the resources and stick them on your vendor as well as watching for resource shifts and relocating your harvesters accordingly (and higher resource concentration lowers the cost per unit to obtain it which either allows you to lower prices to beat competition or make more profit per unit sold)
Hope this helps
There are a few resources that are always in demand by various professions. For example, Architects have an almost insatiable need for Ore - and lots of it - but are normally not willing (or able to) pay more than 2 to 3cpu for it. Shipwrights are the same and require loads of steel, ore, iron, etc for chassis, but again are rarely willing to pay more than 3 or 4 cpu for it.
Most of the ground based crafting professions such as Armoursmiths, Weaponsmiths, etc all use specialist resources such as Duralloy Steels, Kiirium Steels, Duralloy Copper, etc, etc - and they also tend not to need huge amounts of them. Some Schematics require as little as 20units - so 200k of something may last a crafter as long as 6 months before they need anymore.
If you are going to get into the mining business in a big way, start by going to sites like www.swgcraft.com and swg.allakhazam.com and do a bit of research on each crafting professions needs, look at the schematics for the popular selling items, regularly check your galaxies trade forums and the SWG Professions forums. If you have no idea what you are selling, you are going to be wasting your time and your money and will go broke.
One way that a lot of people get started is to post in your galaxies Trade Forum and announce that you are available for contract mining. One of your galaxies crafters will say "hey, this uber resource has spawned, go and dig up 500k of it for me and I'll pay ya 5cpu for it". Do that a few times and you start to build a customer base.
As far as you own skills go, surveying 4 and business 4 on the artisan tree are an absolute must. If you don't have these skills don't go into mining. Simple as that. Also get yourself a good vehicle, a couple of surveying tools ( a mineral, a chem and maybe a gas surveying tool is good to start you off with) and write yourself a good surveying macro that will allow you to ride around, stop, dismount, survey, remount and ride on again. Surveying a planet properly at Survey4 can take you anywhere up to 3 hours (or more). You will also need one house for housing the vendors or for storage (storage is going to be your biggest headache).
A couple of things to bear in mind though. Some resources are best left in a backpack for a month or so to allow for the current supply to get used up. You should always remember that all crafters mine their own resources, and in the event of an uber resource spawning, every one will be mining it which tends to depress the price immediately after it goes away. Never sell resources whilst they are currently in spawn as they will go for a very cheap price. And be aware that the uber stuff you are holding may one day get beaten by a better spawned resource. You are speculating on the resource being worth something to someone at some future date. If you are not comfortable with that, then dont do it.
As far as harvestors go, you will need a Mineral Mining Installation for mining ores, metals and gemstones; You will need a Chemical Harvestor for mining Fibreplast, Lubricating Oil, Polymers and Liquid Petrochems; For mining and type of Gas you will a Gas Harvestor; anything plant based requires a Flora Farm; Waters need a Moisture Unit and you can harvest power (which you will need lots of by the way) by either using a Wind Generator (for Wind energy - not very efficient), a Solar Generator (for Solar Power - more efficient than wind but only marginally) or a Fusion Generator (for radioactives - the better the class the better the power and the most efficient way to power anything).
Harvestors come in 3 flavours - Personals which have a Base Extraction rate of 4, Mediums which often have an extraction rate of 10, and Heavies which often have extraction rates of 13. If you are going hardcore mining, going for BER13 Heavies is the way to go but be prepared to have LOTS of power and LOTS of cash at your disposal. A small fleet of 8 x BER13 Heavy harvestors will cost you about 100k in power, and just over 120k in maintenance a week to run.
There are tons more info I could give you but its best that you go and check the Artisans forum in the main SWG website and start your research now.
One of the best things to harvest is power. Find some radioactive with a high PE and mine the crap out of it. EVERYONE needs power.