In my opinion Aion didn't fail as a game, but it did fail to follow through. I know a lot of people would consider that to be the same thing, but I don't. To put it in a more amusing metaphor I would compare it to getting a hard-on and losing it half-way through intercourse. You got it up, but you weren't able to finish.
I played Aion since Beta and left the game when 2.0 came out. Even when I look at my desktop, has a picture of my Aion character, I still have the urge to jump back in, but I won't because I know it's futile since it can no longer deliver what I want even though I want it to. The game has gone from PvPvE (as they tried to pride themselves on before-hand) to PvE.
If you've seen screenshots or videos you should already be able to tell that the game looks amazing and there really isn't more to say on that.
Voice Acting - bad
Not sure how the other languages are, but the English voice acting is horrible. If I had to guess on the process taken on this it would be that they went to a bus-stop, rounded up some people, and had them read some lines in exchange for a one- month free bus pass.
Character Creation - good
I really liked this about the game. With such in-depth customization I can honestly say even when encountering another player with the same hair-style as mine our facial structures were always noticeably different so I always felt unique.
Launch - bad
I've played a lot of MMO's, but only a few since Launch, so I don't know how often this happens. It was the first time I ever had wait in Queue (thousands) just to log into a game. A lot of the people in the legion I was in as well as other legions (I heard from people I met) left the game because of this.
Lag Issues - average
In the initial part of the game there was a point where you were lagging everywhere, even in areas where you were the only person around. I heard it had to do something with internet providers, but this was resolved within a week or two I believe. But, in MMO time a week or two is a long time to not have fun in a game. Even after this was resolved lag in Fort Sieges was horrible due to the large amount of people on both factions cluttered in one area. Despite my good PC I was disconnecting throughout the entire Siege along with other people and having a large amount of lag. This was also eventually fixed, but I also heard about people leaving the game because of this.
Quests - average
A lot of people complained that there weren't enough quests in this game or that they were very boring. From a personal experience I never had a shortage of quests. I always found there was a quest somewhere that I hadn't done. Some quests didn't appear unless you were the appropiate level so I can only figure that some people rushed through areas too quickly and didn't bother to look back. As far as the quests being boring, well, that's normally been the experience for me in every MMO with small quests. However, my question is how many of those people actually read the quests instead of just clicking the NPC and clicking the accept button? If you haven't noticed I am a fan of every aspect an MMO offers (PvP, PvE, Crafting, Storyline, and any other type of Content really). Anyhow, the little stories they had for the smaller quests were actually way better than any other MMO I've come across so far. But, the actual activity of the quests pretty much fell in the same genre as other MMO's.
Storyline - bad
I recall them mentioning in their interviews several times how the game's story would really draw you in. That is entirely from the truth. The main storyline is bad. Bad like I felt I was just doing another quest.
Crafting - good
This area is more of a preference. My girlfriend (<3) likes Italian food, but I don't. Just like any other MMO you need materials to craft items. However, the crafting has 3 perks which really stood out to me and made it good.
1) Your character memorizes the recipes. You can select the recipe from the your crafting menu and it tells you what materials you need, how many you need, and how many you have. This was a welcome change from having to go to a website to look up a recipe every time I wanted to craft something.
2) I can't tell you how mondain crafting used to be for me. Open Crafting Menu>>Drag Materials>>Click Craft>>1 ingot down....99 to go. Here you just need to Open Crafting Menu>>Select Recipe>>Click Craft ALL! It may take 20 minutes to craft all 99 ingots, but at least you can walk away and go get lunch or watch tv.
3) Crafted Items are Soul Bound meaning they bind to the person who equips them and cannot be resold! It really bites when you craft and item and sell it to someone only to have them resell it later after they out grow it meaning you not only have to compete against other crafters, but yourself as well. I am not stating that Aion came up with this idea, but it is an important factor in Crafting which is one of the foundation blocks of nearly every MMO.
Flying - good
Flying (and espeically flying PvP) was a new experience for me and I think they pulled it off well. My only beef with flying PvP is that melee seemed to be at a disadvantage in the air. If your opponent didn't stand still you would get the "cannot reach the target" when trying to attack. Rangers and Casters had the advantage obviously as they didn't have to stand ontop of someone to attack them. It can be difficult to stay ontop of someone in a 3-d environment as opposed to a 2-d environment(ground). I know a lot of people complained that they wish you could fly everywhere, but I'm glad they didn't do this. It makes flying more enjoyable when you're able to as opposed to doing it non-stop.
