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There is some great info on the official website but there are also some interviews that give some additional information:
Sean "Ashen Temper" Dahlberg
Keep up the work work Sean
Six year vet of DAOC here.Might this game offer similar faction conflict gameplay ?
Could you tell us what the combat would be like?(dodging, twitch, auto vs manual aim)
If you cant could you name a game that maybe inspired you combat wise?
It's been a long time since I played DAOC (was on the Merlin server back when it first launched). Is there a particular aspect you're referring to? Overall, yes, Faxion Online is about faction-based conflict between the forces of Heaven and Hell. If there is something particular you're looking for, could you elaborate on the question?
The basic mechanics work like most MMOs; you target an enemy and perform actions. More akin to something like DAOC than DCUO or AO. We do also take some aspects of FPSs in visual displays for information instead of just being info in a chat window. For example, when a character is "blinded", their game screen goes black (minus the UI) for a few moments. When a character is "confused", they aren't rooted in place but instead their movement controls are temporarily scrambled.
And while we don't want combat to be too short (no one likes to be one or two shot killed), we strive to have our combat more akin to fast-paced skirmish gameplay.
- Sean
Sean "Ashen Temper" Dahlberg
Questions FAXION vs DAOC
-will there be a series of keeps and towers to capture ? Will these be held until taken by another faction ?
-will there be siege weaponery ?
-will there be a reward to players killed but no player looting ? full player looting ?
-will the faction conflict area be very large.....large......medium size ?
-DAOC has "relic's" that when captured confer realm wide benefits.Will FAXION ?
-DAOC has battle grounds where faction conflict can occure that are dwsigned for various levels(1-10,11-15,15-19,20-24 etc etc)will players be able to fight in these battle grounds as the level up their characters to the maximum level and the highest conflict area?
DAOC crafting is mindless grind.Will FAXION have crafting ? Will it be deep and meaningful ?
Daoc has housing.Will FAXION ?
DAOC has mounts. Will FAXION...or did I see players with wings ?
How will you try for realm balance ? Players tend to play on the dominant realm and play suffers.That's why a 3rd realm is felt to be important by some.