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Blizzard has announced a change to the way combat resurrections will be handled once World of Warcraft: Cataclysm goes live in December. Resurrections will be one form of resurrection per combat in a 10-man raid, three forms per combat in a 25-man boss raid.
The design for combat resurrection effects has changed a good deal for Cataclysm, and we want to make sure players are clear on how spells like Rebirth and Create Soulstone now function. Rebirth has a 10-minute cooldown and Create Soulstone has a 15-minute cooldown. On raid boss encounters, you can only use one of these combat resurrection spells (so one Rebirth or one Soulstone) per attempt for 10-player raids. For 25-player raids you can use three forms of combat resurrection per raid boss attempt (so three of any combination of Rebirth and Soulstone). The count is incremented as soon as a player accepts a resurrection, so one can always choose not to accept if he or she wants someone else to get the resurrection instead. There is no equivalent of the Sated debuff (which tracks Bloodlust/Heroism usage), but you will get an error message if you try to resurrect too many players, and we might add tracking to our raid interface if there is demand for it. Outside of raid content, you can use as many battle resurrections as you have available.
The discussion is here for those who want to participate. Otherwise, let us know your thoughts on the forums!
So Blizzards way to make things more difficult is to use game mechanics to force players into playing well since they dont get many ressurects, now in a game that is based around attracting the worse game players possible I think this is going to be a pretty funny mechanic, alot of people will atleast ACT like this makes dungeons harder.
Mess with the best, Die like the rest
Wow boss fights are just dumb. Most fights can be done only one way which is boring and stupid. I don't think any boss fight should be easy, but they also should not be so one dimensional either.
I was laughing at a friend this weekend, she wiped 17 times on the lich lord before they gave up. How can that is any fun in any sense of the word?
While wiping does indeed suck major ass, I've had nights full of whiping yet still had fun.
Although WoW is getting more boring every day, things like voice chat make it a lot more fun.
I'm actually playing MMO's for communities these days as original mmos are just hard to come by, and a proper guild in WoW brings life right back into the game. ( which is pretty sad, It should be fun on Its own )
As long as the other players you party with are positive, make plenty of jokes and snide remarks, fun can be had while wiping
Greg Street's concept of making the game more challenging is to make things more annoying and inconvenient. I think part of this is to slow people down since I don't think the content in Cataclysm is going to last that long. The trouble is that a lot of the systems that are being tinkered with to enhance PvP and Raids are impacting the base game and it's just plain not that much fun anymore.
Blizzard's creative well has long since dried up and I suspect that most, if not all, of the devs who worked on the original have moved on, either to other projects or other lines of work. Blizzard has become lazy and, since there are no other games presently for them to copy from, they're showing their own shortcomings.
Time will tell how much of a negative impact putting Ghostcrawler in charge of revamping the whole game will have on WoW's bottom line. I guess it depends on where Vivendi's panic threshold is when the game starts shedding subs. Personally, I don't think the man can design his way out of a paper bag. His development decisions remind me too much of Jack Emmert, who was in way over his head too.
"Soloists and those who prefer small groups should never have to feel like they''re the ones getting the proverbial table scraps, as it were." - Scott Hartsman, Senior Producer, Everquest II
"People love groups. Its a fallacy that people want to play solo all the time." - Scott Hartsman, Executive Producer, Rift
Several friends who are beta testing CATA says Blizzard is doing the same thing that was done in SWG. They are having thier version of New Game Environment + Combat Upgrade all rolled into one.
The main reason they doing this is to APPEASE THE PVP/RAIDING folks who have complained that every class is overpowered.
But since they cannot nerf every thing and expect the majority of the playerbase to stay subscribed, they do the worse thing they can think of and that is to nerf the healers and thier ressurection abilities. Also removing self-healings from the death knights. Nerfed the death knights to a point that they are worthless to play as main tankers (warriors get to be main tankers again).
LOL Artificial difficulty is awesome! Yessir. Best idea evar.
"Forums aren't for intelligent discussion; they're for blow-hards with unwavering opinions."
Hahahaha, "lich lord" awesome stuff. Keep posting please. This is one big reason I won't be returning for Cataclysm. That and I'm hoping GW2 will atleast keep my attention while WoW tanks just a bit more when people realize what a pile of refuse this is.