PvP - good
My intention is not to offend anyone here, so I apologize if I do so. I believe the PvP was pretty well balanced. Every class had their opposing achille's heel class. Saying that Gear = 80% in PvP is false. if you were to rephrase it by saying Gear MAY EQUAL UP TO 80% in PvP would be a more accurate statement. Otherwise, you are implying that a Lvl 50 player with LvL 1 equipment should be able to defeat another LvL 50 player with LvL 50 equipment. I know that is a large exaggeration, but that''s the point. Gear is meant to be a handicap. How much is determined by you and your opponent. Many things play into the outcome of a PvP battle, but from my experience it is determined by 5 major factors.
1) Gear
2) Skill
3) Your Class vs Opponent's Class
4) Flight or Ground Combat
5) Luck
Faction PvP - bad
In my opinion two areas really dragged the game down and is still doing so...Faction PvP being one of them. Whatever the reason Elyos dominated the majority of the servers. From forum chatter it was my understanding that this frustration, along with lack of Content, caused a decline on the Asmodian side. Good times to be an Elyos, right....wrong. With PvP becoming scarce the game began regressing from PvPvE to PvE. With PvP starting to feel non-existent, along with a lack of content, the Elyos began to feel a decline in population. Now, with a decline on both sides people begin having more trouble to find players to play with leaving them with nothing to do and causing an overall decline in population due to boredom. Dominos.....(this speculation doesn't apply to the Korean side)
Content - bad
Now comes the second area that dragged the game down. Before the game released I was tracking it and chatting on forums. My biggest arguement on the forums was that from what I've seen on the game so far was that it lacked a lot of content. Instances are nice, but when I say content I spoke of Housing, Mounts, Pets, etc and not just Instances. I was quickly flamed, but look what we have here...NCSoft announcing they are adding these very things to the game, though a little too late. They may as well have injected a dead man with morphine. This type of content (housing, etc) is essential early on in an MMO. New instances are nice, but so is a Big Mac and I don't eat that everyday. Being able to change up your activities in a game is nice.
Overall - above average
Overall the game was pretty solid for the most part. Aion did fine in the first 1/2 of 2010, but they failed to follow through on the second half. Good news is it seems like they are working on the areas need to be worked on, but it may be too late. I see it as more of a stumble in 2010 rather than a fail. We'll have to wait and see what 2011 holds. Content is very important in a PvE MMO just as Balance is important in a PvP MMO. Given their constant preaches about Aion being PvPvE it should have been obvious that these two areas were essential. They waited too long to focus their attention on these areas assuming they really cared about keeping interest with the Western Market which I don't think they really cared about. I still have high-praises for this game. I had a lot of fun playing it. Even though I really enjoyed the game, I am reluctant to play again. I need one of two things in an MMO to enjoy it long-term. Aion was able to meet one of them, but eventually lost it.
1) Good storyline. Aion's was horrible. Final Fantasy XI had awesome storylines, in my opinion. I actually looked forward to every expansion not for content, though they did always add good content, but to see what the new adventure was about.
2) Good gameplay (aka PvP and Balanced PvP). Nothing beats the thrill of not knowing what's going to happen. Is he going to fight me to the death? Is he going to run? Is there an assassin coming up behind me in stealth biding his time while I fight this monster? Can I take both these guys on? Aion had this initially, but after its decline in population due to bad Content & Faction PvP Balance it lost it.
Sorry for the rant. I really liked this game and needed to vent.
If I was to compare Aion to anything it would be to that girl that's amazing in bed, but despite your wishes you know you wouldn't marry her.
Anyone who thinks Aion is a failure has a pretty funky idea of failure.
Granted they might not have had the market penetration in the west that they were hoping for but it is still very profitable. The world figures for it are far from bad.
Do I like it? No, but I have to admit calling it a failure is like calling the moon small.
Your PvP order is wrong, This game is Gear then Luck before anything else, nothing like paralyze and silence godstones proc the second someone swings at you.
Aion is nominated for 7 prizes at MMOsite Reader's Choice Awards 2010. However, the result of the current phase shows total failure of Aion. The votes Aion got is laughably few.
Your PvP order is wrong, This game is Gear then Luck before anything else, nothing like paralyze and silence godstones proc the second someone swings at you.
Oops meant to quote Ililmarl.
I got to disagree. I've beaten people who had me out-geared plenty of times as I was gearing up once I hit lvl 50 (max at the time) this being 1v1 truth be told it wasn't easy. Take Chanters for example. I've trampled plenty of them...geared and non-geared. Though there were a few geared and non-geared who knew how to play their character in PvP and could take me down or force me to retreat when I had them matched on gear or had them out-geared.
