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World of Tanks reaches half million active players

Cik_AsalinCik_Asalin Member Posts: 3,033


Wll...since it's still in beta, perhaps their better title would have been 'active "beta" testers'. 

It'sdefinetely not a primary mmo, but can't be worse to fill a third-person shooter part-time void, from time to time, like that of Ace Online, CrimeCraft, or Gloabal Agenda.  And probably cant be any more rediculous to host on as Dance Groove Online or Playboy Manager Online.  But it's interesting to know about none-the-less.

I get the sense that their purchase model/cash shop will be similar to Global Agenda where you can purchase gold for more efficient/less grind-time advancement and flair, but I have to experience it more.

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