You don't have to be in the beta to get an idea of which way the wind's blowing here. The homogenization of the classes has been going on for some time and is really apparent in the latest update. Apart from the new races and the 80 - 85 content, most of the "new" stuff will be in the game before Cataclysm releases. I've already cancelled one pre-order. The only reason I'm keeping my order for a Collectors Edition is the fact that those things have a way of becoming scarce. Whether I ever use it or not is another story.
I'm looking at the Sims 3 and Fallout: New Vegas in my game pile right now and wondering why I paid for WoW until the end of the year. That should tell you something.
"Soloists and those who prefer small groups should never have to feel like they''re the ones getting the proverbial table scraps, as it were." - Scott Hartsman, Senior Producer, Everquest II
"People love groups. Its a fallacy that people want to play solo all the time." - Scott Hartsman, Executive Producer, Rift
Well, this is interesting IMO, people will need to play better in order to kill a boss. Should be especially interesting in that 1% of the raid bosses that are actually "hard" and punish the people trying to skip progression (if you haven't noticed that WoW is about raiding progression or arenas as end game, you've got issues, or you're getting achievements or something else that is your subjective end game rather than the end game that will get you as strong as possible).
They should have just updated Bosses move lists with aoe insta kill spells if people rez more than 3 times or w/e. That would make things alot more intresting.
Achiever 20.00%, Explorer 86.67%, Killer 60.00%, Socializer 33.33%
The problem is that every time the monkeys at Blizzard decide to change one element to make it more "challenging" or "fun" for the minimal percentage of their player base who are Raiders or PvPers , they always manage to screw something up in the base game. I think the devs who designed the base game systems are long gone and have been replaced with a crew that has no idea what they're doing and even less where to start. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that all of the recent class changes were made to make things easier for the developers. Only the truly naive could believe that Street and his crew are changing things for the benefit of the players. We had no problems understanding the old system, they did.
"Soloists and those who prefer small groups should never have to feel like they''re the ones getting the proverbial table scraps, as it were." - Scott Hartsman, Senior Producer, Everquest II
"People love groups. Its a fallacy that people want to play solo all the time." - Scott Hartsman, Executive Producer, Rift
Well they just want a game reset , that isn´t something new , people talk about vanillia raiding like it was LEET.
(sorry it was crap) Currently Wotlk raiding is too easy , but wait how many done Yoggsaron ?
And lets say how many done star caller on time ?
Even beter how many % finished heroic Lichking ?
There change to force players to play beter , is a step in the right direction .
But playing beter isn´t the same as wanting to play beter .
Sorry how many people really understand raid encounters , even with all the adons the wowwiki the you tube movies?
We shall see they just ramp up the downtime , the failures to make encounter hard .
The real trick is can people return to 20 min boss fights ?
Before you all say WTF , yes end bosses back in TBC and Vanillia were 20 min business .
I cannot see people paying focus that long , they are all spoiled
Old Players of WoW had no issue dedicated 4-6 hours for raids at night, nowadays people dont want to spend even 2 hours in a raid, WoW has just attracted and kept those kinda players, the only reason I dont want WoW to fail is purely because I dont want the gigantic crap playerbase WoW has built to disperse and flood anything else out or coming out, keep them in their pit of refuse.
Mess with the best, Die like the rest
"Playing better" usually translates to "doing things my way". Perhaps the thing to remember is that this is only a game, a bit of entertainment, not municipal Bomb Squad training. I'm pretty tired of the "make the game harder so people play better" evangelists. People will do what they're capable of, no more, no less. The days of MMOs making it as 2nd jobs (or in some cases, only jobs) are fast disappearing. People just aren't all that interested anymore.
"Soloists and those who prefer small groups should never have to feel like they''re the ones getting the proverbial table scraps, as it were." - Scott Hartsman, Senior Producer, Everquest II
"People love groups. Its a fallacy that people want to play solo all the time." - Scott Hartsman, Executive Producer, Rift
I'm always amazed to see what kind of argument one can throw in just for the sake of WoW bashing.
I don't think this has anything to do with 'making it more difficult'. I think this has much more to do with finding means to prevent raid groups from stacking warlocks, shamans or druids. It's close to the 'buff/debuff slots' changes they implemented in WotLK.
Old philosophy = Let's have 4-6 warlocks, 4 druids and 5 shamans our raid because we want to maximize combat resurrection.