Or, a Cleric with not the best gear I can beat hands-down on the ground, but in flight-combat I'd always run because I know i didn't stand a chance against him in the air from previous experience. (factor ground vs flight pvp)
Or, a Sorc who was under-geared so his spells didn't pack as much of a bang as other Sorcs, but it was always an up-for-grabs battle because he knew how to handle a gladiator 1v1 with his crowd control spells (factor your class vs opponent's class)
Not to point fingers at you or anything like that, but during my time playing the people who I mainly heard complaining about PvP were people who rarely went rifting and generally only went to the abyss for fort sieges, quests, and fort instance. Their idea of PvP was having a 1v1 duel against the same faction and expecting to be prepared for a real PvP encounter.
By the way, those 5 factors I listed weren't in any order of importance, but I would agree that Gear would be number 1 if I was to list them in order.
Your PvP order is wrong, This game is Gear then Luck before anything else, nothing like paralyze and silence godstones proc the second someone swings at you.
Oops meant to quote Ililmarl.
I do agree that this game is way too RNG dependent.
aion was not a bad game, but they did everthing wrong. the level 1-20 was a completly different game then 20+
and that lame ass beta was to level 20 only so it gave a very very false impresion on how the game realy was.
They talkd about how they tailored this to western market, what i tok out of that was a less grindy game. when i become level 30-40 i became clear that it was not lighter on the grind, but stil i kept on playing it for 6 months since it was actualy better then any other release since wow.
but after the 6months the grind finaly broke me, and Ncwest actualy managed to piss me off(this didt help much). That is new to me as no other company befor or after actualy have managed this
Your PvP order is wrong, This game is Gear then Luck before anything else, nothing like paralyze and silence godstones proc the second someone swings at you.
Oops meant to quote Ililmarl.
I do agree that this game is way too RNG dependent.
Ya got me on the PC savy...what's RNG? My mind keeps referring to Ranger, but that doesn't make sense to me.
Your PvP order is wrong, This game is Gear then Luck before anything else, nothing like paralyze and silence godstones proc the second someone swings at you.
Oops meant to quote Ililmarl.
I do agree that this game is way too RNG dependent.
Ya got me on the PC savy...what's RNG? My mind keeps referring to Ranger, but that doesn't make sense to me.
random nummer generator, everything that has to do with luck more or less.
Oh, definately. This one glad paralyze went off on me at least once on over a dozen encounters that month. I thought he was using some sort of cheat, but eventually they stopped happening that often after that. :P
I used to have the SIlence godstone (5% chance) which was good against all classes, but you could get rid of it with a pot. I switched later to a Paralyze godstone (2% chance) just for the lawls.
Your PvP order is wrong, This game is Gear then Luck before anything else, nothing like paralyze and silence godstones proc the second someone swings at you.
Oops meant to quote Ililmarl.
I got to disagree. I've beaten people who had me out-geared plenty of times as I was gearing up once I hit lvl 50 (max at the time) this being 1v1 truth be told it wasn't easy. Take Chanters for example. I've trampled plenty of them...geared and non-geared. Though there were a few geared and non-geared who knew how to play their character in PvP and could take me down or force me to retreat when I had them matched on gear or had them out-geared.
Or, a Cleric with not the best gear I can beat hands-down on the ground, but in flight-combat I'd always run because I know i didn't stand a chance against him in the air from previous experience. (factor ground vs flight pvp)
Or, a Sorc who was under-geared so his spells didn't pack as much of a bang as other Sorcs, but it was always an up-for-grabs battle because he knew how to handle a gladiator 1v1 with his crowd control spells (factor your class vs opponent's class)
Not to point fingers at you or anything like that, but during my time playing the people who I mainly heard complaining about PvP were people who rarely went rifting and generally only went to the abyss for fort sieges, quests, and fort instance. Their idea of PvP was having a 1v1 duel against the same faction and expecting to be prepared for a real PvP encounter.
By the way, those 5 factors I listed weren't in any order of importance, but I would agree that Gear would be number 1 if I was to list them in order.
I agree with this thoery. There are way more factors in a battle than gear and luck. Flight is an advantage for the casters as ground is a advantage for melee. Do the combatants have pots, scrolls, godstones, or do they know how to counter other classes. I've seen people in mirgent gets owned by people in PVP blues.
The luck thing always gets on my nerves because the random number generator is for EVERYONE not just the people kicking your butt. If you know your class, have the best gear you can get, have pots/scrolls, then luck shouldn't make you lose every fight. Just like in real life luck happens sure sometimes in a game a person might get lucky repeatedly in a fight but so what. At some point you have to blame your loses on yourself. You guys are worst than kids complaining about the game cheating you. Cowboy up!
Fantastic game at launch, terrific reviews, decent graphics, good storyline, many people were talking about Aion being the first real WoW killer (lol).
As time has progressed however the small cracks (twinks, grind, lack of story, lack of content) started to appear and the problems only continued to get worse with the visions trailer, community lip service and complete lack of leadership and poor management of the game and community by the hands of NCSoft and co. The server transfer debacle was horrific for the game and is still being felt today, ever since the game has never been (and may never again be) the same.
I don't know where people get their sub numbers from (afaik NCSoft don't release them) but the last time I was on during prime time on my server there were 20 clerics (main healing class) from all levels. Good luck running an instance (Aion instances are not aoe and pray like WoW) with that..
Today I received some spam from NCSoft that Aion will soon be running a reactivation for both L2 and Aion soon. Might log on again and say hi to anyone I know who is still left playing and hasn't either quit already or sold their accounts.
Think your post pretty much nails it.
I enjoyed Aion at launch it was a bit grindy but nothing unfixable with a bit of additional content that it took them a full year to get to game (still not enough IMO)
Vision trailer - the 2nd biggest clusterf**k in MMO history whichever CM/PR idiot thought lets release that wants shot, Vision trailer was how Aion SHOULD have launched all it did was show the players hey this is the game you should have had rather than the low on content with absolutely no need to socialise features it launched with.
Aion had potetnial it really did and twinks pvp etc don't bother me nor does the grind to a degree I just believe MMO's should encourage solcialisation and Aion's handful of dungeons and far worse XP for actually running them with little to zero reward all but killed grouping.
Final nail in the coffin was the server transfer cluster****, I still sub i still play odd occasions just to have a chat with the legion mates I made who are planning on heading to GW2 doubtful Aion will ever win me back now though.
Fantastic game at launch, terrific reviews, decent graphics, good storyline, many people were talking about Aion being the first real WoW killer (lol).
As time has progressed however the small cracks (twinks, grind, lack of story, lack of content) started to appear and the problems only continued to get worse with the visions trailer, community lip service and complete lack of leadership and poor management of the game and community by the hands of NCSoft and co. The server transfer debacle was horrific for the game and is still being felt today, ever since the game has never been (and may never again be) the same.
I don't know where people get their sub numbers from (afaik NCSoft don't release them) but the last time I was on during prime time on my server there were 20 clerics (main healing class) from all levels. Good luck running an instance (Aion instances are not aoe and pray like WoW) with that..
Today I received some spam from NCSoft that Aion will soon be running a reactivation for both L2 and Aion soon. Might log on again and say hi to anyone I know who is still left playing and hasn't either quit already or sold their accounts.
Think your post pretty much nails it.
I enjoyed Aion at launch it was a bit grindy but nothing unfixable with a bit of additional content that it took them a full year to get to game (still not enough IMO)
Vision trailer - the 2nd biggest clusterf**k in MMO history whichever CM/PR idiot thought lets release that wants shot, Vision trailer was how Aion SHOULD have launched all it did was show the players hey this is the game you should have had rather than the low on content with absolutely no need to socialise features it launched with.
Aion had potetnial it really did and twinks pvp etc don't bother me nor does the grind to a degree I just believe MMO's should encourage solcialisation and Aion's handful of dungeons and far worse XP for actually running them with little to zero reward all but killed grouping.
Final nail in the coffin was the server transfer cluster****, I still sub i still play odd occasions just to have a chat with the legion mates I made who are planning on heading to GW2 doubtful Aion will ever win me back now though.
The new expansion really improved on the grouping by increasing xp and drop rates. So this is really a dead complaint. I think NCsoft knows its mistakes and is working on them.
Fantastic game at launch, terrific reviews, decent graphics, good storyline, many people were talking about Aion being the first real WoW killer (lol).
As time has progressed however the small cracks (twinks, grind, lack of story, lack of content) started to appear and the problems only continued to get worse with the visions trailer, community lip service and complete lack of leadership and poor management of the game and community by the hands of NCSoft and co. The server transfer debacle was horrific for the game and is still being felt today, ever since the game has never been (and may never again be) the same.
I don't know where people get their sub numbers from (afaik NCSoft don't release them) but the last time I was on during prime time on my server there were 20 clerics (main healing class) from all levels. Good luck running an instance (Aion instances are not aoe and pray like WoW) with that..
Today I received some spam from NCSoft that Aion will soon be running a reactivation for both L2 and Aion soon. Might log on again and say hi to anyone I know who is still left playing and hasn't either quit already or sold their accounts.
Think your post pretty much nails it.