New philosophy = Stacking classes is pointless. Stack your raid with friends instead.
what emhster said ^^
Just to be clear, I am not a "WoW basher". I am a 6-year WoW customer who is more than a little discouraged at the shift in direction taken by the development team. I could care less what goes on inside a raid instance and, frankly, Blizzard shouldn't either. During the Hallows End event, I had my first taste of the hot new "Dungeon Finder". The holiday event could not be done except for a full complement of 1 Tank, 1 Healer, 3 DPS. What is this except game developers telling you how you are going to play the game you pay for?
Anyone besides me remember the original design philosophy of WoW, "bring the player, not the class"? Development is all focused on "Roles" right now, not RPG-type roles, but the role every class plays in a group. If you don't group, don't want to be in a guild, Blizzard is more than happy to take your money while flying a big FU in your face. None of the recent changes are isolated to the instances they're designed for. They affect every other aspect of the game and as a customer, not a fan, I have the right to voice disapproval.
"Soloists and those who prefer small groups should never have to feel like they''re the ones getting the proverbial table scraps, as it were." - Scott Hartsman, Senior Producer, Everquest II
"People love groups. Its a fallacy that people want to play solo all the time." - Scott Hartsman, Executive Producer, Rift
Honestly, it's under Ghostcrawler that they're moving back to the "bring the player" paradigm, where your class and spec is far less important. It's why they've been undermining the "absolutely critical" abilities making certain classes necessary (Arcane Intellect, Mark of the Wild, blessing of kings, bloodlust, damage/crit increasers, battle shout, etc). All these various things have been added to try to make class less important.
The real problem, however, is the game's raid-centric and grind-centric end-game that has absolutely no real substence; that is to say, it exists merely to be redone over and over and over ad naseum for months on end despite being the "same old same old" and "been there, done that" content recycling.
I preferred WoW back when it had no end-game. At least then the game was fun regardless of "progression" through the idiotically time-wasting content. Yes, I'm talking pre-molten-bore days.
<Double face palm>
Moans "Make the bad Ghostcrawler" go AWAY!!...
This is shaping up to be almost as much of an abomination as the NGE was. Every single class has been hammered in order to conform to that fellows twisted "Vision"(tm) of how the game should be played. Only time will tell how many subs this will cost them. It would have been much easier to simply keep PvP and PvE separate. That way they could run through their eternal nerf and buff cycle for their damn e sport, without it spilling over on to the PvE side of the game.
Doesn't anyone else see how this could be a useful mechanic?
I can't tell you how many times I have seen an attempt gone bad, and while trying to be helpful everyone and their dog uses their self rez. Once everyone finally wipes, there is nothing left for the next attempt!
I think that limiting these abilities is not as bad as many people seem to think.
Considering it's taken Blizzard 2 years to come up with 5 levels worth of new content plus blowing up the old world to make it interesting again, they have to do something to try and keep things challenging. I just don't think this is the way to do it.
The real problem is that this lack of content is going to continue to push players away from WoW, and some of them have no business playing MMOs in the first place. They'll migrate to other MMOs, and begin to ruin them, as well. I'm happy with the idiots all playing WoW.
QFT been to long now that raids have been stacked with druids especially. Sometimes i'll raid with 7 druids in party just because of combat rez. Hell whatever right they can fill the roll of any class regardless.
I think it is a good change to be honest. I'm thinking most of the people posting here just want to bash WoW and probably haven't played the game in a while or if at all.
Holy crap. This post sums up this whole thread. This thread is just about combat rezzing.... Yet the tears keep coming. Quite amusing. From the guys who claim to be more mature than the WoW crowd that I do belong to no less. Shame on you! I would of expected this from me, but from you! Shame on you more 'mature' MMORPG'ers!
Well, you might be wrong about some... I've been in since late beta. I have five 80's, and I'm normally not known for "bashing" WoW. But once a certain point is reached, its obvious that someone over there has lost their feeble grasp on reality, and what makes the game fun. Now fun of course is subjective, and different for each player. But having to relearn five entire classes(and waiting for nature to take its inevitable course) is not normally my idea of fun.
But if you have experience with Blizzards antics over the years, you should KNOW that they will not be content with just this. Look for months and months of more "changes" to come after Cata launches. Remember the disaster that happened after the introduction of the death knight class? It was seriously fun to play at launch, but that was then followed by literally months and months of nerfs and changes.
We are very likely to see more of that, only this time with most if not all of the classes. At some point they need to seperate PvP and PvE so that their endless changes in PvP do not continue to spill over into PvE.
Who makes a game with the intention to "attract the worse game players" and what exactly does that even mean? People who don't play themepark games are somehow "better" players than those who do?
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....