I enjoyed Aion at launch it was a bit grindy but nothing unfixable with a bit of additional content that it took them a full year to get to game (still not enough IMO)
Vision trailer - the 2nd biggest clusterf**k in MMO history whichever CM/PR idiot thought lets release that wants shot, Vision trailer was how Aion SHOULD have launched all it did was show the players hey this is the game you should have had rather than the low on content with absolutely no need to socialise features it launched with.
Aion had potetnial it really did and twinks pvp etc don't bother me nor does the grind to a degree I just believe MMO's should encourage solcialisation and Aion's handful of dungeons and far worse XP for actually running them with little to zero reward all but killed grouping.
Final nail in the coffin was the server transfer cluster****, I still sub i still play odd occasions just to have a chat with the legion mates I made who are planning on heading to GW2 doubtful Aion will ever win me back now though.
The new expansion really improved on the grouping by increasing xp and drop rates. So this is really a dead complaint. I think NCsoft knows its mistakes and is working on them.
If anything the increased drops made it worse as people don;t bother with them once they have their shinies.
All that was needed was a increase in XP to make dungeons worthwhile whilst having a chance of reward to still keep people trying and trying. By introducing heightened drops they simply rebroke what the XP would have fixed.
Fantastic game at launch, terrific reviews, decent graphics, good storyline, many people were talking about Aion being the first real WoW killer (lol).
As time has progressed however the small cracks (twinks, grind, lack of story, lack of content) started to appear and the problems only continued to get worse with the visions trailer, community lip service and complete lack of leadership and poor management of the game and community by the hands of NCSoft and co. The server transfer debacle was horrific for the game and is still being felt today, ever since the game has never been (and may never again be) the same.
I don't know where people get their sub numbers from (afaik NCSoft don't release them) but the last time I was on during prime time on my server there were 20 clerics (main healing class) from all levels. Good luck running an instance (Aion instances are not aoe and pray like WoW) with that..
Today I received some spam from NCSoft that Aion will soon be running a reactivation for both L2 and Aion soon. Might log on again and say hi to anyone I know who is still left playing and hasn't either quit already or sold their accounts.
Think your post pretty much nails it.
I enjoyed Aion at launch it was a bit grindy but nothing unfixable with a bit of additional content that it took them a full year to get to game (still not enough IMO)
Vision trailer - the 2nd biggest clusterf**k in MMO history whichever CM/PR idiot thought lets release that wants shot, Vision trailer was how Aion SHOULD have launched all it did was show the players hey this is the game you should have had rather than the low on content with absolutely no need to socialise features it launched with.
Aion had potetnial it really did and twinks pvp etc don't bother me nor does the grind to a degree I just believe MMO's should encourage solcialisation and Aion's handful of dungeons and far worse XP for actually running them with little to zero reward all but killed grouping.
Final nail in the coffin was the server transfer cluster****, I still sub i still play odd occasions just to have a chat with the legion mates I made who are planning on heading to GW2 doubtful Aion will ever win me back now though.
The new expansion really improved on the grouping by increasing xp and drop rates. So this is really a dead complaint. I think NCsoft knows its mistakes and is working on them.
If anything the increased drops made it worse as people don;t bother with them once they have their shinies.
All that was needed was a increase in XP to make dungeons worthwhile whilst having a chance of reward to still keep people trying and trying. By introducing heightened drops they simply rebroke what the XP would have fixed.
they had to increase the drops. It's one thing to entice people to run the dungeon with limited drops but when you run the place 50 times and nothing except crafting mats drop, well that's a bit extreme.
I might be interested in giving it another go. Firstly...
Is PvP still mandatory? If yes, is it balanced? What i mean by balanced, is Guild Wars balanced, where gear doesn't make you God, like in Warcraft.
short answer NO
Longer answer - Aion is very gear dependant and whilst skill can play a part theres a certain tipping point where no matter how skillful you are you will get pasted by someone facerolling there keyboard if they have the right gear. Throw in the RNG factor and the fact that any player a few levels above you you simply won't hit then pvp is dead till end game and only then will you be off any real use once you are geared.
Rifting still exists so you will meet PVP at some point there is no real way to avoid it but you can move area's not go to abyss etc if you really wanted to avoid PVP.
Well the gank squads have started again. I could have predicted this when they did the last update. Hey I really don't mind though. It does not hurt the exp and I just post a message and some lvl 55 goes out and steamrolls them. Nezekan server is on life support and I think another merge is going to happen.
Over 4 million players... doesn't sound like a failure to me. the fact that YOU don't like it doesn't matter to me, nor to NC Soft.
Aion is a largely successful MMO. Its not as successful in NA as it is in Korea or even EU but as a whole its very successful.
In my opinion Aion didn't fail as a game, but it did fail to follow through. I know a lot of people would consider that to be the same thing, but I don't. To put it in a more amusing metaphor I would compare it to getting a hard-on and losing it half-way through intercourse. You got it up, but you weren't able to finish.
I played Aion since Beta and left the game when 2.0 came out. Even when I look at my desktop, has a picture of my Aion character, I still have the urge to jump back in, but I won't because I know it's futile since it can no longer deliver what I want even though I want it to. The game has gone from PvPvE (as they tried to pride themselves on before-hand) to PvE.
Here's a humorous video some made about Aion during beta. Aion Unbiased Review
Graphics - good
If you've seen screenshots or videos you should already be able to tell that the game looks amazing and there really isn't more to say on that.
Voice Acting - bad
Not sure how the other languages are, but the English voice acting is horrible. If I had to guess on the process taken on this it would be that they went to a bus-stop, rounded up some people, and had them read some lines in exchange for a one- month free bus pass.
Character Creation - good
I really liked this about the game. With such in-depth customization I can honestly say even when encountering another player with the same hair-style as mine our facial structures were always noticeably different so I always felt unique.
Launch - bad
I've played a lot of MMO's, but only a few since Launch, so I don't know how often this happens. It was the first time I ever had wait in Queue (thousands) just to log into a game. A lot of the people in the legion I was in as well as other legions (I heard from people I met) left the game because of this.
Lag Issues - average
In the initial part of the game there was a point where you were lagging everywhere, even in areas where you were the only person around. I heard it had to do something with internet providers, but this was resolved within a week or two I believe. But, in MMO time a week or two is a long time to not have fun in a game. Even after this was resolved lag in Fort Sieges was horrible due to the large amount of people on both factions cluttered in one area. Despite my good PC I was disconnecting throughout the entire Siege along with other people and having a large amount of lag. This was also eventually fixed, but I also heard about people leaving the game because of this.
Quests - average
A lot of people complained that there weren't enough quests in this game or that they were very boring. From a personal experience I never had a shortage of quests. I always found there was a quest somewhere that I hadn't done. Some quests didn't appear unless you were the appropiate level so I can only figure that some people rushed through areas too quickly and didn't bother to look back. As far as the quests being boring, well, that's normally been the experience for me in every MMO with small quests. However, my question is how many of those people actually read the quests instead of just clicking the NPC and clicking the accept button? If you haven't noticed I am a fan of every aspect an MMO offers (PvP, PvE, Crafting, Storyline, and any other type of Content really). Anyhow, the little stories they had for the smaller quests were actually way better than any other MMO I've come across so far. But, the actual activity of the quests pretty much fell in the same genre as other MMO's.
Storyline - bad
I recall them mentioning in their interviews several times how the game's story would really draw you in. That is entirely from the truth. The main storyline is bad. Bad like I felt I was just doing another quest.
Crafting - good
This area is more of a preference. My girlfriend (<3) likes Italian food, but I don't. Just like any other MMO you need materials to craft items. However, the crafting has 3 perks which really stood out to me and made it good.
1) Your character memorizes the recipes. You can select the recipe from the your crafting menu and it tells you what materials you need, how many you need, and how many you have. This was a welcome change from having to go to a website to look up a recipe every time I wanted to craft something.
2) I can't tell you how mondain crafting used to be for me. Open Crafting Menu>>Drag Materials>>Click Craft>>1 ingot down....99 to go. Here you just need to Open Crafting Menu>>Select Recipe>>Click Craft ALL! It may take 20 minutes to craft all 99 ingots, but at least you can walk away and go get lunch or watch tv.
3) Crafted Items are Soul Bound meaning they bind to the person who equips them and cannot be resold! It really bites when you craft and item and sell it to someone only to have them resell it later after they out grow it meaning you not only have to compete against other crafters, but yourself as well. I am not stating that Aion came up with this idea, but it is an important factor in Crafting which is one of the foundation blocks of nearly every MMO.
Flying - good
Flying (and espeically flying PvP) was a new experience for me and I think they pulled it off well. My only beef with flying PvP is that melee seemed to be at a disadvantage in the air. If your opponent didn't stand still you would get the "cannot reach the target" when trying to attack. Rangers and Casters had the advantage obviously as they didn't have to stand ontop of someone to attack them. It can be difficult to stay ontop of someone in a 3-d environment as opposed to a 2-d environment(ground). I know a lot of people complained that they wish you could fly everywhere, but I'm glad they didn't do this. It makes flying more enjoyable when you're able to as opposed to doing it non-stop.
PvP - good
My intention is not to offend anyone here, so I apologize if I do so. I believe the PvP was pretty well balanced. Every class had their opposing achille's heel class. Saying that Gear = 80% in PvP is false. if you were to rephrase it by saying Gear MAY EQUAL UP TO 80% in PvP would be a more accurate statement. Otherwise, you are implying that a Lvl 50 player with LvL 1 equipment should be able to defeat another LvL 50 player with LvL 50 equipment. I know that is a large exaggeration, but that''s the point. Gear is meant to be a handicap. How much is determined by you and your opponent. Many things play into the outcome of a PvP battle, but from my experience it is determined by 5 major factors.
1) Gear
2) Skill
3) Your Class vs Opponent's Class
4) Flight or Ground Combat
5) Luck
Faction PvP - bad
In my opinion two areas really dragged the game down and is still doing so...Faction PvP being one of them. Whatever the reason Elyos dominated the majority of the servers. From forum chatter it was my understanding that this frustration, along with lack of Content, caused a decline on the Asmodian side. Good times to be an Elyos, right....wrong. With PvP becoming scarce the game began regressing from PvPvE to PvE. With PvP starting to feel non-existent, along with a lack of content, the Elyos began to feel a decline in population. Now, with a decline on both sides people begin having more trouble to find players to play with leaving them with nothing to do and causing an overall decline in population due to boredom. Dominos.....(this speculation doesn't apply to the Korean side)
Content - bad
Now comes the second area that dragged the game down. Before the game released I was tracking it and chatting on forums. My biggest arguement on the forums was that from what I've seen on the game so far was that it lacked a lot of content. Instances are nice, but when I say content I spoke of Housing, Mounts, Pets, etc and not just Instances. I was quickly flamed, but look what we have here...NCSoft announcing they are adding these very things to the game, though a little too late. They may as well have injected a dead man with morphine. This type of content (housing, etc) is essential early on in an MMO. New instances are nice, but so is a Big Mac and I don't eat that everyday. Being able to change up your activities in a game is nice.
Overall - above average
Overall the game was pretty solid for the most part. Aion did fine in the first 1/2 of 2010, but they failed to follow through on the second half. Good news is it seems like they are working on the areas need to be worked on, but it may be too late. I see it as more of a stumble in 2010 rather than a fail. We'll have to wait and see what 2011 holds. Content is very important in a PvE MMO just as Balance is important in a PvP MMO. Given their constant preaches about Aion being PvPvE it should have been obvious that these two areas were essential. They waited too long to focus their attention on these areas assuming they really cared about keeping interest with the Western Market which I don't think they really cared about. I still have high-praises for this game. I had a lot of fun playing it. Even though I really enjoyed the game, I am reluctant to play again. I need one of two things in an MMO to enjoy it long-term. Aion was able to meet one of them, but eventually lost it.
1) Good storyline. Aion's was horrible. Final Fantasy XI had awesome storylines, in my opinion. I actually looked forward to every expansion not for content, though they did always add good content, but to see what the new adventure was about.
2) Good gameplay (aka PvP and Balanced PvP). Nothing beats the thrill of not knowing what's going to happen. Is he going to fight me to the death? Is he going to run? Is there an assassin coming up behind me in stealth biding his time while I fight this monster? Can I take both these guys on? Aion had this initially, but after its decline in population due to bad Content & Faction PvP Balance it lost it.
Sorry for the rant. I really liked this game and needed to vent.
If I was to compare Aion to anything it would be to that girl that's amazing in bed, but despite your wishes you know you wouldn't marry her.
Anyone who thinks Aion is a failure has a pretty funky idea of failure.
Granted they might not have had the market penetration in the west that they were hoping for but it is still very profitable. The world figures for it are far from bad.
Do I like it? No, but I have to admit calling it a failure is like calling the moon small.
Your PvP order is wrong, This game is Gear then Luck before anything else, nothing like paralyze and silence godstones proc the second someone swings at you.
Oops meant to quote Ililmarl.
as compared to what? It seems it has the most votes as compared to final fantasy xi and lineage 2. It's completely rolling Age of Conan.
Is there a game that is doing leagues better? There must be but I can't seem to find one.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
I got to disagree. I've beaten people who had me out-geared plenty of times as I was gearing up once I hit lvl 50 (max at the time) this being 1v1 truth be told it wasn't easy. Take Chanters for example. I've trampled plenty of them...geared and non-geared. Though there were a few geared and non-geared who knew how to play their character in PvP and could take me down or force me to retreat when I had them matched on gear or had them out-geared.
Or, a Cleric with not the best gear I can beat hands-down on the ground, but in flight-combat I'd always run because I know i didn't stand a chance against him in the air from previous experience. (factor ground vs flight pvp)
Or, a Sorc who was under-geared so his spells didn't pack as much of a bang as other Sorcs, but it was always an up-for-grabs battle because he knew how to handle a gladiator 1v1 with his crowd control spells (factor your class vs opponent's class)
Not to point fingers at you or anything like that, but during my time playing the people who I mainly heard complaining about PvP were people who rarely went rifting and generally only went to the abyss for fort sieges, quests, and fort instance. Their idea of PvP was having a 1v1 duel against the same faction and expecting to be prepared for a real PvP encounter.
By the way, those 5 factors I listed weren't in any order of importance, but I would agree that Gear would be number 1 if I was to list them in order.
I do agree that this game is way too RNG dependent.
aion was not a bad game, but they did everthing wrong. the level 1-20 was a completly different game then 20+
and that lame ass beta was to level 20 only so it gave a very very false impresion on how the game realy was.
They talkd about how they tailored this to western market, what i tok out of that was a less grindy game. when i become level 30-40 i became clear that it was not lighter on the grind, but stil i kept on playing it for 6 months since it was actualy better then any other release since wow.
but after the 6months the grind finaly broke me, and Ncwest actualy managed to piss me off(this didt help much). That is new to me as no other company befor or after actualy have managed this
Ya got me on the PC savy...what's RNG? My mind keeps referring to Ranger, but that doesn't make sense to me.
random nummer generator, everything that has to do with luck more or less.
Oh, definately. This one glad paralyze went off on me at least once on over a dozen encounters that month. I thought he was using some sort of cheat, but eventually they stopped happening that often after that. :P
I used to have the SIlence godstone (5% chance) which was good against all classes, but you could get rid of it with a pot. I switched later to a Paralyze godstone (2% chance) just for the lawls.
I agree with this thoery. There are way more factors in a battle than gear and luck. Flight is an advantage for the casters as ground is a advantage for melee. Do the combatants have pots, scrolls, godstones, or do they know how to counter other classes. I've seen people in mirgent gets owned by people in PVP blues.
The luck thing always gets on my nerves because the random number generator is for EVERYONE not just the people kicking your butt. If you know your class, have the best gear you can get, have pots/scrolls, then luck shouldn't make you lose every fight. Just like in real life luck happens sure sometimes in a game a person might get lucky repeatedly in a fight but so what. At some point you have to blame your loses on yourself. You guys are worst than kids complaining about the game cheating you. Cowboy up!
But Mr it cheated i sawz it!
Think your post pretty much nails it.
I enjoyed Aion at launch it was a bit grindy but nothing unfixable with a bit of additional content that it took them a full year to get to game (still not enough IMO)
Vision trailer - the 2nd biggest clusterf**k in MMO history whichever CM/PR idiot thought lets release that wants shot, Vision trailer was how Aion SHOULD have launched all it did was show the players hey this is the game you should have had rather than the low on content with absolutely no need to socialise features it launched with.
Aion had potetnial it really did and twinks pvp etc don't bother me nor does the grind to a degree I just believe MMO's should encourage solcialisation and Aion's handful of dungeons and far worse XP for actually running them with little to zero reward all but killed grouping.
Final nail in the coffin was the server transfer cluster****, I still sub i still play odd occasions just to have a chat with the legion mates I made who are planning on heading to GW2 doubtful Aion will ever win me back now though.
The new expansion really improved on the grouping by increasing xp and drop rates. So this is really a dead complaint. I think NCsoft knows its mistakes and is working on them.
If anything the increased drops made it worse as people don;t bother with them once they have their shinies.
All that was needed was a increase in XP to make dungeons worthwhile whilst having a chance of reward to still keep people trying and trying. By introducing heightened drops they simply rebroke what the XP would have fixed.
they had to increase the drops. It's one thing to entice people to run the dungeon with limited drops but when you run the place 50 times and nothing except crafting mats drop, well that's a bit extreme.
I might be interested in giving it another go. Firstly...
Is PvP still mandatory? If yes, is it balanced? What i mean by balanced, is Guild Wars balanced, where gear doesn't make you God, like in Warcraft.
short answer NO
Longer answer - Aion is very gear dependant and whilst skill can play a part theres a certain tipping point where no matter how skillful you are you will get pasted by someone facerolling there keyboard if they have the right gear. Throw in the RNG factor and the fact that any player a few levels above you you simply won't hit then pvp is dead till end game and only then will you be off any real use once you are geared.
Rifting still exists so you will meet PVP at some point there is no real way to avoid it but you can move area's not go to abyss etc if you really wanted to avoid PVP.
Well the gank squads have started again. I could have predicted this when they did the last update. Hey I really don't mind though. It does not hurt the exp and I just post a message and some lvl 55 goes out and steamrolls them. Nezekan server is on life support and I think another merge is going to happen.